Chapter 16 ❆ Eren's Round (pt. 2)

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There was no way to know what would be happening next, but I was sure the countdown had begun. If Spring Cloud was unable to retaliate within the next crucial moments, this would be declared as Erenol's win. I looked towards where the monks were seated and found that Master Myrrh had doubled over and was pounding on the banisters from laughter. The other monks were not exempted. They were on the verge of puking out their guts from laughter—and for all to see. Though I wouldn't reckon people would notice considering they were laughing too.

"Look at those monks," I said to Maun who looked into the direction I was looking at. "Can't they be more discreet about what they're feeling? They deserve some finesse as respectable elders of the temple, right?"

Maun grinned. "I'm not sure."

A monk went onstage to pull Erenol back from "beating eggs" much to her discontent. It seemed she still hadn't let go of her hatred and anger that she was even fighting against the monk's restraints.

The host began the count. "Spring Cloud in ten! Nine! Eight! Seven!"

The laughing crowd joined with the countdown as Spring Cloud attempted to rise while cradling his private region. He was on shaky knees and seemed to have enough strength to pursue the fight when Eren's menacing words reverberated on the stage.

"Just try to stand up and that thing won't be able to! Ever!" The psychological pressure and trauma must be very hard to bear. Spring Cloud collapsed on his rear as he met Erenol's menacing grin.

I laughed, not knowing what else to do. "Where did you pick up those things? That little rascal!" I exclaimed. Though I would admit Erenol tended to be a little extreme when it came to those kinds of threats. It was effective, nonetheless.

Then again, considering the place she'd been living in very recently, I had no right to be asking.

"Three! Two! One! Glorious battle! The upset happened too fast and unexpectedly!"

"The table turned too fast," I said. "We should change her alias." I nudged Maun jokingly.

"To what?"

"Egg Beater."

Maun looked at me for a few moments before he snorted under the mask. There was no way to know what was happening under there, but the sound of wheezing coming from him was more than enough to tell me he was laughing. I shrugged. I knew I wasn't always funny, though there were occasional times my jokes hit the bullseye—even if they were dark and inappropriate.

"It's good that that ended quickly," I said. "She could put that towards luck and skill. If it hadn't, she'd be in a worse position. Her opponent was good. If he was allowed to go on, she'd have surely lost."

While it might look cruel—even comical, if Eren hadn't gone in for the kill and did what she had, she'd be in the mercy of her opponent and not the other way around.

She was escorted down the platform while her opponent was carried away on a stretcher. I was expecting the opposite to happen, but this result wasn't very bad either. This fight, while short, had been very memorable.

Maun and I followed Erenol as she was led away to the first aid room different from her opponent's. Her arm was bent in a weird way and was already starting to bruise and swell.

"Good job out there," the monk...oh, wait. It seemed it was a woman. I didn't see it at first because...she'd shaved her head. It wasn't usual to see a nun around. For all the time I'd spent in the Temple, it would seem a majority of the disciples were male. "Thank you, Ani." The nun bowed to the monk who had escorted Erenol.

The other monk bowed as well before turning to leave.

"Alright, would you sit up here? Are you capable of that?" Erenol climbed the three steps and sat on the hoisted bed by the wall. "Are you fine with them in the same room?" the nun asked as she spread out a couple of bandages on the table.

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