Chapter #14 Back in BLAK

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I wake to the smell of meat cooking and sit upright on the couch. Upon looking at the couch on the opposite side of me, I see Angel sitting and just staring at me. But this Angel was different instead of the pale-skinned, blond, and blue-eyed girl I had remembered I now see a corrupted version of her with black eyes that light up with red pupils and snow-white skin with black veins creeping around her body, and her hair turned a shade a touch darker than her skin. "What's wrong Big B you look like you've seen a ghost," Angel says as she tilts her head. "Eve I swear to the gods if that is you, you have just crossed a line," I snarl. "Um, I'm right here, and also who's that? Eve asks as she appears on my shoulder. "Big B I'm real, well as much as I can be. Me and the others have been given something of a second chance. The God of light-" "Whoa, whoa, whoa now before I go on with whatever the hell this is I need to check something first." I interrupt as I quickly pinch myself and recoil with pain. "What?" I say surprised that whatever this is isn't a dream. "This isn't a dream Big B I'm really here, well sort of," Angel says. "But how and why are you-" Angel puts up a finger and cuts me off. "Let me explain. The gods exist and they have taken an interest in you especially the god of darkness." Angel explains. "Ok, what's all the commotion Um, why does-" Hello again Aaron" Angel says as Aarons's eyes widen. "This isn't one of your hallucinations, is it? Aaron says as he leans into my ear. "Nope now if I may continue, a few days ago you did something that caught the attention of the gods. You absorbed the darkness from another living being, the essence of destruction was harnessed by a mortal. The gods noticed this and after some persuasion from the god of light, both gods made a deal and gave us a mission. We would be given life once again if we helped guide you to the path of redemption, not for yourself but for humankind. So to help us guide you on this mission we have been reborn not quite dead but not alive either, we will only be visible to you and only you may touch, hear, or see us. We have been bonded with your very soul which leads me to my appearance since we are intertwined with your soul which has been corrupted we will look like this." Angel explains. I sit speechless as I try and process what I have just heard. "Wow he's actually speechless I never thought the day would come," Lance says as he appears next to me. "Well if there ever was a reason to be this is a pretty good one," Krystal says as she appears next to Lance. Upon seeing them my eyes fill with tears and I struggle to contain my happiness. "It's really good to see you again Big B," Angel says as she starts crying too. The three of them move over to me and we all embrace in a group hug with all of us crying. "Gods I missed you guys," I say as I squeeze tighter and start sobbing. We break the hug before my host walks into the room after hearing my sobbing. "Everything ok in here?" Madeline asks in worry. "Yes everything is fine, I just had a very, very good dream," I explain as I look over at my teammates. "If it got someone like you crying it must have been good. Well, I can pry later Breakfast is ready." Madeline says as she points behind her with a spatula in hand. "Well someone moved on quick," Lance says as I get off the couch. "Lance please let's not jump to-" "YOU ALREADY MARRIED!" Krystal yells. "Oh, it is too early for storytime, Aaron," "On it, come with me and I'll explain. Come on eve you too." Aaron says as he stretches and motions for them all to follow him into my head. "Wait I thought you were the only thing in Big B's head?" Angel says as she and the others all disappear. 

After breakfast, Everyone has a basic concept of why I came to Atlas and what my plans are. "Okay so in the year we've been gone you have managed to piss of an immortal witch, meddle with the black market, gain another voice in your head excluding us, and you now have a hit out on you and have already fought one of the assassins sent out to kill you," Angel says. "Yep that about some it up, speaking of which I need to get to the Schnee manner," I say as Angel facepalms. "Damn you really didn't waste any time didn't you Big B," Lance says as he holds a memory of the night at the inn with Neo. "My eyes nearly pop out of my head as I motion for Lance to put it away. He does so quickly as Krystal turns to face us after taking in the sights of Mantel. "Is something wrong?" Krystal asks as she tilts her head. "YEP JUST FINE" I accidentally yell out loud which draws some attention to me but I just smile nervously and continue walking. "Ooookay so how do you plan to get up to Atlas without having to go through some form of security?" Krystal asks as I slink into an alleyway. "I have an idea for that but right now I want to test something, Eve!" I yell in my head. "Hmm, what is it?" Eve asks as she appears on my shoulder.  "Get ready cause I'm gonna try something," I order as I take off my top half of clothing. "Get ready for -AHHHHHH" Eve screams as I tap into her Grimm power and sprout spider-like legs from my back. "Is that what it feels like!?" Eve screams as she looks at Aaron who is on his back laughing. "HAHAHA yep but don't worry you get used to it after a while," Aaron explains as he wipes a tear from his eye. "Why didn't he use it with you then!" Eve yells. "Because it's not that simple eve you see I have my own beast form with Aaron which is more along the lines of a Beowolf but with a new Grimm presence to be used I thought that maybe I would have a different form if I transformed using you. Turns out I was right." I say as I stretch the legs on my back. "Looking good bro," Lance says as he gives me a thumbs up. "Wait a minute I just realized something whenever you morph your clothes just kinda sink into your skin or something so why are you worried here? Aaron asks. "Well, when Eve here transformed here clothes ripped off so I didn't feel like ripping up my good clothes," I explain.  "Wait yours never got torn or ripped, what magic is this!" Eves says.  "Honestly I've got no idea but no that I think about it, maybe my and Aaron's power makes it so that our clothes morph with us somehow and you were never given that ability. Whatever the case may be here we can test that theory right now." I say as I take off my boots. "Oh, gods Big B I'm a fucking spirit and I'm almost gagging from the smell," Lance says as he and the others recoil. I roll my eyes and morph my foot into Eve's beast form and lucky for me it still doesn't rip. "I call hacks!" Eve says as I put all of my clothes back on. "Hey, that's my line," Lance says. "I know it's your line you idiot where do you think I got it from," Eve says. "Eve plays nice, Lance shut up," I order as I stretch. "Just like old times huh," Lance says sarcastically. Okay, eve let's try this on for size" I say as I morph into a snow owl. After getting used to my new form I flap my wing and fly up to Atlas. "Wow, it's even more beautiful from a birds-eye view," Angel says as sparkles appear in her eyes. "Quite literally, hey Big B arent you cold?" Lance asks. "Surprisingly no, these feathers are really thick and compact. I'm actually warmer than I was in all my gear as a matter of fact." I say as I soar through the sky. "Wait I thought you could only turn into Grimm?" Krystal asks. "I thought so too until Eve here showed me that I can basically turn into anything I've seen before," I explain.  "Ah makes sense I guess, hey isn't that what you're looking for," Krystal says as she points to the Schnee manner. "Yep, alright people time to meet the Ice King," I say as I fly towards the front door. 

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