Chapter #1 Remnants of the Past

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(Viewer discretion is advised)  

It's been a week since I left for mistral and I have been walking the whole day as well as fighting the occasional Grimm. I keep looking over my shoulder and hearing voices that sound familiar and I swear that I keep seeing figures in the corner of my eye. The silence save for the crunch of leaves and dirt under my boots is unnerving. Ever since Aaron and the others died I have felt so empty, like I am just a walking hollow shell. If it weren't for Elaina I likely would have shot myself by now. "Sun's getting pretty low girl, I think we should stop at the next village." I say as I look at Elaina who is already asleep. "Big B." a low whisper says behind me. I quickly turn but see only the road I have been walking on. "I think I've been on the road for too long girl. But I swear that sounded like-" I turn back around and see Angel in the middle of the road ahead of me smiling. I take a few steps toward her but she turns around and walks off into the distance. I run after her but see no sign of her, all that can be seen is a fork in the road with a sign the reads "bandits and safety" Bandits pointing right, and safety pointing left. They were scribbled over the actual name of the villages but I know this trick all too well. Bandits would often try and trick newcomers with these sighs as they would point them right into their trap. I heard a stick crack just behind me and to my right so I quickly draw Deaths Finger and fire. I hear something drop and go to check it out only to find a poor bandit with a hole in his head. "Nice try asshole you almost got me." I say as I see what he had on him. I rummage through his pockets and find a roll of lien, a scroll, a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, and a bag of .308 bullets to go with his lever-action rifle that was fit with a 6x scope and a bayonet. "Well, well, well what is a sexy thing like you doing in the hands of some grunt. It would be a shame to let you rot out here so I guess I'll give you a new home." I say as I take the gun and sling it over my shoulder as well as take the lien in his pocket. " Hmm the lighter could actually be useful and I could trade the cigarettes in for something, guess I'll just take the whole lot in that case." I say as I take what was left and walk down the right path. 

After walking further down the trail I see the village in the distance as well some guards that keep watch for stray Grimm and bandits. "You, stop where you are!" One of the guards yells. "Easy boys I just need a place to stay for the night." I say as I put my hands up. "Care to tell me why I heard a gunshot ring out not even a minute ago." The guard asks. "If your asking if I'm a bandit the answer is no, since if I was I would have shot you by now." I say as Elaina growls at the guard as he approaches me. The guard looks me up and down and signals for his friend to lower his weapon. "You can go through, but I got my eye on you." The guard says as I walk past him. I look around for an inn and see one in the distance called Sandman inn. I walk in and see a young innkeeper walking around as she serves people food and drinks. I also notice the incredibly short skirt that could defeat a huntsman on its own. She notices me and walks up to me with a smile on her face. "Hello, sir how may I help you today." She says happily. "I would like a room for tonight please." I say. "Just you, then that will be 10 Lien please. Or you can spend the night with me for free~" She says with a wink. "I'm flattered miss but I have been on the road all day and I'm dead tired. Besides a beautiful young woman like yourself deserves much better than me." I say as I fish out the money. "You sweet-talking devil, head to the front desk and take key 15. I'll send you a little gift for that comment as well." She says as she takes the money. I walk to the front desk, take my key, and find my room. "Ok, finally I can take a rest. My feet are killing me, plus I need to take a shower, I smell ripe enough to kill an Ursa." I say as I put Elaina on the bed and walk into the bathroom for a shower. I start the shower and get in after taking off my clothes when halfway through I hear a whisper. "Why did you leave us?" A whisper says in my left ear. I recoil and slip on the shower curtain which brings the whole thing down with the metal bar hitting me on the head. "Ow, son of a bitch!" I yell as I get up off the ground. I look around and see that I'm the only one in the room. 

After that little event, I finish my shower, get dressed, and leave a big tip on the bathroom counter to pay for the damages. I get back to the main room and see a plate of food that Elaina has already helped herself to. "Really, you couldn't even wait for me." I say annoyed as Elaina lowers her head and whimpers. I flick off the lights and get in bed as Elaina curls up on a pillow I laid out for her. Due to a full day of walking and Grimm bashing, I fall asleep instantly. I open my eyes again and I'm back at Beacon just under the statue in the courtyard. "What the hell why am I here?" I say as I get off the ground. "You left us." three voices say behind me. I turn and see Lance, Krystal, and Angel. "YOU KILLED US!" they all shout in unison as Fire erupts around my feet. "YOU LEAD US TO OUR DEATH!" They all shout as the fire starts rising as spirals around me like a tornado. "NOW YOU SHALL BURN!" they shout as the circle gets closer and lights my duster on fire. The fire quickly consumes me as I scream in agony and pass out from the pain. I open my eyes and I falling in what looks like the abyss with darkness surrounding me from all sides. I look down and see a massive pair of red burning eyes as a mouth open and eats me. The second I enter the beast's mouth I fall on the top of Beacon tower. "What the hell is going on here" I say in fear as I look off the edge and see Vale in flames. "You failed me Big B. I trusted you to keep us safe." Lance says behind me. I turn and see him holding his weapon as mine appears in my hand. "I know I did Lance and I will never be able to make it up to you." I cry as I walk back to the edge. "It's too late for that Big B, You need to pay." Lance says as he raises his weapon and charges me. I block his attack and get behind him. "I'm not gonna fight, you Lance!" I yell as tears fall down my face. He just charges me over and over again but I block and doge all of his attacks until I hear a voice from behind me. "Big B please" Krystal's voice says behind me. It distracts me enough for Lance to get a hit in and throw me off the tower. I fall and see Lance disappear, but before I make contact I'm hit mid-air by Angel and land In our dorm.  It's there where I see Angel land and confront me. "Why, why did you let me die, why did you let Lance die!" She yells as she holds her sword and walks toward me. 

"I am so sorry Angel I let you down. I let all of you down, I was your leader but all I did was stand by and watch you die." I say as I hang my head and await Angels strike. I wait for a sword but I feel a hand on my cheek. I look up and see Krystal smiling. She brings me into a hug and for a second I thought it was over but that thought was quickly thrown out the window when I heard a slicing sound. I look down and see the bottom half of Krystal on the floor and behind her are the others dead. Behind all their bodies I see Aaron who is looking down at me. He turns around without even saying a word and starts walking away. "Aaron! Aaron, please don't leave me. Please!" I cry on my knees. Aaron stops and looks over his shoulder. "Goodbye old friend." Aaron says as a white light engulfs us. I wake in a cold sweat and see that it's morning. "What the fuck." I groan as I wipe the sleepiness out of my eyes. I look and see Elaina still sleeping next to me on her pillow. I take a deep breath as I get out of bed and get dressed. "Elaina come on girl let's see what they got around town." I say as I put on my hat. She stretches before walking over to me and climbing up my arm so that she can rest around my neck. I grab all my weapons and head out the door, but as I'm about to walk out the door the Innkeeper stops me. "Hey, where do you think you're going, breakfast is about to be served in a few minutes." She says from the front desk. "I appreciate the heads up miss but I-" "We're making biscuits and gravy." She says as she cuts me off. I stop in my tracks and feel my stomach grumble. "I gonna take that as an I'll stay. " she says smugly. I turn and give her a smile as I take a seat in the main lobby.  "So what's your story Mr." she asks. "My name is Ben, Ben Cutler." I say as I take off my hat. "Nice to meet you Ben I'm Rei, Rei long. Now if you don't mind me asking how did you get that?" she asks as she points at the scar on the back of my head. "Oh this, I uh...I got it from a friend of mine. I had fallen down a hole and landed on a rock, but he helped me heal it up and saved me." I say as I lie through my teeth. "He's not around anymore is he?" she says in a sad tone. "No, he died during the fall of Beacon, a lot of my friends did." I explain. " I am so sorry." she says as she covers her mouth in shock. "Don't be you didn't know. Now how about we get some food before I eat the table." I say bring up the mood. Rei just laughs and walks to the back and comes out with a plate covered in fresh biscuits and gravy. "Here you are, now if you don't mind I wanted to talk some more before you leave on your adventure." she says as she sits with me. "Well, what do you want to know." I say as I take a bite of my food.

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