05| Sleepless Nights

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The rest of the week, I avoided Jacob like the plague. 

An idiotic guy has crudely replaced my blue-eyed dream girl, and I could not accept it. The thought that I actually felt something for a person I didn't even meet excited me, but the revelation that I felt something for a man was unacceptable! I mean, it was just a glimpse of blond hair and blue eyes. Whatever made me assume that it was a woman?

Stupid, stupid assumption.

I was being overdramatic, and anyone in my shoe would probably laugh about it and maybe even joke about it. So why couldn't I? Why did I feel disappointed? No, I wasn't only disappointed. I was infuriated. But why? Why did this affect me so much?

"Hey," Jaxx cut my rumination. He barged into my room unannounced and immediately took the seat across my desk. "We're heading to Spumantino tonight. The guys will be there."

"The guys, meaning?"

"Chino, Bart, Jacob... Seb," he said the last one in a lower voice, but I still managed to hear it. I was nearly over Seb's insolence, but I couldn't tell him that I didn't want to hang out with Jacob. I didn't want him to know that Jacob affected me strangely. I didn't know why either!

"Rain cheque," I said quickly.

"What? Come on, don't tell me you're not over Seb yet? The guy said he was really sorry and admitted that he was a brainless buffoon."

"I don't know, man. I just don't feel like going out tonight," I said half-heartedly. 

Half of me wanted to hang out with them, but I also needed a good night's sleep. The week had taken its toll on me. I was tired and irritable, and seeing Jacob and Seb would just magnify my irritability a hundredfold. Between sleep and drama, I'd choose sleep any day.

"Don't be a loser. Since when did you not feel like going out? After the week that we had, we need to unwind, man!" he pushed.

"After the week that I had, I need to get some sleep," I replied. "If it isn't enough for you and Bart to be my alarm clock in the mornings, some new guy decided to show off and wake me up in the middle of the night!"

"Speaking of, what happened anyway?" he backpedaled.

"I don't know, why don't you ask your friend? He was the one who ended up penniless, phoneless, and identity-less in a police station I have never been to my entire life," I scoffed.

"No, I know how that happened. I told him not to do anything stupid, but he did just that. What I wanted to know is what happened between you guys?"

"What? Nothing happened between us! Are you high or something?" 

My outburst surprised Jaxx, making his brows shoot up as he jerked back a little. I don't understand why I was defensive or sensitive. This was just a normal conversation. What the hell was wrong with me?

"Oooohkay. Are you okay? You're a little on edge. Are you also pissed at Jake?" his eyebrow quirked.

"I'm just tired and stressed out, Jaxx. I didn't mean that. I just... just let me go home tonight," I sighed.

"Alright. Maybe next time then," he stood up slowly, not taking his eyes off me. "You'll be fine, yeah? You can talk to me if there's anything I can help you with."

"I'm fine, dude. Thanks," I forced a smile and nodded and waved him off to leave me be.

At exactly five P.M., I shut down my computer and grabbed my things. I needed to get out of the office fast before Noelle would hand me over more papers or would remind me of something I might have to do over the weekend. Also, I needed to leave to be ahead of the rush hour. As I was a few steps from the door, it suddenly swung open, and I almost bumped into Jaxx.

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