14| Bro Code

42 7 18

Before going to sleep, I emailed Noelle regarding my absence and gave her instructions for the meetings and other important things that have been scheduled for the day. The CT scan result would not be out 'til lunchtime, and I've decided that if it was clear, I was going to get the hell out of here.

I'd already showered and changed at my place, so all I had to do was sleep. The room was rather warm, so I searched the living room for the remote for the air conditioner.

"Are you really staying to watch over me?" his hard voice came out of nowhere; it made me jump and stumble back into the couch.

"Holy jeez! Don't do that!" I scolded him with my eyes closed and my hand over my chest.

When I opened my eyes, he was leaning against the wall drying his hair and wearing only a pair of blue printed boxers, looking at me with an amused smirk. I could tell he shaved but still left that five o'clock shadow he's already perfected. He was not as pale as I remembered. Maybe he's gone to the beach recently because his skin was a golden tan, making the cuts around his chest and abdomen more visible. Fucking definition. I wonder how long it would take for my abs to get that sort of definition?

Oh. My. Fucking. Hell. What the hell did I just say?

I closed my eyes and calmed myself down before answering. I didn't want him to know his effect on me. I even didn't want to acknowledge it.

"Yes. Otherwise, Jaxx is going to kill me."

"Is Jaxx the reason? Because you don't have to stay if you don't want to," his voice had an edge to it. I couldn't tell his expression as I have kept my eyes closed, afraid of the thoughts that might suddenly spring into my fertile mind if he maintained standing by the door in his boxers.

"Don't worry. I won't. Once the results say you're fine, I'll be on my way, and you can be by yourself," I replied stubbornly. I caught a whiff of pine and mint, and my heart accelerated several more beats. When I didn't hear him anymore, I opened my eyes to see the remote on the space beside me.

Well, that was stealthy. I didn't even hear his footsteps. Or maybe it was because my heart was beating so loud. But it didn't matter as long as I could sleep in peace.

The smell of coffee brewing woke me up. I thanked heaven for nanny Elena, thinking I was in my condo and Justin was visiting. I stretched and immediately felt sore in my neck. Sitting up, I rubbed my neck. I was still groggy, my eyes were still heavy, but I wanted my morning hug, so I called the rascal.

"Justin, baby, where are you?"

"You could at least remember the names of people whom you go home with. It's basic etiquette in sleeping with someone," a rich baritone voice full of contempt filled the room. Then I remembered where I was.

"For your information, your royal highness, I do remember the names of the women I sleep with. And I don't go home with men, just so you know," I snapped. I couldn't believe he was being a total pain in the ass so early in the morning. I prayed for the gods just to let him have a concussion so that he would fall into a coma and never wake up. That would make my life so much better.

"But Justin would be the exception, no?" his sarcasm lacing his words.

"Yes, because I love that boy so much I would do anything for him. Justin incidentally happens to be that boy whom you made the paper lions for, you asshole. Now, if you can't say anything nice, would you kindly shut up?" I lost my appetite for coffee or anything from his kitchen. I quickly changed my shirt and put on my jeans.

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