Chapter 61 ❆ Impatient

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Maun looked over to Miles angrily, flashing a threatening glare his way. I, on the other hand, raised my brows at him. Miles merely held up both hands and retreated behind Erlan.

My lips twisted with doubt. It was far too early for those kinds of feelings. How old was I? I turned what? Thirteen not so long ago? Maun was a little older, so he'd be fourteen or something. This was far too young to have those kinds of amorous feelings, right? I have only thought about Maun being something like a chick imprinting on a mother.

However, Maun wasn't a chick, and I wasn't his mother.

What more, I knew myself. I could be a numbass little b*tch. I couldn't judge other people's feelings based on my own experience and personality. Maun had always been very expressive and sensitive. However, I did not think that it was appropriate to deal with this now.

Ah, no. Too young. Too young. For my mental age, although we weren't really physically far apart, isn't this kind of like pedophilia in another sense? This really wasn't settling well with me.

"I apologize in advance. Let's talk when we go back. How about it?"

Maun looked at me for a moment. His furious face melted into a puppy dog gaze so quick it scared me a little. "Can I go to your room later to talk?" he signed.

My mind wasn't the cleanest, so some inappropriate scenarios immediately flashed in my mind. On the other hand, Maun was a little too innocent still to know those things, so I pushed them out of my mind.

"Okay. I'll buy some snacks and we can talk."

Maun was immediately happier in an instant. He shot a disdainful glance at the stone-faced Arondite and strutted off with his two companions to register for their performance.

There were far too many people who wanted to take part in the competition. Today, it felt a little crowded.

Thankfully, today wasn't the first day. According to some conversations I overheard from passers-by, this wasn't the first night since the competition had started. Several people had already given it a go, but none so far have really pleased or qualified in the eyes of the judges—whoever was judging the performances here.

I had doubts about the intentions of Kaiser earlier. There may be two scenarios here: either he wanted to get my performance, so he put up this competition or wanted my performance for this competition. But he owned this business, right? It was easy to assume the former if I was a little more narcissistic. Either way, I was a little tired thinking up of possibilities. I wasn't going to perform no matter what, and I was not interested in a death relic at the moment.

Right now, I was only a tag-a-long. Whether Arondite won, that was his problem.

So many people went up and began to perform. However, as I watched on—I found them very bland and severely lacking in creativity.

Simply dancing, singing old folk songs, prancing around, embarrassing themselves. To a certain extent, it was indeed entertaining, but it wasn't anything I hadn't seen before. People around seemed really entertained though, but I hadn't seen anything so far that really interested me.

It was then that I remembered how people of this world were only beginning to explore possibilities of entertainment. The geodevision—their version of a television—was only recently released, but its nature made it so that it was only currently accessible to people of high society. Entertainment-wise, these people lacked exposure and ideas to it.

It wasn't that they were lacking in that area, but it should be nothing against the tricks that humans from Earth should have improved on after globalization of entertainment. Just as how the Olympics and Miss Universe Pageants would change in competitiveness and standards over the years.

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