Chapter 7 ❆ Reconsidered

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Hello! I apologize for the late update. I just hadn't had the time to write this book at all! I won't give up on this though so please continue supporting! Thank you very much!

Very soon, it was three days later. The testing began mid-morning. Many of the disciple-hopefuls looked very worn out as they strode into the open grounds of the Temple to take the last part of the test. Their faces ranged from all sides of the spectrum—from optimistic to the opposite, doubtful to arrogant.

I had made sure I was well-rested last night. Compared to some knuckleheads, I enjoyed a good sleep despite the pressure. Talk about talent—this was the only thing I could do with my eyes closed. Literally. Even if I could handle a sleepless night or two, nothing would ever stop me from getting at least six hours of sleep.

Erenol was the opposite of me. She hadn't slept a wink being the nervous wreck she usually was. Maun looked weary but was oddly enthusiastic.

In terms of talent and capability, I would not doubt Maun. It was Erenol that I was somewhat worried about. I had faith, nonetheless, that she would come through. This girl was just like that somehow. She whined over every little thing like an annoying biatch, unfortunately. I really wondered when she would get over that.

As I stood there zoning out, the first phase of the final selection process finally begun. A monk stuttered forward with slips of paper in his hand, clearing his throat in front of the crowd. "We will examine you in batches. Due to the limited personnel, we will take some time. Each batch is expected to take one and a half hours at least to be tested. As it is, we will first call the first batch and put up the names of other people who will undergo their tests today and the succeeding days. Each batch has about five people. With over two hundred of you final examinees, it's expected we have forty batches. We can only process six batches per day.

"That being said, please check your names on the papers we will be putting up on this side." He pointed to the wall over to the right. "If you don't see your names there, that most likely means you did not pass the previous tests too. Please don't hassle us with reconsideration. Our decisions are final."

"Alright. The first batch is...Oilen, Kertis, Loúrta, Érant...uh...Pelíran. Please come forward. No one is allowed to spectate until we move to the elimination process."

The first batch of examined moved out from the crowd. They moved forward to heed the call of the monk at the front. There was a bit of commotion once all the candidates were pooled together. The monk seemed displeased. Sometime later, he announced once more, "Any place-swapping is forbidden," he said. "We will know. Once you commit this offense, you and your associate will be banned from taking future tests. And please try not to lose your stones. That automatically means your forfeit your spot."

After everything was straightened out, finally, they were pulled away from the waiting crowd and guided to the back, beyond a few walls and finally out of sight. Some were nervous, others were just neutral. Upon confirming their names and checking their stones, they all made plans and left for the day they were to be tested.

Except for me.

I kept starting at the papers they pasted onto the walls, disbelieving.

"What's wrong?" Maun signed.

"My name...isn't on the list," I said. I then looked at my stone, brows furrowing as I thought of what went wrong that I didn't pass. I simply couldn't believe I didn't. Wasn't I given the booklet with the Movement of the Seven Dragons and told to come back three days later for this? Didn't that automatically guarantee my position, at least? How come I ended up not being included?

"How can that be?" Eren inquired.

I left the announcement wall and walked towards the monk standing at the front. He was cleaning up after everything, sweeping the grounds with a broomstick to gather all fallen leaves into one place.

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