Getting things done

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The week after the desk incident, the bullying seemed to calm down. Maybe even they knew they had gone to far. You were a bit anxious for a while after that. You started making packed lunches to not leave your desk. But as the week went on nothing happened. You started to get more comfortable again.

It was Friday and you were running late to school. You had accidentally slept past your alarm and forgot to pack yourself a lunch. Luckily you made it into the school, just before they closed the front gate. When you got to your shoe locker, you found your shoes missing.

You looked and they were sitting neatly on top of all the trash. Inside one shoe was a folded note. You opened it and read what it said. "Playtime is over." You groaned and put on your school shoes. Quickly you rushed into class and sat next to Seto.

Class began as soon as you sat down. Classes went on as usual and eventually lunch came about. In your rush to leave this morning you forgot your lunch at home. You were starving but you were still a bit nervous to leave your desk for lunch.

"Forgot your lunch at home?" Seto asked.

"Yeah. I was in a bit of a hurry this morning." You responded.

"Well, let's go to the cafeteria." He said as he started to get up.

"Actually, my stomach hurts a bit." You lied.

He eyed you, suspiciously. You could tell he wasn't believing you, but he sat back down.

"I started to feel a little funny this morning and now I'm not feeling all that well. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." You explained.

Quickly you got up and made your way to the bathroom. You berated yourself a bit over how stupid you sounded. Hopefully it was convincing to Seto. Since he was in the classroom, you knew your stuff would be safe if you left.

When you entered the bathroom, you went into a stall and sat there for a while. You can't just avoid leaving your desk forever. You don't want some fangirls ruining your last year of school either. Then again you still weren't able to find out the names of the girls either. You sat there and contemplated what to do.

While there, you heard someone enter the bathroom. You stayed quiet and decided to wait for whoever it was to leave. You listened in and it was just a couple of girls talking to each other in hushed voices. You ignored them and went back to thinking.

After some time, you decided it was time to go back to the class. You could just skip lunch today and just make sure to bring a lunch with you every day. You try to open the door and it won't open. You try the lock and opening it several more times before you call out for help.

When you called out you heard girls bursting out in laughter. You climbed to the top of the stall to peak over, and you saw the Kaiba club. Motherfuckers. You climbed back down and tried to open the door again.

"Let me out!" You demand.

You hear them laugh again before they voices slowly faded away. Of course, they wouldn't let you out. You keep trying the door with no luck. Whatever they did to keep the door closed it wouldn't budge.

You climbed to look over the door again. This time you wanted to see what was holding it in place. Maybe you could get it unstuck on your own. To your dismay they had tied the outside doorknob to another door across from you. So, no matter how much you pulled on the door it wouldn't open unless someone outside set you free.

For the time being, you were stuck there. Hopefully someone would come into the bathroom and see the predicament you're in. That's when you remembered your phone. Thank God for technology.

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