Chapter 50 ❆ Preparations

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The acknowledgement ceremony was not that eventful. It was interesting getting to see the faces beyond the mask. To my surprise, however, no one in the top five actually showed their faces. Maun, me, Black Flame, Mushroom Soup, and Defiant Soul—all remained anonymous to the disappointment of the audience. Eren did not take off her mask either, but there were many others who had come forward to reveal their identities.

The highlight of the whole thing was, of course, like its name, the acknowledgement part. Taking part in the ceremony, I stood before the Abbot and performed the ritual for taking in a master. Black Flame's choice was a little surprising...he actually went with Master Sen, the rather talkative monk. Defiant Soul went on to acknowledge someone I wasn't familiar with yet, but he was a lanky-looking monk with the longest beard of the lot. Mushroom Soup took on the same master as me, which meant that we were like siblings within this particular context.

Maun, of course, went with the choice he told me before starting—Master Myrrh.

Apparently, Master Myrrh didn't usually accept disciples. Maun would be the first one in seven years.

There were only five candidates each year which they could accept into their tutelage, so this tidbit came a bit surprising to me. Master Myrrh might look like a wreck, but it seemed his standards were very high. And if he could act that way, he must have the ability to back it up. Then again, the situation might be very different from what I was imagining.

Now that the admission into the Temple as a disciple was over, I could now focus on the things that I have been putting off until now.

Firstly, I really wanted to start the perfume shop from before. I did not know much about business, but I had some tricks with marketing due to my knowledge of my previous world. Next, there was that matter I promised with Elion. Since Amber's goal was to go back to Vertvalden in a few years, perhaps I could brush up on my knowledge about the place in order to be prepared for when that time actually came. I planned to establish some network and gather some information about the state of things on the other side of the world and I reckoned Papi, with his ship and all, would be the best person to start.

And while preparations were underway, I would continue my studies in the Temple in order to hone my skills. Considering how tricky the element of death was to control, and being the first known person in history to actually have it for an ability, I ought to start figuring out how to control it right away.

Lastly...the matter with Vertvalden. Despite all the things in my agenda, I had to have some considerations with my plan for redemption. Of course, with my mistresses around, they would most certainly have movements and plans of their own—plans which I wasn't ready to know just yet. Hopefully, sometime in the future, they would include me in their agendas. I needed to bring my mother's death to justice.

But everything...well, those things were not going to happen anytime soon. But I was certain I would be settling matters here in Erindal before I went on to my quest to Vertvalden.

For now, the shop.

I needed to open the shop. I needed money.

Of course, I had some, and I wasn't exactly lacking, but if I were to prepare for my bigger quests, I would be needing a lot more of it. The more, the better. My mistresses had set aside some funds for me, but I doubt it would be enough. Cleansing the other half of the world from...otherworldly beings? Yup. Sounded like massive expenditure to me.

"We'll be going our separate ways, then. We'll meet you back here later when we're done," Mistress Kora told us with a wink. "Be prepared to be surprised!"

Maun intended to follow us, but Mistress Kora pulled him with them. "You're coming with us, darling. You need a haircut too." He then whisked away Eren, who was in near tears, and Maun, who had a look of unwillingness. "Oh. Stop it. You'll see Evy later. You little koala."

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