Chapter #3 Follower

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(Sorry about the slow chapter I was in Vegas with family so I wasn't at my computer. But I'm back now and ready to get back to it.)

I wake from my sleeping bag as the sun rises and my campfire smolders. I nudge Elaina off my chest and put out the fire. "Ugh my back I can't take sleeping on the ground for much longer. Luckily we should be able to get to Shion by evening." I say as I crack my back.  I pick up Elaina, put her around my neck and start walking once again. "Were down to our last Box of food to so we really need to get to Shion today girl. Here may as well have some breakfast." I say as I open the last box of food and feed Elaina some cheese as I take a bite of bread and meat. "Ugh it's salty as all hell but food is food. Man what I would give to have Aaron right now, then I would at least have someone to talk to. No offense Elaina." I say as I walk down the road. I hear leaves moving behind me and turn quickly. "It is to early for this shit bud so just come out now and lets get this over with!" I yell as I hover my hand of my holster. Nothing but wind reply's as I stand in wait. "Guess it was just my imaginatio-" I turn and see Lance standing before me with black empty eyes. "Oh it's just you again. You've been at this for weeks just give it up already." I sigh as I walk through the illusion. "You would know all about giving up wouldn't you." it reply's. "Yes I would be it a bad thing or not I gave up, you and the others are dead, the world is in fear with no way of communicating since the tower fell at Beacon, and the Fang got away scot free and are still at large. So yeah I gave up, I'm not losing anything else on this damn crusade I've been on for the past 3 years. I just want to go home and live in peace, the world can burn for all I care." I say as I continue walking. "You no longer have a purpose so you just hide away in the shadows like a coward." Lances says. "I-.... Yes I'm a coward that has lost everything he's ever had due to his own selfishness and stupidity and now I'm scared that I'll lose the one thing I have left." I say as I face the illusion. "And what may that be, your pet, your memories, your sanity, or maybe it's your-" "ENOUGH!" I erupt as I stop in my tracks and look up at the illusion of Angel with similar black eyes as she sits on a branch. The illusion giggles and fades away. A screech comes from behind me as I turn and see a griffin flying towards me. "Ugh great." I groan as I draw my gun and shot the Griffin in the head. It's body lands in front of me and starts evaporating but before I turn away I notice something. There was a hat that was not digested by the beast but it was not just any hat, it was Roman Torchwick's hat. I walk over and pick it up when the beast fully disappears. "Huh I guess white coat must have bit it back at Beacon." I say as I put the hat on my backpack. I look back up and see a person walking towards me with a hood covering her face. "Hello?" I say as the person keeps walking towards me in silence. She points at the hat and raises her head so that I can see her face. "NEO!? What the hell are- oh I see." I say as I take the hat and give it to her. "You've been hunting that thing for a while now haven't you." I say as she swipes the hat and stares at it. 

She nods as she keeps her gaze on the hat. "Hmm I don't see any kind of bag on you and you look paler than usual. You haven't eaten in ages have you?" I say as she looks at me confused. "Let me guess your wonder why I care if your hungry or not well" I say as she nods. "Well you clearly lost someone too and your not trying to kill me at the moment, something which doesn't happen often out here. So here I was going to save the rest of this for the walk ahead but it looks like you need it more than I do." I say as I give her the last box of food I had. She looks at the box and looks to me as I give her a nod before she takes the box and opens it up. "If you want there's a village not to far from here so we can travel together until then. Bread and board is on me too." I say as I point behind me. The confused face showed up again and for the sake of time I activate my semblance and hear he thoughts. "why dose this guy care?" she says in her head. "Honestly I don't but I need some kind of company or I am going to go insane." I say in her head startling her. "AH WHAT THE HELL!?" She screams in her head. "Sorry I guess I could have gave a bit of a warning but I can hear thoughts and talk in peoples heads with my semblance." I say in her head. "Ok that's a little creepy but also conveinent for me." She says as she calms down. "Now offer is still on the table." I say as I start walking back down the path. "wait up!" she yells in her head as she runs up next to me. "So your gonna tag along with me after all huh." I say as I watch her put on the hat. "I don't really have anyone else to turn to so I'm taking what I can get." she explains in her head. "Fair enough" I say as I sip from my canteen. "How did you know my name by the way?" she asks. "Oh yeah you wouldn't remember. Right well this isn't our first meeting but the first time we did was in seclusion and afterwards I erased your memory of our encounter." I explain. "YOU CAN DO THAT!" she screams. "Yes I can do that but I try not to all the time since it gives me a massive headache after the fact." I explain. "Your not going to do it again are you?" she asks as she tightens her grip on her umbrella. "Nope, I've got no reason too. Besides it also knocks you unconscious and I already have enough weight to carry without having to add you to that." I explain as I point to my backpack. "Are you calling me fat." she says as she puts her hands on her hips. "Oh please your a walking twig with hips and an umbrella you probably cap out at 90 pounds." I say with a laugh. She smirks and points at my canteen "Mind if I-" "Here" I say as I hand her the canteen. She takes a few big gulp's and hands it back to me after a burp. "Oop excuse me." she says as she covers her mouth with her hand. "So un lady like." I say sarcastically. I laugh and she motions like she's giggling. "So I take it that your no longer with anyone crime wise." I say as I look back at the path. "No after Beacon I learned of his death and went out on my own. Then I found the Grimm that eaten him and here I am." She says as she takes off the hat and looks at it. "I see. Well if you don't mind my asking what's your plan from here?" I ask. "Why don't you tell me why your out here first." she says as she crosses her arms. "Well almost everyone I knew personally died at the fall of Beacon and some even before that and I no longer have a place to live so I packed my shit and left form my home town." I explain. She stops and looks at me with wide eyes. "Wow, I wasn't expecting that." She says. "Yeah but it's not to different from your own story." I say as I turn to her. "Maybe but I only had one person die that was close to me and you had how many?" she asks. "eight but 4 were right in front of me." I explain. "Holy shit." she says as she walks up to me. "Now what about you?" I ask. "I plan to kill the bitch that gave us that job in the first place." She says as her face fills with anger. "As a guy who went on a revenge filled crusade for the past three years I would have to advise against it." I say as I side eye her. "Well I don't care what you think I'm doing it." she says as she pouts. "Go for it then I was just giving my take on it." I say as I shrug my shoulders. 

After a few hours of walking we finally make it to Shion village and walk into the Inn. "Welcome to Shion Inn how can I help you two." The person working the desk asks. "We would like a room for the night please." I say. "Would you and your girlfriend her want one bed or two in your room?" He asks. Neo blushes and I roll my eyes. "How much is a two bed?" I ask. "that will be 20 lien." he says. I give him a twenty and take the room key. We get to our room and collapse on the beds. "Oh by the gods I thought I would never see a bed again." Neo says as she clings to a pillow. "Haha well while you get comfy I need a shower." I say as I take off my boots and Elaina hops down to the bed. "Me too, but I don't feel like waiting so why don't we-" "I'm gonna stop you right there and just let you take the shower first." I say as Neo get a smirk on her face. "You sure, even if I do this." She says as she turn into Krystal with her semblance. I just stare in silence with wide eyes as I look at her. I get flashbacks of Krystal being cut in half right in front of me over and over again until I close my eyes and turn away. "Please don't do that." I say as a tear runs down my eye. "Oh my gods I am so sorry." she says as she realizes what she did. "Just please don't do that again. Now I wont be able to hear you anymore since I need to save some energy." I say as I deactivate my semblance and walk over to the bathroom. I open the door and stop right before I step through and look back at Neo who looks sad about what she did. " Well come on then." I say as Neo shots up her head and looks at me. She leaps out of the bed and follows me into the bathroom as I turn on the shower. After a very steamy shower and a very active night we both fall asleep in each others arms until dawn breaks once more. Morning brakes and the sun beams into my eyes and wakes me up. I open my eyes and see that I am alone in bed. I quickly scramble to my duster and pull out my wallet to find it empty with a note attached to it that reads "Thanks for the night of fun but I really need this money. I hope you understand but to make up for it I left you a little present on your scroll." I grab my scroll and see 5 pictures of Neo, 5 sexy pictures of Neo. "Oh that bitch is lucky she's hot." I say as I put my scroll in my pocket.

(Ok I'll admit this may not be what I usually do but I did want to change it up a little so I hope you all like it but if not no worries I will go back to how I normally do things. Speaking of things I normally don't do I did actually have an entire sex scene written out but I scrubbed it for now. But If you guys want to see scenes like that let me know and I'll either make an entire other book for stories like that or actually add them in here if you all want. your wish is my command and I am happy to make them come true. But for now thank you all once again and the next chapter will be coming out soon"

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