Chapter #10 Blood in the water

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After departing from the others I set out into the village and go on the hunt for a ship that's willing to take me where I need to go. I talk to every sailor I can but with no success as they all either can't or won't cross into Atlas waters. That is until I find one sailor mad enough to even think about it. "welp this is the last one in the village, If this goes sideways then we are gonna have a long swim ahead of us." I say as I stand outside a dirty and rundown shop with a broken sign that reads Red's fishing co. I knock on the door and wait for a response but nothing happens. As I knocked on the door I notice the door creak open. "Maybe they can't hear me." I say as I open the door and enter the shop. I enter and walk up to the counter that's lit by candlelight as the night creeps in making the rest of the shop pitch black. "Behind you!" Aaron yells as I move to my left and grab a hand that's holding a nightstick. "Ha, not this time." I say as I pull at the hand and put whoever was behind me into a headlock. The door I came in from closes and lights turn on as I see five men holding guns and pointing them at me.  "Ah fuck. Okay guys I'm not here for trouble drop the guns and we can talk this out." I say as I keep the man I have in a headlock in a tight grip. "Who are you and what do you want." One of the men says in a deep voice. "My name is Ben Cutler and I just need a ride into Atlas." I explain. "Who told you about this place." One of the men says. "No one I was going to every man and woman who had a boat trying to find someone willing to get me where I need to go. I didn't know this place was a smuggler house." I explain. "Ha, I never said this was a smuggler house, now who are you working for." another one of the men says. "Well, it doesn't exactly take a genius to figure out that this is not a regular fishing shop. Let's see, old and rundown shop that most people wouldn't go in, check,  six armed men that clearly don't mind knocking out or killing a mother fucker, check, and that dumbass just now confirming that this place is a smuggler shop, check. Now look I don't care what this place is I just need a way into Atlas that's it." I explain as I let go of the man I have in a headlock. "What do you have to offer us in return for us getting you there?" One of the men says as they put their guns down. " I'm willing to part with a few dust crystals since that's probably what your smuggling in the first place ever since the dust embargo." I say as I lean on the counter. "How many crystals?" One of them asks. "Five." I say. "If you want us to get you through Atlas security that's gonna have to be ten buddy." One of them says as he crosses his arms. "Six and an I owe you" I say quickly in response. "Deal!" one of the men says. 

*three days later* 

"Alright, we're a few hours out from where Atlas patrols roam so when we give the signal stay down and stay quiet, got it." One of the men says. "Got it. Now about what you want me to do can we go over it again?" I ask as I munch on some hardtack and a bowl of soup. "In return for us getting you past the border and into Atlas, we want you to send this to a man on the inside to let him know that our side of a deal has been upheld. His address is in the package so all you have to do is give it to him. We would do it ourselves but Atlas and Mantle have been going mad ever since the Attack on Beacon so for our own safety were sending you." the captain explains. I read the address and recognize it. "What the hell is a schnee doing with the black market!" I say as I look at the captain. "Your familiar with the Schnee's?" the captain asks as he looks over his shoulder while he drives the boat. "Yeah, I know the Schnee's I've met the daughters at least. Let me tell you the cold they bring put any blizzard to shame." I say as I laugh. "Well as for what they are doing with us that's none of your business, all you need to do is deliver the package." The captain growls. "Yeah, yeah. Say what are we looking at when it comes to the border patrol anyway." I ask as I finish the last of my soup. "Nothing really bad just a boat with some Atlas personal and possibly an airship but that's pretty rare. The one who checks this sector is on our payroll so we give him his wages and he turns a blind eye." The captain explains. "Very clever."  I say as I hear gunshots off in the distance. "The hell!" The captain says as he walks to the side of the boat. Off in the distance, we can see Atlas patrol fighting off a school of sharp fins the shark-like Grimm that plague the sea and these are some pretty big ones too. Some of the Atlas crew get knocked off as one of the sharp fins headbutts the ship. they try and climb back onto the ship but are quickly pulled underwater as their screams turn into gurgles as the water turns a dark shade of red. "poor bastards, well let slip in while their-" "Like hell, we're leaving him to get your ass in gear and help them, my sons on that tub." The captain yells as he throws me a rebreather. "Oh for fuck sake." I say as I slap on the rebreather and dive into the water. 

The water is freezing cold but not enough to cause major problems. While under I can see the sharp fins and count a total of seven as they all circle around the boat. "Bullets are gonna be useless down here boss so want me to take the reins?" Aaron says as I swim closer. "So that I can drown once I'm knocked out no thanks bud but that armor trick we learned might be useful down here. watch my back while I get to making sushi." I say as I put two water dust crystals in my gauntlets. The crystals power up my claws and I swing which sends a massive dust wave towards the sharp fangs which gain their attention. They all look my way after recovering from the blow. I see all seven of the charge me as one takes the lead and goes for a bite. Its mouth opens wide and bites down on me but I stop its jaws with my hands and feet as the shark shakes its head as it tries to wrangle me loose. I look over the shark and see the others hot on our tail so I loge a claw under its jaw and slide under it as my claws gut it as I slide all the way back to the tail. I retract my claws and land -on the back of another shark as it chases me. I quickly grab its top fin and mount it as another shark goes for another charge. I pull out Hellsing and put it in axe made and flip it over to the knife at the end of the handle as and impale the incoming shark right in the eye which knocks me off of the shark I'm riding in the process. As I readjust my self a shark comes from behind me and bites down on my arm as it drags me back and forth. Thankfully Aaron covered my arm in armor so I felt no pain and didn't need to use my aura. With this In mind, I flip around Hellsing and fire a sniper round through its jaw and into its head making the big fish fall limp. I look down and see three more sharks coming at me but I swing my axe and swat all of them to the side before the last shark gets me from behind and swallows me whole as it breaches the surface of the water. I swing my axe and cut the shark in half while in mid-air. After making it out of the guts I see that I'm just above the ship and do a superhero landing.  "Woah that was fun!" I say after I spit out the rebreather. I hear the surface of the water brake so I draw Death's finger and quickly turn around and fan fire the last three sharks. "Sorry about that now where were we." I say as I blow the smoke off my barrel and holster my gun. "Good work boy I owe you one now for saving me boy." The captain says as the Atlas ship sails next to us. The Atlas captain boards our ship and hugs his father. "Oh thank the gods you showed up I thought I was gonna sleep with the fishes." The captain says as hugs his father tightly. "Just be glad we were packing some good firepower today. " The father says as he points to me. "Eh, nothing I couldn't handle although I don't like getting wet." I say as I pour out the water that's in my hat. "How did that even stay on while you were underwater?" The captain asks. "The wonders of gravity dust." I say as I flick whatever water is left on my hat and put it back on. Well, I'm in your debt friend, and I think I know how to repay you. You're looking to get into Atlas right well I'll let you slip by and *pulls out a card and hands it to me* if you run into any trouble call me and I'll get you out." The captain says as I put his number on my scroll. "So is he trying to get on our good side or get in our pants?" Aaron says. "Well either way having a friend on the inside is always useful." I say as I join the two captains at the bridge. 

"Alright and with that your all set to cross the border, good luck." The Atlas captain says as he boards his ship and sails off. "Well boy we made it, you're officially in Atlas waters now. Say I know I don't have any business asking this but what is it in Atlas that you need so badly that you would go through all this trouble, is it a girl?" My captain asks. "Nope any kind of chance for a relationship for me died back at Beacon, I just need something that I can only find in Atlas that's all you need to know. But I'll go looking for that once I've held up my end of the deal of course." I say as I put the package in my duster. "Ha good lad, well for all its worth I hope you find what it is your looking for. Though you already know this be careful up in the frozen frontier ya hear even now I can feel something evil brewing in the air. Call it a gut feeling, but I think Beacon was just the start. Especially after the failed attack on Haven." The captain says. The attack on where!?" I say in confusion. "What you didn't hear a few months ago an attack was made on Haven but a group of huntresses and the local police stopped it." The captain explains. "That sounds like our girls." Aaron says. "Yeah, that sounds like them alright, I just hope they're all okay." I say as I sit back down. "They're big girls and we know they can handle themselves, besides where have bigger fish to fry." Aaron says. "Oh please don't start with the fish puns, after three days of nothing but fish I'm about ready to hurl at the mention of them." I say as I feel my stomach gurgle. "what sick of fish sticks, fish soup, sardines, catfish, and- " I interrupt Aaron as I dry heave. "Aaron I swear to the gods." I say as I move over to the side of the ship. "Alright I'll let up on the fish talk, we better rest up while we can after that fight." Aaron suggests. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea right now." I say as I make my way below deck and to my bed. 

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