Chapter #15 Black Hat

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After hauling my body into their ship the loin brothers take off and set a course for the home of their master and bandage their wounds. "So how much longer do you think he's gonna stay unconscious for?" Mort says as he hovers over my body. "No idea but something tells me we should make sure he stays asleep. Rico!" Mukker says as he steers the ship. Rico grabs a syringe out of a box and injects me with its contents. "There that should keep him till we get there," Rico says as he puts away the syringe. "Now that we've made sure he won't be waking up anytime soon anyone needs any meds we got our butts kicked pretty hard?" Mort asks as he pulls out a first aid kit. "I don't think bandages will help little bro thankfully he just used his fists so all we've got is bruises but our aura should heal that up before we get to the castle," Mukker says as he activates autopilot and sits with his brothers. Mukker looks me up and down and notices my weapon and goes to reach for it. I grab his hand and look him dead in the eye as fury flows through me. "Oh fuck!" He yells before I erupt from my chains and take my beast form. I claw at Mukkers arm and throw him aside as Rico's hope on my back and stabs me with a knife. I fill my back with spikes and impale him killing him instantly. "RICO!" Mort yells as his brother falls off my back as I retract the spikes. I face him as he screams but is distracted as Mukker shoots me and his bullets bounce off my shell of bone-like armor. I swat away his gun and sink my claws into both of his shoulders and rip off his arms. before he can scream in pain I bite and his throat and rip it out. As his body hits the ground I turn to face Mort. "Big B stop!" Angel says. This snaps me out of my bloodlust and I look back to see Mort frozen with fear. "You don't need to kill him. please stop." Angel pleads. "Fuck that kill the little bastard already he just gonna try and kill you once he quits pissing himself," Aaron says. "P-please don't kill me...I don't want to die. Please!" Mort says as he slowly backs up.  I take a second to think before I grab his throat and return to my human form. I punch him in the face and knock him out cold before tieing him up with what remained of my bindings. I throw the bodies out of the ship and move to the driver's seat. "What the hell was that Big B. I knew you like to get carried away but that was brutal even by your standards." Lance says. "That was me learning from my mistakes," I say as I wipe the blood off oh my hands and mouth. "Mistakes?" Angel says confused. "Yes. I let Arden live after our first encounter and he came back, kidnapped and killed dozens of villagers, and then trapped you three and nearly killed me. Then there was the wolf Faunus whatever his name was who I let get away multiple times which lead to 3 of my closest friends getting killed 2 of which were right before my very eyes. then I let those 3 live after numerous attempts on my life one of which lead to Eve here which is now a permanent headache added to the roster of shit I have to deal with. So I'm done with letting people like them go free. It only leads to more people dying." I say as I rest my head in my palm and tears fall from my face. "Big B," Krystal says as she puts her hand on my shoulder.  "I'm not saying I approve of your methods but I understand. You've lost so much in your life that now you've come to this, but it's not the way. Please don't lose faith in people Big B." Krystal says as she moves her hand to my cheek. "What happened to you Big B I know you changed after you lost us but even then you kept everything under control," Lance says. "I honestly don't know but now that I think about it Aaron you changed as well. Yes, you like combat as much as I do but egging me on like that was out of character." I say as I face Aaron. "It may have to do with whatever they injected you with," Eve says as she points to the box back by Mort. "Injected?" Me and the others say in unison. "But they said it was supposed to be a tranquilizer?" Aaron says as he scratches his head. "Wait I was unconscious how do you two know about what happened when I was out but these guys don't?" I say as I point over my shoulder to my teammates. "They are intertwined with your mind which was put to sleep we are intertwined with your body and your mind so even when you're knocked out we still feel everything." Eve explains. I smack Aaron on the back of the head. "Why did you never tell me about this!?" I yell. "You never asked," Aaron says. I facepalm and open the box to find a lining of syringes. I inspect the syringe that's empty and it read adrenaline. "Why the hell do they have a box of adrenaline and how did they mistake this for a tranq?" I say as I close the box. I hear Mort grunt as he slowly wakes up. "Morning sunshine, enjoy your nap." I say sarcastically. he slowly opens his eyes which widen as soon as he sees me. "NO PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" he screams with tears in his eyes as he scurys away as much as he can. 

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