Chapter #12 Webbed crown

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(warning sexy time is imminent so viewer discretion is advised) 

Gunshots ring out as I shoot my way through dozens of massive spiders that block my path. " Fuckin spiders, of all the things it had to be spiders!" I say as I fire at four of them and keep running through the cave. "Well, at least they're not Grimm ones those things are tough," Aaron says as I cut through a wall of webs. "How would you know that we've never fought Grimm spiders before?" I ask as I hide in a crack in the wall as dozens of spiders run past me. "I remember Professor Ports lecture on them and if what he said is true those things are bad news," Aaron explains as I reload and continue through the cave with Fang and Howl beside me.  "Well now that we're on the topic of Grimm while these things may not be full-on Grimm that we know, they do seem to show Grimm-like behavior," I say as I enter a new part of the cave, one with fewer webs and is less warm. "How's that?" Aaron asks. "Well as we saw earlier they seem to have a thing for killing people and they didn't attack until me and you were afraid. Not to mention the bone-like armor that they have around their body looks the same as a Grimms armor." I explain as I squeeze my way through a crack in the wall. "Well if they Grimm then why don't they look like Grimm save for the armor? We know Grimm have the same color palette regardless of their habitat so why would that change here?" Aaron asks as I smell some kind of food. "We may find out yet, plus I smell something just up ahead." I say as I slow my movement and enter a large new area in the cave with a high ceiling. I look around the new area and notice marking on the wall like that of a toddler who got their hands in paint. While following these markings I notice candles and some kind of web carpet are all around the room. I turn off my flashlight and notice some kind of furniture in the middle of the room. "Do you hear that?" Aaron asks as I inspect the furniture. "Hear what?" I ask as I follow the scent I noticed earlier. "It sounds like a girl humming. It almost sounds like...Krystal." Aaron says as I follow the scent to an entrance covered by a thick web-like cloth as I now hear the humming. "It really does sound like Krystal...Ugh no it's just my mind messing with me again also is it me or is that smell changing?" I say as walk toward the humming so that I can get the illusion out of the way.  As I get closer I realize what she's humming, she's humming the song I sang to her at the dance. I follow the melody all the way to a kitchen-like room as I see her dancing and tending to a pot of what I assume is soup. 

"Ah I do love that song, if only I was able to hear it again before you let me die," Krystal says as she stirs away. "Something feels off here boss kept your guard up," Aaron says. "what's wrong Big B nothing to say to the love of your life, or did you never love me to begin with," She says as I lean on a counter on the opposite end of the room. "Who are you?" I ask. "What do you mean I'm yo-" "enough of the bullshit the Krystal that haunts me would never say that. Now I'm gonna ask you again who. are. you!" I say as I step closer to the fake Krystal. "Oh, your no fun, fine I guess the jig is up." She says before she changes into the form of another woman similar to how I change into my beast form. "Your like me, how is that possible. Also, how did you know who Krystal was and that she was close to me?" I ask as I take all of this in. "So many questions but answers will come in time, how about we talk over dinner." She says as she ladles out two bowls of soup and walks to the room I just came from. I follow her and find myself distracted by her "attire" as we move through the cave. "Like what you see back there, I can feel you staring. Is it the black dress? It's my favorite because it really clings to the curves." She says as she giggles in a sultry manner. I stay silent as we enter the massive room and sit on a couch. "You still haven't answered my question, who are you?" I ask. "Who I am matters not, but what does matter is who you are and how you came to have your powers." She says as she starts eating her soup. This soup from the looks of it contained cave fungus, bugs, and other vomit-inducing ingredients. "I got my powers from death via fall, but I landed in a puddle of Grimm, and poof I'm back. Now, what about you." I say as I stir my soup and see a beetle surface to the top. "I was born in this cave many years ago and one day I felt the earth shake and saw critters and the like running away from where the source of the disturbance was. I investigated and found that a mysterious black substance had emerged. Upon the mere sight of it, terror enveloped me but something far stronger pulled me towards it. As I grew closer a rock came down and crushed me into pieces but that black substance put me back together and gave me life once more." She explains. "I see, is this black substance still around?" I ask as I pass the bowl of soup to Fang and watch him recoil. "Sadly the entirety of the substance was used up in my resurrection." She explains. "I see, well now that we have our gruesome deaths out of the way I still need to know why the massive spiders that are crawling about this place haven't eaten you yet," I say as I feel something enter the room. "Oh their my children so they wouldn't ever think of harming me." She says as one crawls down the wall and stands next to her as she pets it. "Say what now?" I say as more and more spiders crawl down from the ceiling and stand behind her. "Oh darling you didn't really think I was human did you, here let me clear the air for you," she says as she grows and twists until her dress rips off and she morphs into a massive spider that nearly takes up the entire room. "I knew we should have just killed her right off the bat, damn the power of boners," Aaron says as I realize how bad I fucked up. "Oh fuck me!" I say as I take a few steps back. "That's the idea darling." She says as she grows closer. "Wait what!" I say in surprise before I'm knocked out and webbed up into a cocoon. 

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