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not me changing the entire plotline because i didnt like one chapter


"𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕."

I rolled my eyes as I listened to Quackity recount the story of him almost getting arrested. He was grossly exaggerating the amount of cops, but people believed him anyways. 

"I'm gonna go take a walk or something", I said, interrupting him. He waved me off, not really caring. I stood up,  grabbed my mask from my chair, then went outside.

"It's been what, two years? God, I need to spill some more blood", I sighed. People were getting too cocky. Forgetting what it was like at night. 

I climbed a worn down goat trail that was in the side of the cliff. Most people couldn't make it, but after chasing Tubbo down for years, I could manage. 

Like normal, I had a paring knife in a hidden sheath on my thigh, and a set of daggers in my back harness. I preferred shooting my victims, but I'd have to make do. 

I groaned, feeling my bones ache as I imagined all the walking I'd have to do.

"Whatever, you need the exercise anyway", I sighed.

When I finally made it to the city, it was about 1am, meaning no cops, a lot of drunks, and few witnesses. My favorite time to hunt.

The first person I stumbled upon was a slutty looking woman in her 20's, wearing a black dress that was shorter than my attention span and a neckline that showed a bit more than a little of her boobs.

"Hey honey", the lady purred. "You wanna have a good time tonight?"

I managed to not roll my eyes, but forced on a smile.

"I'm sure I will", I muttered. She smiled, biting her lip 'seductively'.

"Wanna come back to my place?" I asked, smirking.

She giggled, flipping her hair. "Lead the way, hot stuff."

How the fuck does she get dates, my god, I thought to myself.

I found the old warehouse where I used to hide old bodies, and chuckled to myself as I opened the door.

"Come on in, cutie", I forced out of my mouth.

She smiled, stepping inside and twisting to look at me. I followed her inside, then slammed it shut.

"I'm gay", I snarled, all pretenses of wanting to hook up gone.

She looked at me, confused.

"Why am I here then?" She asked, sounding offended.

"Because", I sighed. "I'm making a statement."

She cocked her head, but I saw the look of horror spreading as I slipped on my mask.

"No", she whispered, stepping back. "No!"

"Look, honey, you really shouldn't try and get in the pants of the first person you see. The only one to blame here really is you."

She began to shake, tears streaming down her eyes.

"Please!" She screamed. "Please. Let me go. I won't tell anyone. Please."

I lifted up my mask.


She nodded, hugging herself.

"I promise. I promise, please, just let me go."

I hummed, considering it.

"I'll think about it", I lied, reaching up inside my shirt and feeling the handle of the dagger.

"R- Really?" She asked, looking up at me.


I pulled out the dagger and grinned. She started to scream and back away, but she was still crouched down and wasn't moving very fast.

"Night night", I whispered, crouching down beside her. She shuddered as the blade entered between her ribs, piercing her heart. 

I stood up, sighing. I had a few more hours before daylight and that meant a few more hours to set up.

"Got some work to do tonight."


i like this plot more

anyways ranboo merch is based

i have the money but in cash so im paying my friend to order it for me lol

ok bye

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