Chapter #6 Resurgence

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"What are you talking about." I say as I face my dead teammates. "Have you even tried to transform since Beacon?" Lance says sarcastically. "Of course I have what kind of stupid question is that." I say to Lance as he sit's in the seat I was just in. "What happened when you tried?" Angel asks. "Nothing I focused and nothing came back except for a massive headache." I say." Where exactly was this headache?" Krystal asks. "It was in the back of my-" I stop as I realize what they were getting at. "Oh I think he's figured it out" Lance says. "Alright everyone shut up I need quiet." I say as I motion for Lance to move and take a seat. I take a deep breath and focus on transforming. My head feels like it's pounding but after the pain passed I hear a voice. "Hey boss long time no see." I hear Aaron groan like he's in pain. I open my eyes and see that I'm transformed. "AARON!" I yell in joy as I feel a tear run down my face. "Hey not so loud my ears are still ringing." Aaron says in my head. "What happened to you?" I ask as I calm down. "I don't know last thing I remember is I was about to kill that son of a bitch Adam then a bright light followed by lots and lots of pain. I woke up for a second when I saw you trying to transform but when you stopped everything went back to black." Aaron explains. "Well your back now bud so-" "stop. Just stop. Boss I don't think I'm back just yet. I still feel like hell and I can barely speak as it is. That and I cant leave your body anymore, it just hurts to much to even think about it. I'm hurt bad whatever it was that hit me it's left a permanent mark on me and I think I know what it was." Aaron explains. "What do you mean?" I ask. "You remember back when we were traveling to Vale and some old guy was talking about the gifted hunters, the one's with silver eyes. Well I think that story wasn't just a story after all." Aaron explains. "Silver eyes but the only person we ever met with that trait was....Ruby....Ruby had silver eyes. She did this to you." I say as I have flashbacks to me and Ruby talking. "Yeah I think she did but I don't think she meant to hurt us. That light came from the top of Beacon tower and that Dragon was up there too." Aaron says trying to calm me down. "Yeah your right. Well I've already got an idea on how to get you back and firing on all cylinders." I say as I stand up excited. "Heh so you can think without me huh. Well what did you have in mind. "Aaron asks as I walk to the front of the train. "Well I heard rumors that on an Island out off the coast of Atlas there are pools of Grimm like the one that you were born from so if I can get to one of those you might get your strength back." I say as I get to the front car. "Your a fucking idiot." Aaron groans. 

An explosion goes off in the distance and the train is derailed with each car sent flying forward. I get thrown out one of the windows and land in the branches of a tree, one of which impales me in my side. I grunt from the pain and look down to see what blew up the train. "Spread out men and grab what you can, huntsmen will swarm this area in minutes." A familiar voice bellows as I morph back into my human form. "Oh not this fat ass again." I mutter through the pain as I slide off the branch and fall to the ground. "Friend of yours?" Aaron asks as I get up and hide in a bush. "Yeah me and him traded blows a while back while you were in limbo." I explain in my head. I whistle for Elaina and she limps out of a bush to my right. "That ain't supposed to bend that way. Don't worry girl we'll get you to a vet soon." I whisper as I pick her up and watch the Woodsman and his men leave. Shortly after Huntsman and Mistrial patrol arrive at the scene to look for wounded and survivors. I made myself known and was taken on a medical ship that sent me to Mistrial. To my surprise there was another medical ship coming in at the same doc and I saw a lot of familiar faces as I was carried to the hospital. After about ten minutes in I was prescribed some pain meds and went on my way. "Okay I swear I saw-" "Big B!" Ruby yells as she tackles me to the ground in a hug. "OW son of a bitch!" I say through gritted teeth as I clench my wound. "Oh my gods I am so sorry I didn't know you were hurt." Ruby says as she helps me up. "Eh no worries. But it's good to see you again pipsqueak. Although I guess now I can't keep calling you that since you've grown a little since I last saw ya." I say as I hug her. "What are you doing here?" she says as the others come to see what the commotion is about. "Well I was on a train set to here but it got attacked and I got blown out a window and impaled by a tree branch. So yeah I'm doing good. Now what are you and these guys doing here, good to see all of you by the way." I say as I lean past Ruby's shoulder and wave to Ren, Nora and Jaune. "We were traveling when we were attacked by someone who wanted Ruby and then her Uncle came in and drew him off but he was poisoned during the battle and we had to get him here." Ren explains. "Then why are you all out here standing around like fish out of water." I ask. "The doctors are getting him an antidote as we speak, so now we just wait for them to say we can take him home, or well to our new home." Jaune explains. "Enough about that, did you grow a beard?" Nora asks. "I haven't shaved in a while so I guess I did." I say as I stoke my chin. "I like it, it makes you look battle hardened." Nora says as we laugh. "Ugh it is so good to see you guys I've been alone on the road for months." I say as Elaina whips me with her tail. "Ugh you know what I meant." I say as the others laugh. "Same here Big B, we may have had each other but it's good to see a friendly face. So what are you doing in Mistrial?" Ruby asks. " Well I was going to catch a ride to Atlas but now I think I'll rest up for a week or two." I explain. "A wise decision." Ren says as the doctors come out and inform them that Ruby's uncle is good to go. "Oh we got to go Big B oh but uh do you have a place to stay for the night, If not you can stay with us." Ruby says. "I just got here so I'll take the couch." I say as I follow Ruby and the others to a room. "Hey kids, Ugh who's this guy?" A messy looking man says as he limps out of the room. 

"A friend." I say as the others help him walk. "Wait a minute I remember that voice, Ben right?" He asks as we walk through the halls. "Yep but most call me Big B." I say as we get in an elevator. "Heh cute, so what is a guy like you doing out here all on your own." He asks. "I could ask you the same thing gramps." I say sarcastically. "Oh come I'm not that old." He says. I laugh and realize something. "Hey I never did get your name." I say as our elevator reaches the ground floor. "It's Qrow, Qrow with a Q." He says. "He's the coolest Uncle and huntsman ever." Ruby chimes in as we walk outside. He giggles and looks back at me. "You never did answer my question, what are you doing out here all on your own?" Qrow asks. "I lost just about everything at Beacon so I figured I travel back home and look for a place to belong. But after about a year of wondering around the entire continent I figured out that, that place ain't here. So I was thinking of traveling up to Atlas and see what awaits me there." I explain. "Huh so your more of a nomad now huh." He says as we approach a house.  "Pretty much, there's a lot of good and bad in this world so I may as well see it all." I say as Ruby helps him on the couch. "Wise words." Ren says. "Or the words of a fool." Qrow says as he takes out a flask. Ruby smack it out of his hand and dumps it out in a sink. "You cant drink while you have the meds in you." Ruby says as she hands him back his flask. "Time will tell which one I am Qrow." I say as I put my hat over my face. "So since were all here why don't we tell some story's while Ren and Jaune make dinner." Nora says as Ren and Jaune walk off to the kitchen. "Oh boy, well I'm gonna go get some shut eye while you youngsters catch up." Qrow says as he walks down the hall way and into a room. After watching him walk off I turn my head and see Nora and Ruby eagerly awaiting an epic tale with stars in their eyes. "You two want me start off don't you." I say with a raised eyebrow. They both quickly nod their heads in excitement. "I forgot just how cute they where." Aaron says as I sit up and prepare to tell a tale. "Okay well if it's a story you girls want then open your ears because I shall tell you the tale of the woodsman and his band of bandits." I say as Ruby grabs a pillow and Nora leans back.

About ten minutes later and I get to the part where I now stand face to face with the Woodsman. "So there I am tried from battling the hordes of men that served under the Woodsman and now standing amidst their bodies as I now Look up at this Titan of a man. He throws his axe in the air and it turns into a cannon." I say as I plant my foot on the table. "Wait a cannon as in a cannon on a ship!?" Ruby says in shock. "Exactly! He fires at me but I doge out of the way and take cover by all of the tents in the camp. After he ran out of ammo I charge at him with axe in hand and our blades meet with a clang that echoed for miles. We trade blow after blow until The Woodsman gets a hit on me and send me flying. I slid on the ground for about 20 seconds all the while the Woodsman was running at me. I got back on my feet and BAM I shot a shell point blank into his gut. I unloaded the rest of my ammo in Hellsing and knocked him to the ground. Once he was on his back I loaded two dust rounds and sent myself flying strait up with the first one and used the second one to gain some momentum as I prepared my finishing blow. I shot down to the earth like a bullet and right as I was about to land the finishing blow SHINK. He swung his massive axe and got me right in the gut. The blow sent me into the ground once more and filled the wound with stones, dirt, and whatever else with in the bit of the ground." I say as I show the scar on my belly.  "Ouch." Nora says as she slightly recoils. "Yeah that one hurt like hell. But it didn't end there. Once I rolled over and saw my stone filled gut the Woodsman grabbed my face a threw me off into the forest before disappearing into the forest. I landed in a river and hit my head on a stone so I was knocked out for I don't remember how long. I woke in the Village Inn and had a doctor Remove the stones from my gut and stich me up. The only bit that sucked about that was that the Doc didn't have any pain meds to give me so I had to suck it up and fight through two hours of pain." I explain as I sit back down. "Man Big B that was one heck of a story." Ruby says as the others come in the room with dinner. "There's more where that came from but now it's time for one of you to tell a story." I say as I start to slurp down my bowl of Ramen. "Oh I got to tell your you about." Nora says as she slams down her bowl. "Nora please don't tell me it's the dream again." Ren says as he sits down. "SO there we were in the middle of the night-"" It was day." Ren says correcting Nora. We continued to tell stories for the rest of the evening until nigh fell and we all went to sleep. 

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