Chapter#8 F.I.R.E.

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After getting back into Mistrial I looked high and low for anything that could get me a ride to Atlas or anywhere close. Thankfully after a few hours of sneaking around and eavesdropping, I found what I was looking for. "Help wanted from any available sources huntsman or not if you can fight well take you and pay you handsomely. Huh well, that's convenient." I say as I finish reading an entry on a bounty board. "Story of our lives right there," Aaron says as I save it to my scroll. "Maybe but this op will take us all the way to the edge of the continent where an Atlas base is set up. All we have to do from there is hijack a ship and well be on our way." I say as I walk to where the bounty says to meet. "Yes, I realize that the payout is lower than expected but please you must understand-" "Cut the shit old man we know damn well you have more than enough cash to spare." A very angry man says "Ivan calm down, will you. We'll take the job sir and I do apologize for my hot-headed friend here." A pink-haired Faunus says as she shoves her teammate out of the way. "Am I interrupting something?" I say as I walk towards them. "No sir me and these fine people were just discussing business but if you came here for the job I'm sorry to say that the role has been filled and I don't have any more lien to spare for a 5th member." An old man explains. "No need I just need a ride over to where your heading so I don't mind helping out if that's what it takes," I explain. "Ah well if that's the case welcome aboard, we leave in ten so get acquainted with your co-workers here while I fule up the Bullhead." the old man says as he walks off. "Uh hi" I say nervously as I wave my hand. "Ugh come on Flynt let's go help the old man." Ivan scoffs as he motions for his teammate to follow him. "Ugh, he's such a downer. I'm sorry about him he's a bit of an asshole. I'm Ember and this is Reyla, the other two as you heard are Ivan and Flynt. We're team FIRE, and you are?" Ember asks. "Oh uh I'm Ben but friends call me Big B. It's nice to meet you guys." I say as sit on a cargo box. "You a solo?" Reyla asks. "Yep." I say. "You look a little young to be a solo huntsman." Ember says. "That's cause I'm not a huntsman I'm just getting where I need to go." I explain. "And where would that be if you don't mind my asking?" Reyla asks. "The edge of the world where no one can bother me and I can't bother anyone." I explain. "Please tell me you're not one of those idiots that think the world is flat." Reyla says. "Oh, gods no I just want to find some peace." I explain. "Well huntsman or not where happy to have you." Ember says. "Speak for yourself!" Ivan yells as he hauls a fuel crate over to the bullhead. Flynt wacks his teammate on the back of the head. 

Ivan gives him a death stare and gets back to the crate. "Thanks, Flynt!" Ember yells. Flynt gives a thumbs-up as well as a happy growl. "Big guy doesn't talk much does he?" I say. "He can't talk period he burnt off his vocal cords when he was making his weapon. That's why he has the cover around his neck and under his face mask, it covers his scars. Reyla explains. "Damn. Oh, I almost forgot what are we doing exactly? The bounty board just said help wanted it didn't give a description of the job." I explain. "It's a search and recover mission. A shipment of dust for the old man was on a convoy to the town were landing at so that it could be flown to the old man's shop but the convoy was attacked by Grimm. So were being sent in to recover the cargo and complete the delivery." Reyla explains. "Yep, so that's why we're here since the mission should hopefully be a cakewalk." Ember says as she rubs the back of her head. "Yeah, no offense but when I think battle gear I don't think a furry pink bikini top, skirt, and leg warmers." I say as I look at her outfit. "Hey not everyone can look like a bounty hunter. Besides no need for armor when the enemy can't hit you." she says with a smirk. "If they even see you short stack!" Ivan yells as he finishes fueling up the bullhead. "Fuck off." she says with a slight chuckle. "At least I don't look like a pirate." Ember says. "Arrg I am on the hunt for booty." Ivan says in a pirate accent. everyone laughs for a solid 5 seconds. Well, you got some right here." I say as I stop laughing. "Well the thing is Embers lesbian and I'm lucky that Reyla doesn't slit my throat in my sleep." Ivan says. "what about the big man here he looks like he could walk through fire and come out cold." I say as I point at Flynt. Flynt just shrugs in response. "Don't give a shit huh, hey to each their own. Now we should probably hop on the bullhead before the old man takes off without us." I say as I point at the Bullhead. We all hop aboard the Bullhead and await take off. "Alright, kiddos get your butts in a seat cause we're taking off!" The old man yells. The jets turn on and we lift off the ground and into Mistrial airspace. "Hey I forgot to ask where did you get the hard leather armor, not many people use that these days." I ask as I look at Reyla. "Oh this, It's been in my family for years, with a few additions of course. Years ago my family were assassins but we gave up that life a long time ago, the Creed family these days are either huntsmen or policemen." Reyla explains. "That would also explain the hook blades. I say as I point to her weapons. "What about you big man?" I say as I look at Flynt. "Flynt here has some fire retardant armor that I personally made him." Ivan says smugly. "Huh didn't take you for a tailor." I say surprised. "Hey, I can do things." Ivan says. "Well team we got a long flight ahead of us so we may as well rest up while we can." Ember says. "Wait your the leader?" I say surprised. "What don't think a girl can be a leader." Ember says with arms crossed. "No not that, you said your team name was team F.I.R.E. right? So wouldn't that make Flynt the leader?" I explain. "Oh that yeah well Flynt was assigned as leader but since he can't really order us around we had a vote and elected me as leader instead." Ember explains. "Ah, I see well I won't bother you guys anymore so get some sleep I'll just clean my weapons." I say as I look around and see the others already passed out. "Wow they sleep fas-" I get interrupted by Embers snoring. 

"Damn they went out like a light." Aaron says with a yawn. "Since when the hell do you sleep?" I ask in my head. "Ever since your conversations got so boring." Aaron says. "Right, well we're not staying with them long. It's just this job then we're back on the road." I explain. "Don't you mean the sky." Aaron says sarcastically. "You know what I mean you asshole." I say with a chuckle in my head. "Now that I think about it why are we going to Atlas instead of strait to the Dragon Island?" Aaron asks. "Well remember the Penny girl that got turned into quarters at Beacon, and how we got a load of info on her off of Ironwoods files." I say as I clean my gun. "Yeah what about it?" Aaron asks. "Well in one of those files was the name of her creator, Doctor Pietro Poledina. A brilliant inventor. If he can make a robot that has a soul he can make us some tools that we might need like a boat and possibly another vehicle since we have no idea how far in what we're looking for is." I explain. "And what makes you think that this guy will make all that for us?" Aaron asks. "Well money is always a good motivator but if that doesn't work we can come to an arrangement." I say in my head. "Since when do we have enough money to pay for stuff like that?" Aaron asks. "Well ever since the dust embargo that Ironwood set up I'm willing to bet that some of the dust that we may or may not nick from this op will sell for a very good price." I say as I finish cleaning my weapon. "You're just gonna steal from them?" Angel's voice says as she appears in front of me. "What the hell?" Aaron says shocked. "Of course he is he only does what benefits him, everyone else be damned." Lance says as he sits on the floor. "The fuck!" Aaron says as he sees Lance. "Please he only plans to take what he needs, he doesn't plan on completely robbing them." Krystal says as she appears next to me. "How-" "Aaron it's fine this has been happening for a while now." I say in my head. "Have you been dealing with this all on your own?" Aaron says as he snaps his gaze back to me. "Yeah it was scary as hell at first but over time they just became more annoying than scary, well save for Krystal." I say as I look at Krystal as she smiles at me. "Oh, and how can I forget the demon." Lance says as he stands up. "Call me that again and I will gut you here and now." Aaron says in a fit of rage. "My point exactly, how are we supposed to trust that this guy will do anything good with this thing crawling around in his head. "Hey what the hell is your problem you were an asshole but you were never this bad." Aaron say as he confronts Lance. "Aaron stop it's just a shadow of him, he's not real and neither is anything he's saying. They're just ghosts in my head that are here to torment me." I explain in my head. "But then why is Krystal still nice to you?" Aaron asks confused. "Because I know I don't deserve it. I say in my head. 

The ship rumbles and wakes up the others. "Woah what's happening?" Ember says. Just a bit of turbulence kiddos don't be too afraid. But I would keep an eye open since this area has been known for nevermore and griffins to be flying about this time of year." the old man says from the cockpit. "You didn't mention this earlier why?!" Ivan yells. "Cause I just now remembered HAHAHA." the old man laughs from his pilot seat. A distant screech can be heard in the distance. We all move up to the cockpit and see a Nevermore heading towards us with a lot of Griffins behind it. "Uh, what are the odds this thing has weapons." I ask as I grab Death's finger. "Sorry youngin this bird doesn't have any claws built-in, so I would recommend getting out there and make sure this bird's wings don't get clipped while we're above the water." The old man says as he moves the ship out of the way. "Well, this is gonna be fun." I say as we all move back to the side doors and get ready to open fire.

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