Chapter #9 Air superiority

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Gunfire and muzzle flashes ignite the sky as we open fire on the army of ariel Grimm that have now swarmed the ship. "Shit I'm running low on bolts!" Ember yells as she reloads and fires her crossbow which strikes a griffon and explodes into a pink cloud on contact. Flynt growls angrily as he shoots fireballs out of his flamethrower. Ugh, I've don't got much more aura left in me to keep up projectile attacks. "Reyla says as she drops to a knee after using her semblance to launch aura like projectiles at a Nevermore. "Ha I don't know why your all complaining I can keep this up all da-" Ivan yells before he gets knocked out of the ship after a griffon headbutts the ship. "I got him!" I yell as I jump out of the ship after him and land on a Griffon. "OBEY!" I yell as I hold on to the beast. The Griffon freezes for a second and hovers in the air. "Down!" I order. The beast closes its wings and points its beak down as we start chasing Ivan. "ARE YOU RIDING THAT THING!" Ivan yells as we catch up to him. "Yep now grab on!" I yell as I stick my hand out. Ivan grabs my hand and I lift him up and plant him behind me. "UP!" I order. The Griffon fly's back up to the ship and catches the attention of the others. "Ivan we need to draw some of the attention off of the others so open fire!" I yell as I draw Death's Finger and fire at a group of Griffons. "Right!" Ivan says as he draws his SMGs and opens fire. This grabs the attention of a large majority of the Grimm surrounding the ship. "Okay, we got their attention now what?" Ivan asks as he keeps shooting. "You thin them out while I focus on flying, once we're done with these bastards we can get back to the ship," I explain. "Now that is a plan I can get behind!  COME AND GET SOME YOU FEATHERED FUCKS!" Ivan yells as he unloads his guns into the flock behind us. While Ivan shoots down the Grimm behind us I fly and try to avoid the griffon flying in front of us. Some griffons try to dive bomb me but I shoot them all out of the air and watch as they drop past us. Meanwhile back at the ship, the others are still dealing with the few stragglers that are left. "Only a few more left guys lets not quit now!" Ember says as she fires a bolt into a Griffon. "Flynt on your left!" Reyla yells. Flynt quickly looks left and punches a Griffon away from the ship before he losses his footing. "FLYNT!" Reyla yells as she grabs flynt's hand. "Ugh, your so heavy, Ember give us cover fire!" Reyla says as she struggles to lift Flynt back onto the ship. Ember gives them cover fire but quickly runs out of ammo when a Griffon flys toward Flynt for a finishing blow before a bullet flys through its head as me and Ivan appear in the distance. "Need a hand," I say smugly as the rest of the Grimm fly away. 

"Man you have some good timing Big B" Ember says with a sigh of relief. I fly the Griffon to the side of the ship so that Ivan and I can dismount. "Be free," I say as I remove my control over the Grimm. The grim shakes its head and flies after the others. "Wait a minute that's not right," I say as I watch the Grimm fly away. "What do you mean?" Reyla says as she pulls Flynt back into the ship. "Grimm are ruthless and persistent the only time they would retreat is if-" A spine-chilling screech erupts in the distance and interrupts me. "What in the gods name is that thing!" The old man yells as we rush to the cockpit. Once in the cockpit, we see a titan-sized Alpha nevermore flying towards us. "It's massive!" Ember says.  "It's horrifying!" Reyla says. "Well, it's been nice knowing you- Hey where did Big B go?" Ivan says as I stand on the edge of the ship. "Okay, I've got a plan but it's fucking stupid," I say as I look at the nevermore fly closer to us. "Your not serious!" Aaron says in shock. "Yep, I'm gonna need you to dig deep bud!" I say as I jump out of the ship. I open my arms and slow myself in preparation for what I'm about to do. I close my eyes and tense up in pain as I morph into the Dragon Grimm that attacked Beacon. My wings form and I flap them with such might that clouds around me move out of the way and reveal my dragon form. A storm rolls in as I let out a might roar and gain the attention of the Alpha nevermore. The Alpha and I fly towards each other as lightning shoots beside our wings. We clash in midair with talons letting off sparks as they clash with each other. the Alpha tries to stab me with its beak but I bite its neck and throw it away from me. In response, it sends a wave of razor-sharp feathers at me but I block it with one of my wings. Once I remove my wing from my face I see the Alpha charge and crash into me knocking both of us out of the sky and crashing into a group of small islands. The Alpha kicks me off of it and strikes with its feathers again but I block it once more and immediately lunge forward as it tries to charge me again. It lands on its back with me on top of it as I claw away at it. It flails its wings and cuts one of mine as it breaks free and takes flight. Now grounded I see the ship fly above me and the Alpha as we have our battle. "Flynt throw fire dust crystals into my mouth!" I yell as the Nevermore gains more height. "Flynt after a moment of processing what's going on throws 10 fire dust crystals out of the ship and I catch them in my mouth and break them in my teeth.  Finally, the Nevermore closes its wings and drops while using its beak as a spearhead. I take a deep breath and blow out a firey blast in the beast's face as I knock it out of the sky and into the ground. I can see its feathers igniting as I keep my flame breath attack going until I run out of breath. Once I run out of breath I see the beast's scorched face as it moves its head down to look at me before I bite at its head and rip it off.  I spit its head out into the sea and let out a mighty roar to signify my victory before I pass out and morph back into my human form as I lose consciousness. 

I wake on a bed in a hotel room and look to see a sleeping Flynt in a chair next to me. As I move I notice an IV bag connected to me. What the?" I grumble in a hoars tone as my mouth is as dry as a dessert. Flynt hears my words and jerks awake before he runs out of the room. "What the hell? where am I?" I say as I look around. "You gave us quite the scare there youngin.  a voice says from the door as it creaks back open. I turn and see the old man followed by the others as they all enter the room one by one. "I brought you some water, I figured you'd be thirsty when you finally woke up," Reyla says as she hands me a bottle of water. "Okay, now that your alive again, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!" Ivan yells before Flynt smacks him on the back of the head as he makes a shushing motion. "That was so badass how did you do that," Ember says with sparkles in her eyes. "When did you plan on telling us you could-" I put up a finger as I chug down my bottle of water. " Okay to answer the first two questions it's my semblance and for that last question, the answer was never we were supposed to do a job and part ways from there," I explain. "You can't just keep secrets like that from us," Ember says. "Ember I'm not part of your team and like I said we were supposed to be a one and done. Trust me it's for the better if you guys stay away from me for as long as possible, it's just gonna get you killed." I say as I look away from her. "What the hell is that supposed to mean," Ivan says annoyed. "Not important, now what is important is how long I was out," I ask. "One month," Reyla says. "What, no no no no NO. I can't have been out for that long." I say as I get to my feet and pull the Iv tube out of my arm. "Why are you so worried?" Ivan asks. "Ironwood is why I'm worried," I say as I grab my gear. "What a minute you know the general?" Ember asks. "Personally no, his habits yes. The dust embargo was just a start next he's just gonna stop all exits and entrances into Atlas altogether if I know that cold-hearted bastard." I explain. "Well, I guess you know him since a week after you killed that titan he closed off Atlas," Ivan explains. "DAMN IT!" I yell as I smash my fist into a counter. "Easy lad you've been through a lot and you need to take it slow." The old man says as he walks up to me. I take a deep breath and calm down. "Your right I need to come up with a new plan so I may as well take it slow. Now with that being said, I have one more question where are we?" I ask as I lean on a counter. "Well we got push off course during the attack and the ship was damaged beyond repair when someone thought that a crash landing was the best course of action!" Reyla says as she looks at Flynt who just rubs the back of his head. "So we carried you to this fishing village called Nami," Ember explains. "Did you say fishing village?" I ask. "Yeah, why?" Ember says as a massive smile forms on my face. 

*Four hours later* 

"You want me to what!" Ember says in shock. "I want you to look after Eliana for me. Atlas waters and weather are too extreme for her to handle. So I want you to look after her for me, please she's the only part of my past that is still alive and I need to know that she'll be safe," I say as Elaina rubs into my cheek as I pet her head. "You're sure you want me to take care of her?" Ember asks. "As sure as I'll ever be," I say as I grab her shoulder and watch Elaina crawl over to her. "You be a good girl now you hear," I say as I pet her head for the last time. "You sure you want to go in alone, we can help you know it's not like we have anything else to do," Ember says as I walk to the door. "I'm gonna be sneaking past Atlas so stealth is gonna be key here, I can't stay stealthy with a posy following me. Besides you guys have your own story to continue as do I, but this is where our stories part, goodbye." I say as I walk out the door and into the village. "Well now for the tricky part, getting a ride," I say as I walk down the streets of Nami.

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