Chapter 33 ❆ Commotion

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Mistress Kora brought us to the business district. It was close to the Temple, which meant travelling by foot was possible. We wandered around the streets, looking for vacant spots, but considering the traffic in this area, there was none. I was also worried about the price I would have to pay to occupy a spot. With how bustling the place was, renting or owning a property would surely not be cheap.

I was tempted to look in the outskirts. Nonetheless, a perfume was considered a luxury, especially here in Lovarda. Branching down to diluted and cheaper scents to appeal to the more common folks was possible down the road. However, since the materials were costly, the final product would not be cheap either. I had to consider the kind of people who would patronize the products, and the bustling business district was the place to reach these customers.

If I would run the business, I would most probably need to have someone trustworthy to run it as well. Though I would own the business, I doubt a thirteen-year-old standing in the counter would be appealing to those who would come in to buy. They would not take me seriously because of my age.

Settling these things today would not be possible. There were just too many in the checklist to manage—too many details to look over. However, looking around, I realized perfume shops were few and far in between. As I checked my competitors, none were innovative enough and the art of perfumery was dragging compared to the rest of the cosmetics industry.

Development was definitely possible here. I could set off on a competitive edge by means of packaging and marketing ploys learned from my old world. I had a dozen of stylish incenses.

While it sounded dumb, the rich had way too much money. Offering incenses that dispersed wonderful scents would no doubt invoke the curiosity of the crowd. And I could package that as something to please the gods too. Of course, it was presumptuous of me to assume that they would like it, but as long as it appealed to the masses, why the heck not? The people would be enjoying air fresheners and prayers in one.

"Let's go back for today, kids," Mistress Kora said.

I nodded. I'd already taken notes of what I planned to do and where I could set up the shop. Mistress Kora did not interrupt my conscientious note-taking. He occasionally peeked into what I was writing though.

By the time we'd gone around the place, we—mostly Eren—had gathered a few boxes of snacks. If this girl wasn't regularly getting exercise, I reckon she'd have already fattened up like a pig for slaughter. Or perhaps it was because of the strenuous exercises we were subjected under regularly that gave her such a monstrous appetite for sweets. She hadn't been indulged since we escaped Venerya. She was most likely satisfying all her cravings at once.

"Eren, stop buying," I said, pulling at her dress.

"I already finished all my snacks. Just one more."

"Don't ruin dinner," Kora advised.

"Will we be eating out?" I asked.

"No. Your mistress told me to bring you back because she'll be cooking," he said.

"Then maybe we should start heading back," I suggested. "The Temple isn't that far, right?"

Mistress Kora hummed absentmindedly in reply and steered us in the direction of home. I was quite tired about running around so much, but the day ended up being very productive. I had also managed to familiarize myself with the vicinity, so I should have no problem running errands outside of the Temple should the need ever come to it.

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