Chapter 81 ❆ Intersect

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Mistress Kora was quite surprised we showed up in the way we did. I mean, who wouldn't? We carried with us a limp body that was burning with fever, dripping in his own sweat. If it weren't for the ragged and stuttered breathing coming from Viron, it would be easy to mistake him for a dead body.

Despite such a shocking sight on the doorstep, Mistress Kora did not ask questions and beckoned for us to come in. He motioned for us to take Viron to the room where I usually stayed—as was fair, probably, considering he was brought in by me.

After Elion and I settled him on the bed, I went to Mistress Kora's side to inquire whether he needed my assistance or not. But before I could open my mouth to speak, he pointed to a drawer full of medicinal herbs and told me to pick out the ones that helped with fevers.

"Was your friend injured?" he asked as he pulled out his kit that contained surgical tools.

"He looked like he was being beaten up and mistreated," I said.

"Then something for bruises or hemorrhage. Since you know his condition, pick out the ones that we might need."

"Yes, mistress."

After gathering the ones I anticipated we would be needing, I followed Mistress Kora back to the room where Viron and Elion were. When I came back, Mistress Veronika was already present, face full of inquiry as we busily went around her to get to work.

"Does anybody care to tell me what's happening?" she asked.

"Elion, dear, would you please wait outside?" Mistress Kora motioned kindly to Elion.

"Yes, of course. I'll leave you to work." Elion shyly vacated the room and went to sit in the living room.

"I'm also full of questions," Mistress Kora said, answering Mistress Veronika's earlier inquiry. "You can feel free to ask Elion, though, while we work. I'll need Evy here first to help me out...since this girl seems to have an odd habit of picking up injured patients for me to treat."

"I'm sorry, mistress."

"No need to be, dear. I know you aren't. And I'm not angry either way."

I clipped my tongue and conscientiously went to assist. I first retreated to wash my hands thoroughly while he prepared for treatment. Along the way, I went to the kitchen to prepare some warm water and disinfectants, just in case. When I came back with a full basin and some towels, the mistress had already cut through Viron's shirt.

The sight under his clothes wasn't pretty. All the shades of black, blue, and green littered across his abdomen downwards. I was guessing we would have to cut through his pants soon. Although I was a little flustered seeing someone without their clothes on, this wasn't an occasion I could entertain my embarrassment.

I settled down beside Mistress Kora as he had me help with wiping down his body. In the time I was gone, my mistress had diagnosed him with fever. He was fatigued, obviously overworked and underfed. It was no wonder why he would fall sick.

Mistress Kora felt around his ribs and found one broken. "Boy, this one had it tough. What have they done to him?"

"He signed a contract of service for fifty years for only five thousand gold. Clearly, they were trying to get the most out of their a really inhumane manner."

"Well, his body wasn't being treated kindly. Of course it would protest in this manner. It's a good thing you brought him over in time. Otherwise, his fever might've cooked his brain."

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