Chapter 71

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Chapter 71

"Mr. Helffrich, you arrived right on time!" Bati ni Berdea na isang chief officer. Makipagkamay muna siya sa akin at tinugunan ko lang siya ng tango before proceeding to a room where the interrogation is taking place.

Getting the supply order issue resolved and negotiating with the suppliers turned out to be a good idea, but it wasn't finished yet, so I cleared my schedule after that at dumeretso rito sa station. This will take a lot of my time, but I can't let those perpetrators sent to prison unless I get information from them.

"What's the current situation?" Tanong ko habang pinapanood sa tinted glass ang interrogator at isang lalaki sa kabilang silid.

"He's the fourth person being questioned. As of now, there is no response when we ask who ordered them, which makes them even more suspicious. This is the chatty one, sigurado akong magsasalita 'yan." Paliwanag niya sa akin kaya kumunot ang noo ko at pinagkrus ang dalawang kamay.

"Don't let them bluff their way out of this. My secretary will be here later to submit the remaining half of the evidence we've gathered." Seryoso kong sabi. Tumango naman siya bilang pagsunod.

"Wala kang dapat na ipagalala Mr. Helffrich, meron na rin silang kaso rito kaya hindi sila makakalabas ng kulungan ng basta-basta." He said shaking his head with a smile on his face. He sounds relieved as he says those words.kaya hinayaan ko na lang.

"Si Bogs lang ang inutusan boss, sumunod lang din kami sa kanya! Boss, damay lang ako rito!" Sigaw na sabi ng lalaki kaya napabaling kaming lahat sa kanya.

He's referring to their leader, Bogs Paraday. Bogs, the bald old man who drove a car away from the university after sabotaging the construction site's working area. Bogs turns out to be the most wanted criminal after reviewing and reading their background information.

"He's been wanted for over fourteen years. If I'm not mistaken, he was involved in the Royale Palace kidnapping incident." The police chief abruptly spoke up. It's as if he's spilling something he shouldn't say outside of his field.

"Kung ayaw niyong maniwala, pupunta sa warehouse sa susunod na araw 'yung babaeng nagutos sa kanya para ibigay 'yung pera!" He appears desperate as he tells us about his other whereabouts. He also revealed the location of their base, which surprised me.

"Mukhang hindi niya alam ang tungkol sa kasong kinahaharap ng leader niya." Saad ko kaya napatingin sila sa akin. They were lost for a moment, but the police chief spoke up again.

"Their leader committed the most heinous crime causing harm to a royal. However, the case had already been closed due to palace orders." Sabi niya. "He's on the verge of having his head cut off , but nakatakas siya." Umiiling niyang sabi at hindi maitago ang hirap ng kasong hinawakan niya noon. But why is the palace involved?

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