Chapter #18 The Good

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After a painful flight, I finally make it to vale but the pain took its toll and I couldn't keep my form for very long. "Just.... a little....more...ah fuck." I say as my wings give out and I turn human while in mid-air. I come crashing down and land in a dumpster. "Well we're here, at least it can't get any worse," Angel says before a bag of trash is dumped on me.  I spit out a rotten banana peel and look over at Angel.  "You just had to say it, didn't you," I say as I stare at Angel. Angel laughs nervously before I punch open the dumpster and climb my way out. I flop out, land on my back, and stare up at the sky. "Why did I punch with my burnt arm," I say as the pain settles in. I get up and look around to see where I landed and spot a familiar dust shop. "He wasn't that the dust shop that got robbed?" Angel asks.  "Yep, and she's a sight for sore eyes. Literally, that flight took a lot outta me." I say as I stumble towards the shop before I hear a woman scream. "That sounded like it came from over there!" Lance says as he points to an alleyway. I sigh and make my way over to where the scream came from. I arrive in the alley and see a man forcing himself on a woman. The woman spots me and cries out for help. "Please help me!" the woman begs as the man takes notice of me and draws his gun. "Get lost asshole this one's mine," He says as he licks the woman's cheek. "Ugh, disgusting!" Krystal says. "Buddy I've had a real bad day, and quite frankly I don't have the energy for this so you get five seconds before I blow off that disgusting face of yours!" I snarl. "why you little-" the man fires his gun in anger and hits my burnt arm. my aura blacked the bullet but it still hurt like hell. I use my semblance and make him let the woman go. The woman immediately grabs the gun and shoots the man in the head which causes me immense pain. "AH, SON OF A BITCH!" I yell in pain as I grip my head. The woman drops the gun and looks at the man's corpse in horror at what she had just done. She covers her mouth and runs off. "A thank you would have been nice!" I yell as the woman runs past me. I sigh and look at the molester's corpse. "Well, he might have something we can use," I say as I kneel down and check his pockets. I find his wallet and take what little he had. "Eh it's not much but 600 lien will get us somewhere, although this piece is another story," I say as I pick up his gun and stow it away in my boot. "Don't you have enough guns already?" Krystal asks. "My dear sweet Krystal one can never have too many guns, only too many bullets. Besides, it would be a shame to let such a beautiful piece go to waste." I say as I walk into the old man's dust shop. The shopkeep is startled by the sight of me but still provides service. "No need to be scared, it's me, Ben," I say as I take off the mask without thinking. "Shit!" I think to myself as I remember my glowing eyes. "Uh boss, your eyes," Aaron says. "Yes, I know my damn glowy eyes," I say in my head. "No there, normal?" Eve says confused. I look back at the glass door and see my reflection and see my eyes back to normal. The shopkeep clears his throat and I quickly snap back to reality.  "Right sorry old friend I uh, I've had a rough day and I'm not in my right mind hehe. Based on how I look you can probably guess why I'm here." I say as I look at my burnt arm. The shopkeeps face contorts angrily before he slides his hand down his face and waves for me to follow him. "So uh what's the story with him?" Lance asks. "I can handle this one boss. You see back when we first arrived in vale a few years ago we needed dust for our gear and stumbled upon this place. we became a daily regular as we experimented with our  gear, then one day  some thugs were trying to rob the place and we dealt with them-" " You killed them didn't you." Angel says. "Actually no we gave them a warning and they buzzed off, turns out they were just kids," Aaron says as I walk through the back of the shop. "Weren't you kids as well at the time?" Eve asks. "Well yes but still my point stands. Anyway as a means of thanks the old man took us back here and helped with our wounds from our experiments with dust and personally helped in said experiments. Not to mention make some amazing food. *Lick's lips* Oh I wish I had a body so I could taste it myself." Aaron says. "Alright enough storytelling the old man's gonna treat us again." I say as I sit down on a crate.  The old man brings a tin of some type of gel and puts it on my burns. Soon afterward he leaves and comes back with a briefcase. "That doesn't seem like it came from a first aid," I joke as the old man opens the case. The old man lifts out a high-tech sleeve from the case. "Woah that Atlas tech, how did you-" The old man growls angrily. "Right, right, don't ask where it came from only how much it costs." I say as the old man puts the sleeve on. The sleeve compresses to fit my arm and activates. "Woah, that works quick. But something tells me this won't do anything about the marks." I say as the old man shakes his head. "Thought so. I appreciate it nonetheless, I just wish I had more to give," I say as I reach inside my pocket. The old man stops me. He guides me to a crate and breaks it open with a crowbar revealing a custom set of new attire. 

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