40| The Ace

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"Yup. The fucked up story of my life." I played with the bottle in my hand, turning it on the table as the frost melted under my touch. I still haven't had a drop of alcohol since the accident. I had been fooling my tongue with cold fizzy drinks.

We were in his condo, talking about Jacob and what I had dug up that morning.

"I still can't believe it. I have never been wrong with people I've hand-picked for the job. I did my homework on the guy. I thought I knew him. I knew his run with the law. Jacob and his family are wealthy. That's why he said he didn't mind the really smaller pay. But I didn't know he'd resort to this. I mean, I probably would not have stopped him leaving if he asked nicely," Jaxx said. His demeanor was also that of displeasure, surprise, and more disappointment. He was not even angry. Yet.

"I should talk to him," he said.

"Yeah, go talk to your friend, " I agreed quickly before he changed his mind.

"Nah, why don't you go talk to the guy? You're the one who found out about his deception and double-dealing anyway. Also, because I won't be able to tell whether or not he's shitting me when he's gonna start talking computer lingo on me," he reasoned. He had a point, a very logical and valid point. Oh, how I despised the logic at that moment!

"Why don't we do it together? We're his employers anyway, you and me both." He gave me a knowing look and shook his head.

"Jaxx, come on, you know I can't do this alone."

"Don't be a pussy, Ace. Talk to him. I'll talk to Leon and Alvaro." He finished his drink in one gulp and grimaced as it burned down his throat.

"What? Why would you do that? Alvaro and Beau are really close, and you're going to sell me out to them!" His plan was preposterous. If he told them about Jacob and what we know, I was more than one hundred percent sure I would be on the death list, ahead of Jacob.

"If what you're saying is true, and I believe it is, Alvaro is the only one who can help us because he is like the capo of their clan."

"In exchange for what, your loyalty? More money? Selling JAB to them or enslavement for the rest of our lives?? Jaxx, that's treason to the company! No, I won't accept that! My anxiety is already off the charts as it is, and you working with Alvaro is going to be the last straw. It will kill me. Literally!"

"As I said, don't be a pussy. I'm going to just have a chat with Leon and Manolo first. I know what I'm doing, Ace. This is what I do. This is how I have connections and how I know things." He was calm, and he talked to me like I was a panicking child who broke his mom's vase and was now afraid of getting punished.

"You're good at what? Ratting on friends? Playing Judas?" I asked incredulously, not able to conceal the contempt in my voice. In a way, I think I was just like that child. I was scared, and all I could think of was how to stay safe. It didn't matter what stupid thing came out of my mouth.

"Ace, you idiot, I wouldn't do that! I know my limits, and I do not abandon friends," he was chuckling, but he was serious with what he said. And the look on his face told me that his statement meant more than meets the eye.

"Trust me, Ace. There's just you and me who could do something about this. It would be a shame if you didn't trust me," he said solemnly, his eyes piercing and threatening at the same time.

Fuck my mistake three years ago; he still hasn't forgiven me. But he hasn't abandoned me either. I hope this won't be some sick game of revenge because I trusted the guy with my life.

"Ace, it's not that I don't completely believe what you just said about Jake, but I think he's being blackmailed. The only way I see to get to the truth is to talk to Alvaro and his sons." He was the logic in this situation, and despite my apprehensions, I really did not have a reason to doubt him.

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