Chapter 31 ❆ Unknowingly Wealthy

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"The first half of the tournament concludes tomorrow," Mistress Veronika said. "Things will pick up from here on out, and you kids will be entering the last phase. You'll be down to the last eight contestants. Three will go, and five will remain."

I anticipated the second half of the tournament, but I wasn't particularly concerned with the fights taking tomorrow. The participants were not people I cared about. Were it not for my somewhat zealous need to monitor each competitor's progress, I would be skipping out on the battles. However, we were due another one-week break after this, so I would have to endure for the meantime.

"I hope you're not too comfortable. Only Maun here can somewhat be at ease, but you'll be up against the Mushroom kid, and from observations, he has some ability."

"I'm not very comfortable," I said. "It's my turn to go up against that Arondite Gayden person."

I threw a casual gaze at Mistress Veronika's face and found her making a complicated expression—it was her stiff, stone-hard face, but the eyes were clearly troubled, and the brows furrowed.

"Mistress, do you know of this Arondite Gayden...or maybe the Gayden clan in general?" I asked softly. I had an inkling it had something to do with that.

Mistress Veronika was silent for a bit. "I'm not familiar with the Gayden clan that well...but they are influential here in Lovarda."

"Lovarda," I repeated. "As in the whole country? Not just this city in particular?"

"They're known as the Wolves of the Empire. Their style in martial arts is prominent for the legwork," she said. "I will tell you now, Evy. The chances of you winning against that child is very low. Not to mention you've caused him to be guarded against you with Eren's incident last time. He will be ruthless and cut you down immediately. You will not have it easy."

Thinking about being massacred on the stage...I was nervous, but I could not help the excitement as well. There was an almost addictive rush with having to come and compete with someone skilled. And I was not very worried about losing to the guy at all. I still have one loss I could use for this round. I was not in dire straits, unlike Erenol.

"I think that's fine," I said. "Will they conclude the tournament once they have the last five people?"

"They will rank you," Mistress Veronika said. "This will help them to further evaluate you. I am certain the second half will be quicker than the first though, so you have no need to worry."

Even if she said that, I was certain the one worrying the most was certainly her.


Meeting up with Elion every night to spar had become routine. I 'practiced' my new language with him too and he seemed impressed with how fast I was 'learning' it. Brushing aside my guilt had become commonplace, but I could not help the nagging conscience that persistently questioned my decisions.

In the end, I had at least lied to everybody so there was no getting past that—I mean, who hadn't?

"You're getting very good, but still far from standard," Elion told me in Sarenilian.

"What matters is progress," I replied in the same tongue, withdrawing to drink some water.

"Do you remember? I wanted to ask you for help before," he said, relaxing as he lowered his gaze.

I downed my water. Drops spilled past my lip, trailing down my neck. I hastened to wipe it away. "Say it."

"Help my people...our people," he said. "I know you aren't too comfortable yet, so I'm not rushing you...but if you can help them, I'll be glad."

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