22| The Fight

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Jaxx didn't show up for work Monday until Wednesday. I knew he would be busy with his mother. It's always been like this for the past years. He was an only child, and his parents weren't together. They only married to appease his grandparents, and so that he wouldn't be a bastard. Other than that, they didn't stay together long enough. She was protective and possessive of him, but at the same time, she let him be. But she was always one to show him off to her amigas.

By the time early Friday evening rolled in, I was on my office couch, exhausted as a damn K-9 after a twelve-hour duty.

Blue and white. Crystal blue and aquamarine waters and powdery white sand. The sun was in my face and the waves were softly crashing on the shore. The beach was calling me. I was about to dive in when the earth shook.

Blue and white. Crystal blue waters and beige, speckled sand? What happened to the sand? Where is the white? And what the hell are teeth doing on my sand??

Jolting up, I almost hit the person in front of me.

"Jesus, Jacob. Don't do that!" I gritted out, squeezing my eyes shut, and pressing on my chest to keep my heart inside it. "God. There must be something I can take for nerves. It's really going to give me a heart attack one of these days."

He chuckled. "It's almost ten. You're the only one left in the office."

"You're here aren't you?" I opened one eye at him. He smiled, showing me his dimple, but my eyes wandered to the bruise near his cheekbone and a cut on his lip.

"Rough night?" I joked, nodding at his injuries. He just shrugged and touched his lip with his thumb. He sat on one of the chairs across my desk as I put away my things. The air was heavy, but no one spoke. I hated these situations.

"So. Are you joining us for drinks? It's Friday, right?" I finally said, checking my phone to confirm the date.

"If you're okay with it," he said, looking at me with unease.

"It's not my party. You shouldn't be asking me." I grabbed my bag and walked out. He followed me to the lift, bringing with him the tension that was so thick I could almost dig my teeth into it. However, we remained quiet until we reached the parking lot.

"Jaxx said you were looking for me last Saturday," he said, breaking the silence. With the floor nearly empty, my car and his bike weren't hard to spot. I mentally cursed, seeing that we were parked close to each other.

"I was doing a headcount. It's indecorous to leave drunk friends behind," I lied, trying to keep it cool. He nodded.

"Did you stay long after?"

"Long after what?"

"After I left."

"I have no idea when you left, man," I said a little bit annoyed. As if I'd keep track of him and his activities.

I only remember the moment you stood up when Seb said I'd do anything beautiful with a hole. But the exact moment you left with the 'lucky bitch', Sofia? I haven't got a clue, and I don't give a flying fuck.

"Anyway, I'll see you if you're going. Otherwise, have a good evening," I said, trying my best to be nonchalant but some of the bitterness escaped. Not wanting to hear another word from him, I quickly shut my door and started the engine.

"Welcome to The Hourglass, sir. May I have your coat?" Seb bowed slightly and held out his right hand. He and Chino were lingering outside the bar and I spotted them as I made my way from the parking lot. 

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