Chapter 27 ❆ Strawberry Milk

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Blackpink's 'The Album' came out today. Just saying go listen 'cuz it's bop.

"It wasn't illegal, right? You yelling from the sides like that?" Eren asked. "I mean, I already lost, so it's not that big of a deal...but you, Evy."

It was her turn to do the cooking, but seeing how she was a little inexperienced in that department, I had to help her with the preparations. We were cutting up the ingredients for a vegetable stir-fry. Mistress Kora had gone out for a moment to bring back a pot he promised we would be using for tonight's meal.

I gazed at Erenol's worried face, then glanced to my side to catch Maun pawing at the ingredients secretly and munching on them.

"Hey!" I slapped his hand. "You keep eating that, we'll have none left before we can even start to cook!" I exclaimed.

He gazed at me, tears rimming his eyes.

"Daw. Don't give me that look. You think you can survive this by acting cute—it ain't happening!" I said.

Erenol giggled.

"Anyway...what were you asking about?"

"The competition and know, what happened a while ago?"

"Oh. I looked over the rulebook. They never said anything about coaching," I said. "And if I violated any rules, they'd have already persecuted me right then and there. But they didn't. In fact, I tried to interpret several passages such as so, but I also looked over and made sure I can counter with some other part that can contradict the claim should it happen. No worries, I got it covered."

Erenol pouted, but she nodded anyway. "Okay. If you say so," she muttered. "How did you know about that, by the way? I mean...about what will happen? Even I can't predict it...probably not even Mistress Veronika."

"Mm..." I trailed off. "Actually...his family style—which sounds like some sort of fried chicken recipe..." I trailed off, "ah, no. Don't mind that. Whatever his family style is, it's kind of...I don't know. Superfluous."

"Super..." Erenol took out an on-hand notebook. "Sorry. I don't think that's in my vocabulary yet. What does that mean?"

"Excessive. Unnecessary."

"Uh...I don't know what excessive means too, but I get"


"Yeah. Context," she whispered. "Hehe. Lovardi is so hard."

"You're doing pretty well, though," I told her. "And you've gotten really good."

"Well, I had time to practice," she said. "Sorry. Continue please."

I sighed. "The main idea was to create an opening for you to dive in and land a punch," I said. "Kicks are proficient in mid-ranged close-combat. Once that distance is crossed, they're not as powerful. And that style of footwork's best defense is its offense...which means keeping the enemy away by attacks secures them too."

"Very good analysis, Evyionne." I looked up and found Mistress Veronika coming over. "Keep it up."

"Thank you, mistress," I said with a smile.

"I've always thought that you had excellent insight, but you somehow always keep yourself quiet," she said.

I turned my gaze to the ground and paused, biting my lip. "I didn't think it was worth hearing..." I trailed off.

"Nonsense," Mistress Veronika said. "You were always like this, ever since you were a child. Speak out your mind more. You've got very bright ideas."

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