36| Confessions

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The Christmas season was joyous, and there were tons of gatherings and drinking, though I did not touch a drop of alcohol for the time being. I did not want to be caught in a compromising situation again and not know how or what happened. I wanted to be fully sober until this entire thing blows over.

As the New Year came closer, my nerves were also getting worse. It may not be the first of January yet, but I was more than sure that there was a surprise waiting, and it would be the death of us if we did not prepare for it.

Jaxx and I spent almost the entirety of the twenty-sixth talking and planning our solution and strategizing our next best options. He was outraged, but he understood what I had done. It was my analysis, and he had no reason to believe I would say something like that for any ulterior motives. We owned the company, and he knew that the company would fall without either one of us.

"Can't believe that son of a bitch did that. That lying little bitch, and that son of a bitch. And that other SOB. All of them are SOBs!" Jaxx shook his head as he stared at the laptop. The anger in his eyes had subsided, and his breathing had steadied. The cloud of fury sitting atop his head had dissipated, though he still clenched his jaw.

"Merry Christmas. Here's to trusting people." I pushed my mug of hot cocoa against the glass of whiskey he was nursing. It had been a long year and an even longer December. But it was not long enough. January was right around the corner, and we weren't ready for it yet. My heart wasn't.

"I have something else to tell you," I said, still undecided.

"I'm all ears, man," he said. There was a long pause. I didn't want him involved in the mess, but he had to know if I would end up dead. Besides, we were going to be dealing with Beau.

"I have a copy of the security footage from the Blitz."

He stared blankly at me like a hanging application. Then, he blinked. "Excuse me?"

"I said, I have a copy—"

"Why do you have a copy? When did you get it? Shit, Ace, how long have you been keeping it?" I raised a hand to stop the questions.

"I got it from Sheryl," I said.


"Last year."


"Just before I escaped to Milieu. That's why I left because I saw one of the files, and my mind just went haywire."

That, then Brigs came, and then Jacob happened. Again.

"Ace, you idiot!" he growled. "You haven't answered any of my questions!"

"I believe I answered the 'who' and 'when.'"

"But you haven't answered why and the how long!  Why have you been keeping it all this time?"

I heaved another sigh before telling him the truth about Sheryl's visit and how she deliberately dropped the pen drive. And because I was a curious cat, I watched 'one,' panicked, and left the city.

"I did not want you guys involved; that's why I didn't tell you. And I really did not think I needed to tell anyone. Maybe I could just pretend I didn't have it, you know?"

"Ace, that's evidence to the homicide! If Beau knows you have it, then he's going to kill you! God, for someone so smart, you're being an exceedingly dumb little shit right now," he groaned as he rubbed his face with both hands.

"Gee, I'm so touched with the heartfelt thanks I get for trying to protect my best friend. You're welcome," I deadpanned.

"Do you have a death wish or something? Come on, man!" This time, he threw a throw pillow at me.

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