Chapter #13 Warm welcome

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"Ugh well doesn't this feel familiar, climbing my way out of a pit after absorbing a great power," I say sarcastically as I reach the top of the hole and have a clear view of Atlas. "Complements won't make me hate you any less," The spider says as she hangs off the top of my hat. "As well as a new eternal headache. That reminds me if your gonna be in my head for the unforeseeable future we may as well give you a name since you didn't seem to have one," I say as I side down the mountain of snow. "Hmm I'm pretty sure we can just name her bitch" Aaron says as he crosses his arms. "Ugh, I can't believe I'm stuck with this vulgar brute for the rest of my days." She says as she crawls down to my shoulder. "Eh, he grows on you after a while. Oh hey, I think we can use that to help carry the wolves." I say as I see a wheel poking out of the snow. "Well If we're going for an actual name let's try... Ava?" Aaron suggests as I move the snow. "Gods no!" the spider protests. "Hmm, Jackie?" Aaron suggests "Sounds lower class, next." she says. "Eveline or eve for short," Aaron says. "That has a certain ring to it, let's go with that," Eve says as I finish digging up our ride. "Ah sweet an APC old as hell but looks like she might still run," I say as I break the ice on the door and open it. "Well looks like we found the owners," Aaron says as a skeleton falls out of the driver's seat. "Talk about being chilled to the bone" Eve says as I loot the remains. "Oh gods no, please don't be another Yang. I don't think I can handle 24/7 Yang puns." I say as I pull some lien off of his body. "Who's this Yang?" Eve asks. "Here let me bring you up to speed," Aaron says as he and eve disappear. "Finally some peace and quiet," I say as I load the dogs into the passenger's seat.  "Wow she's hot," Eve says as she reappears on my hat. " I know right," Aaron says. "And they're back welp let's see if this rust bucket still has some life in her," I say as I turn the key that was still in the starter. "Come on, come on start you piece of -" The car finally starts and lets out a menacing roar as the engine comes to life. "haha Oh she's a feisty one, let's see what this sexy beats can do," I say as I step on the gas. The APC launches out of the snow and starts flying down the snowy wasteland as we head for Atlas. "WAHOOOOO!" I yell as I drive through rocky snow-covered ruins and over hills. "Now this is how you travel," Aaron says from the backseat. "I must admit that this is quite fun," Eve says in the voice of Yang which makes me hit the brakes. "Why the hell are you yang and how are you mimicking her voice? I ask. "Oh well after I saw these I just had to try them myself, as for the voice I just morph my vocal cords until I find the right pitch of her voice," Eve says as she points to her chest and her throat. "That reminds me I wonder how Ruby and they are all doing," I say as I start driving again. "We're doing fine Big B," Eve says as she turns into ruby. "Alright, Eve that's enough," I say as I get slightly agitated. "Ugh, your no fun, if I'm going to be stuck with you and this brute at least let me have some fun," Eve says as she changes back into a spider and hops on my shoulder. "I'm fine with you amusing yourself by turning into people but don't do it as people I consider close to me, it's just weird," I explain. "Besides save that kind of trick for after hours," Aaron says with a wink. "Ugh, your not my type," Eve says with a roll of her eyes. "I'm literally him just with a different color pallet!" Aaron says. "Guys cut it I'm trying to drive here!" I yell.

After my outburst, the car becomes dead silent as Aaron and Eve just look at each other. "Wanna see if the stereo still works?" Aaron asks. "Yes," I say as I press a button and music starts playing.

(Make sure to check out pepsenDK for more stuff like this) 

"Hey, I can work with this," I say as I bob my head up and down. "Now this is how you travel through a wasteland. In an APC and with some good tunes. Hey Eve, come on let's have some fun" Aaron says as he shrinks himself and hops on the dashboard, and starts dancing. "No thank you I'm good," Eve says as she looks away. "Ah come on you said you wanted to have some fun didn't you," Aaron says as he keeps dancing. "Oh alright then," Eve says before she morphs into her human form and joins Aaron on the dashboard. "I don't really know how to dance though," Eve says as she rubs her arm. "Ah it's easy, here just do what I do," Aaron says as he and Eve start dancing. "Hahahaha okay now this is pretty good. Come on bud show off your moves" I say as I keep on driving.  "Will do boss, hey now you're getting it, Eve. Now let's see if you can keep up." Aaron says as Eve starts getting into it. The two of them start dancing their hearts out and laughing as I glide through the snow as we approach Atlas. During the drive, the wolves regain consciousness and sit up in the passenger's seat and look out at the terrain. "Morning you two," I say without taking my eyes off the road.  Our fun is quickly shut down however as an Atlas patrol ship. "Unauthorized Atlas vehicle stop and exit with your Atlas ID in hand." The airship orders as it hovers above me. I comply and shut off my APC as the airship lands in front of me. As I get out of my car I see that the people stopping me are actually drones. "Oh, this makes this next part easy," I say as the drone walks up to me with weapons ready. "Citizen please show your identification as instructed!" A drone says. "Alright, Alright no need to blow a fuse. My ID is right HERE!" I yell as I quickly draw my pistol and fan fire a round into each drone. "Alright are you done, it freezing out here," Eve complains as I reload. "Patrol 7 Report!" A voice says from the airship. "Shit, this is bad. Wait, Eve, you can copy voices right well we need you to mimic the voice of that drone," I say.  "Why we can clearly handle these tin cans," Eve says. "Because if they figure out that something is wrong the entirety of Atlas will go into lockdown and our entire reason for coming here will be lost!" I say as I pick up the radio. "Patrol 7 report!" The radio yells. "Ugh fine here," Eve says as she changes my vocal cords. "ahem oh, gods that feels weird. This is patrol 7 sector is clear." I say into the radio. "Copy that patrol 7." The voice on the radio says. " Oh thank the gods. Alright, let's get into Atlas before they realize something's up." I say as I quickly get back in the APC and put the pedal to the metal. Aaron gets flung back to the back seat as I drive. "Look I get we need to get to Atlas fast but slow down a little," Aaron says as he's stuck to the back of the cabin. "Wait why are the laws of physics applying to him but not I were both just in your psyche at the moment?" Eve asks. "Oh, they don't Aarons just doing a bit," I explain as we reach the Wall of Mantel. 

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