Chapter 75 ❆ Erraléna

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I decided not to worry too much about the Abbot. Although it might be a little cold of me, he was trying to put up a strong front earlier...and I had to respect that. I think he was doing it for my sake. Not to mention the pride that must shatter should I say anything about that.

Then again, I could be wrong...but I could also probably discreetly inquire later about how he was doing. Just in case my help was needed.

I sighed.

We walked down the paged path that let out of the Temple when I realized one detail I nearly missed.

"Amber," I said. "Amber, you there?"

An irritated voice rang by my ear. "What now, little aberrant?"

"My master..."

"Ah, that old man is fine," he said carelessly. "You really calling on me for this? I'm not your lackey, you know. There's a limit to how many things I ought to do for you."

"Oh. Are you sure he'll be okay?"

"Those monks have their means."

"I'm one of them now."

"You monks have your means. Now shut up and don't disturb me. It's hard to maintain communication. It consumes so much energy, so I would like it if you don't call upon me casually. Do it only when there's emergency."

It seemed this guy was in a bad mood. I don't get it. He acts like I call on him all the time. He usually came forward first!

I sighed. "Sorry, alright. Then go rest."

"When were you so considerate?"

"I can be the total opposite now."


Having more or less confirmed the situation of my master, I left the Temple with ease. But I set aside some agenda and decided I would bring something back for the Abbot, like probably some cookies or soft bread. Maybe cake. I felt a little guilty. Although this wouldn't really do anything much, it would assuage some discomfort on my part. All in all, it was just some selfish self-comfort.

When we arrived at the shop, some if not most of the place have been arranged and fixed according to the instructions I'd left days before. I have ordered customized spray glass bottles in style of my previous world's perfumes, as well as labeling stickers with the marked logo.

River End.

I mean, it wasn't a fancy name, but it encapsulated many aspects of my experiences so far. Besides, I somewhat sucked in naming anything, so while I wasn't exactly satisfied with this half-hearted name, I did not have a lot of energy to think up of another one.

I had the store be divided into two places—the other for common and everyday browsers, and the other for entertaining VIP customers. I was still debating whether to take commissions for customized perfume, but that was if I had time. There was also a third and fourth room in the back. I planned to use one for my workshop and the other for storage.

I would not be present in this store to run it twenty-four-seven, but I could leave a lot of the work on the trusted aides I'd recruited so far. I was confident I could trust everybody, but I should be able to take some precautions with some accounting work done.

The only knowledge of accounting I had was from my economics class, and it wasn't in-depth, so I wasn't sure if I could implement this system well. My mistresses should know about it, though...Maybe they could help?

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