Chapter 29 ❆ Starlight

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Hello! I'd like to post more chapters for Death Frost, but my books (including this one) have prior commitments and contractual obligations. I don't plan on taking them down from Wattpad, though to join NaNoWriMo, I'll be posting a new story tomorrow.

Check back tomorrow for a bonus chapter for this book!

"This is very awkward, folks," the announcer said. "Since we can't see the other guy, it looks like our competitor Lionheart is just practicing by herself."

The audience found the situation quite novel, so they were waiting to see the development. There was a different kind of excitement whenever Lionheart would get struck by something they could not clearly see.

In a way, it was amusing.

Defiant Soul remained indignant, but not for long. He still had his complaints he wished to voice out, but I was not going to let him rest until the battle was done. He could take up the ethical and moral issue of nipple twisting with me later.

"I think I know who you are!" said Defiant Soul. "I remember meeting you during the preliminaries."

I raised a brow, doubting his words. "There are far too many competitors to speak of. How sure are you that it's me?"

"That tone you use. I can't forget it because I found you really cruel and rude," he said. "Now I realize how much of an understatement that is."

I had some vague recognition of that event, but I could hardly care about it. "So what?" I asked dismissively. "That's hardly relevant, is it now?"

He was silent once more—probably from frustration. He matched my actions and got into his fighting position, invoking his ability to control light and turning near-invisible.

I waited for him to initiate the attack. As it was, I would be wasting energy looking for him blindly. I'd rather he took the initiative, and I could just respond appropriately.

But doing that would force us into a stalemate. I had to take the initiative somewhere.

Otherwise, he could retreat and recover, and I would lose many chances to take him down.

"Well, since we're making irrelevant comments now, I sort of wish you made your nickname a little more creative. Defiant Soul is...I dunno."

"Lionheart is hardly creative either, but I guess it suits you. With that really wild hair and all."

I listened for his movement and found that his voice came from behind. The hair on my nape stood to their ends and I moved out of the way, inclining my head to the side. I was unable to avoid the attack completely. Knuckles brushed against my ear—which didn't cause harm.

I shifted my elbows and struck the warm body that hovered behind me. I could only make a rough guess, but I did not dare hesitate just because of uncertainties.

Thankfully, my elbow made contact with a row of ribs. Basing off on this attack, I planned my next one. I sent a punch where I thought he would be. Unfortunately, he reacted fast enough that my hands came into contact with nothing but air.

I felt a movement on my side, so I took a hurried step back to put some distance between myself and the enemy. I wanted to remain in close-range in order to execute attacks, but the advantage was not limited to me alone.

Considering the nature of Defiant Soul's ability, he would not be able to deal damage from a far range—as far as I knew, at least. He could change my thoughts anytime regarding that matter, so I didn't dare take him too lightly.

I would have to take a different approach with this guy this time, though.

I didn't have an element I could use to my advantage—not unless I want to be found out. It wasn't like I could control it well either.

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