09| Birthday Surprise

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The weeks that followed were anything but calm. Nonetheless, it was a good distraction. During the day, I met with a lot of people to discusse project updates and close deals. This left me with no time to think of anything other than what I had in front of me. I came home too tired to even eat, and oftentimes I ended up sleeping on the couch without a shower. The weekends were spent with the guys, Justin, or with my family. 

Despite my seemingly easy facade, I am consistently plagued by emotional turmoil each time I am reminded of he-who-must-not-be-discussed. I refuse to acknowledge any feeling towards him that isn't platonic or formal. I needed to face this dilemma like a man and not some confused boy with a high school crush.

In fairness, I think I was doing well in facing it "like a man" – a man who is running away because he is in denial.

Three sharp raps on the door broke my concentration from the instructional video I was watching. I almost didn't recognize the man who entered if it wasn't for his five o'clock shadow and sapphire eyes. Blinking a couple of times to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me, I quickly rested my chin on my palm to keep my jaw shut.

He had his hair cut. He got rid of the man bun and settled for a tapered cut and styled his top like, well, a regular dude. And he wore glasses, a thick, horn-framed one that complimented the shape of his face. 

Since when did he use those? And why the hell was I analyzing the way he looked?

"Can I help you?"

"Jaxx wanted to see you - us - at the boardroom. Said you needed to check your phone every once in a while," he smirked and I felt something funny in my throat. 

There were indeed a lot of messages and Jaxx's last was a threat with profanities. In spite of it, I smiled at his persuasiveness. I bet he would send me a voice clip of him growling if I gave him the idea.

He and I walked side by side, passing by other employees who ogled or secretly stole glances at us, but most likely the looks of admiration were for him. I rolled my eyes before I caught myself, and just as I did, a wave of shame and confusion washed over me igniting another argument in my head and in my chest.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed him take a couple of glances at me. I clenched my jaw and forced myself not to look at him. I forbade myself to take the bait. It looked like he wanted to say something but I interrupted him.

"Is this something important?" I glanced his way but did not look him in the eye.

"I think it is. He's been nagging since this morning." He stepped aside and let me move to the door first. I was glad he didn't open the door for me; he wasn't my servant anyway.

"Okay Jaxx, what's this –"

"Surprise!" "Happy birthday!" the people shouted and confetti bombs erupted.

"Holy Jesus! Crap!" was my immediate reply as I stumbled back and hit the wall. One hand was on my chest, the other on the doorjamb as I stood still, catching my breath.

Wait, didn't I just walk through the door?

Understanding what that meant, I immediately jumped away and put on a happy face, not caring to apologize or thank the wall. Heat flooded my cheeks and I guarantee you it wasn't because of the surprise.

"Mr. Ace! I didn't know you blush!" Noelle hugged me.

"Neither did I," I mumbled.

"You look cute when you blush, sir. Maybe we should surprise you more often," Adelle chirpped.

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