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not me casually forgetting what part of the plot im at rn-

also serious note rq, i know i haven't been updating a lot and my updates have been shorter. i'm kinda running out of steam for this story, so im gonna wrap it up. i want to finish it, but i also have a bunch of other ideas, so it probably wont be the best ending. thanks for the support, ily all :)

still wilbur


I paced back and forth at the office, Bad and Sapnap staring at the files I placed on their desks.

"There doesn't seem to be any correlation between his victims, just wrong place, wrong time."

Sapnap nodded, but Bad shook his head.

"Some of the victims are unrelated, but a couple all tried to report Dream to the police or hide from him. He doesn't really seem to be going after a specific group of people though, just those that interfere."

I cocked my head, considering that. 

"That's true, but he also hasn't gone after any police officers."

Sapnap wrinkled his nose.

"I bet it's because of George."

I shook my head.

"He didn't kill any officers even before he met George. He stopped killing for a while, actually."

Sapnap shrugged.

"I don't understand why he didn't kill any of us then," he said, leaning back in his chair. "He's evaded capture, and it probably wouldn't be hard to get to us."

Bad started to protest, but Sap shushed him.

"You know he could. He has people on the outside, and he's killed people under our protection before."

I nodded, and Bad sighed.

"We're never gonna catch him," he groaned.

I shrugged.

"We can hope."



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