32| Sound Byte

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On Saturday morning, I informed Mr. Montevideo that the proposal was ready. He was very pleased. However, he said he was out of town for an emergency and he wanted to be present when during the meeting. He apologized profusely, seemingly sincere, and added more praise for JAB and me, as if we were kindergarten kids waiting for a star for good behavior. I rolled my eyes and made stupid faces as he spoke, confident that he could not see me. He reassured me that he would schedule with us as soon as he was back in Manila the following week. I really could not care so much, especially that there was a risk that he would crush us under his mighty thumb, as Jacob insinuated.

Jacob, that bloody fucker. I was glad he had already left when I came out of the bathroom and was out of my way the entire day yesterday. My anger and disenchantment have not abated, and to be frank, I liked it better this way. We were back to being strictly professional, just the way it should be.

Brigs canceled our poker night at the last minute, and I was more than relieved. But I would be lying if I said I was not dismayed, even just by a bit. I was looking forward to a stress release. But then I suppose losing out on poker wasn't the best either.

So, I went home to Valle, and it was the better decision. At least I got to spend time with the people who cared about me: Val, Cara, and Justin.

It was already mid-morning of Sunday, but I was still lazing in bed. The pain in my gut was not improving. If anything, it was getting worse. And just when I thought my morning could not get worse, Harris stepped inside my room without knocking, heralding another bad day.

"Why is Jaxx's ex downstairs looking for you? Is she moving on to you now?" his eyes narrowed at me accusingly.

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Don't be an idiot, Ace. Why is she here?"

"I have no idea! Who're we talking about anyway?"

"Duh, Grace, of course! Who else?"


"Oh, yeah, I forgot about them being together at all. It was like, so forgettable," he chuckled and stood up.

Uh, no. They are very unforgettable. I wanted to say.

"Anyway, she's downstairs looking for you. I wouldn't do anything stupid with that woman."

I took a three-minute shower and brushed my teeth before heading down to see her on the sofa, long legs crossed. Her now ombre curls were tied in a high ponytail showcasing her slender neck. She was really a beautiful thing; if only she weren't a devious, manipulative, conniving bitch.

"Grace. What a lovely surprise." I hopped down the stairs and sat across her. I hoped I didn't sound too sarcastic.

"Hello, Ace." She stood up and gave me a cheek kiss. "You're looking good! Though... what happened to your arms?"

Great. I forgot about them. "It's an embarrassingly dumb story that I don't want to share, really," I laughed briefly.

"Those look like tough fingers. Ouch. You better get yourself out of that woman's grasp, literally, before it's too late," she said cocking an eyebrow whilst turning my arm to inspect it. I let out a fake laugh, held her wrist and pushed it away gently.

"It's nothing like that, really."

"If you say so. I'm just saying I've seen a lot of those on the women I work with, and they all look the same and say the same," she gave me a tight-lipped smile and a knowing look, which scared and pissed me at the same time.

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