Chapter #16 Unleashed

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Aaron looks at his body after fully transforming. "Ah, I'm still as sexy as ever," Aaron says as he stands on his hind legs and towers above Emerald and Mercury. "Holy shit," Mercury says as he takes a few steps back. Aaron snaps to Mercury and gets on all fours while growling. I take back control and return to my human form. From the window, the Queen of Grimm can be seen looking down at her new ally. "Hmm very interesting, this gives me some ideas," she says as she smirks. Not soon after, me and the others arrive back in the massive room where I kneel as I'm given some questions to answer.  "Tell me, how did you receive these powers?" Salem asks. I explain how I received Aaron and explained my abilities but kept Eveline's story to myself. "So you received your powers from death and being exposed to raw Grimm?" she asks. "Yes, your majesty," I say. she remains quiet for about a minute before breaking the silence with the sound of her footsteps. "Rise," she orders. I stand up and see Salem standing before me and put her hand in my face. "Your abilities must be studied so I will need a sample of you for examination," she says as I see something come out of her hand. "What the-" Some kind of talons jump out of her hand and plunge themselves into my eyes and rip them out. "AAAAAAHHHHHHH" I scream in pain as I fall on one knee and hold my face. "Fascinating!" she says as she looks at my eyes and I scream in pain. She looks at me and rolls her eyes as she waves her hand and I feel my eye holes fill. My vision is soon restored and I am baffled and pissed. I see my reflection on the floor and see that my eyes are now pure red like Grimm's eyes. "*pants* ok first WHAT! second THE FUCK!" I yell as I look at Salem who's eyes flare up red and she grabs my throat. "I understand your anger but do not forget your place, I will not tolerate it again," she says as she throws me away and I breathe. "*coughs* Okay I'll admit, I was not expecting you to be strong. I will not be that making that mistake again." I say as I clench my throat. Salem smiles as she walks towards the door. "With your new eyes, you will walk as my personal hunter. Your first assignment is to bring me a test subject so that I may get to work. If you are to fail or run I will know and you will feel my wraith." She says as she clenches her fist and My eyes feel like my head feels like it's about to explode. I fall to my knees in pain until she stops having proved her point. "*pants* I will not fail you," I say as I get back to my feet. "Now go! I have much to do," she says as she looks at my old eyes and leaves. "Well, this is quite the pickle," Aaron says. "No shit!" I say in my head as I walk the halls of the castle. "So what now Big B?" Lance asks. "Yeah now that you've sold your soul to the fucking devil!" Angel yells. "Angel please Big B had good reason to side with Salem," Krystal says. "Oh please, even you doubt that statement," Eve says. "SHUT UP ALL OF YOU! Gods I can't hear myself think, literally!" I yell in my head breaking the argument. "Look Salem had what I needed so in turn, I help her. Now I was just going to run but it seems she's a few steps ahead of me. But with this we now know something very important, Salem is scared of me." I say as I pass some windows and see the Grimm emerge from the pits of dark liquid. "How do reckon that?" Lance asks. "She wouldn't have put a leash on me if she did not think she could handle me on her own. I do the same thing if I were in her position." I explain. "Okay so if your correct how does help us at all when I wrong move and your head is gone?" Aaron asks. "Well we can easily shake this little collar she's given us but not yet we need her to trust us. Once that happens we may be given an opening and with that, we make our move." I explain as walk past a room with equipment and see a mask. "Wouldnt it be better to just run since she, you know a god damn immortal witch!" Angel says. "That was the original plan but that changed when she ripped out my eye." I say as I put on the mask as my eyes illuminate the eyepieces red. I see my reflection on the wall and see myself barely recognizing the person I am.  "Aaron... what have we become?" I ask as I stare at my reflection. "What we have always been, a spirit of vengeance. Nothing has changed since the day you picked up that gun." Aaron says as he points to death's finger. "Right." I say as I pull out Death's finger and look at it. "Who you talking to?" Emerald says from the doorway. "Fucking hell!" I say as I jump. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you." Emerald says as she giggles. "Ugh it's just you right hook," I say as I holster my gun. "Right hook?" emerald says as she tilts her head. "Back at vale when you got that sucker punch," I say as I cross my arms. "You still remember that!?" Emerald says surprised. "Yep. But luckily for you, I forgave that a while ago. Besides I actually like you," I explain. "Like me?" she questions. "What I mean is I don't really have a good reason to kill you. Plus your entertaining." I explain as I walk out of the room. "Ah well, that's good. So what's the mask for?" She asks. "These glowing red eyes are kinda a massive sign that says "hey I work for evil avoid me,". So this will help hide that a little." I explain as me and emerald walk to the entrance of the castle. 

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