Chapter 84 ❆ Exam

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Erlan and I met up after classes to look over the trend of the previous years' final exams for the first years. I realized most of these goals had something to with teamwork and live combat. However, there were unpredictable parts of it that didn't really jive with one another, which made it seem so random and inconsistent when it came to some parts.

I took note of it, but decided not to overthink. Since this was very random, I had a feeling this exam would cater to the individuals taking it—not like the typical standardized test that I was used to back in my world. This was most probably the reason why they took only a very few students every year, because the education would always be catered to the individual.

I was usually not so bothered, but for some reason I slept a little uneasily tonight. I seemed to be forgetting something.

Feeling more antsy as time went on, I got out of bed and pulled out the moon calendar.

Surprise, surprise. There was going to be no moon after tonight.

"F*ck," I whispered.

No wonder.

I was going to have some trouble during the test tomorrow. How shameful it was of me to have forgotten!

I probably should have declined the election as leader of the group. There was no turning back now that I agreed, though. This should be a challenge for me. However...considering the fact that I would be working together with others, there was no way I couldn't tell them. They had to get a heads up just in case.

But I would have to make up a different reason why.

Or maybe I could just play it off in my bad mood.

Ah, as the gods will it, let it be. I'm damned tired, anyway. I'm just gonna wing it tomorrow. I should at least get some decent sleep.

"Amber, watch over me tonight. Just in case I unconsciously summon my powers again when I'm asleep," I said. "Tomorrow's a really important day."

There was silence on the other side.


"My name's not Amber," he said.

"Well, I can't just keep calling you you."

I waited for his reply, but never really got anything back. Taking his silence as his answer, I decided to sleep off the awkwardness of it all. Although I was not comfortable, I managed to catch a wink of sleep, then promptly woke up a tad bit uncomfortable the next morning.

My body clock automatically made me rise from sleep, and as I checked the time, I realized the bells didn't really go off like usual.

"'s that time already?! Sh*t."

My eyebrows shot up to my hairline. I barely had five minutes to check on the entire group and gather them to the training grounds to pull them up for the exam.

It should have already started.

"Damn, those smart monks," I whispered.

I dressed in haste, taking barely half a minute, then dashed outside while my buttons were still loose. I hopped out as I pulled on my boots, then tracked down the residence of each member of the team and broke down their doors.

The nearest one to me was Erlan, who was still huddled tightly under the blankets. I kicked him out and shouted in his ear, making him hop off the ground like a startled cat.

"Wake up!" I yelled. "We're going to be late. The damn bells didn't go off!"

"Damn that..."

He rose like a horse on stimulants and, as he was getting dressed, I made my way over to Maun.

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