Chapter 30: Dinner Traditions

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Chapter 30: Dinner Traditions

*Half a season of Supernatural later*

            “Come on Sam!! Dean’s life is on the line!” Steve shouts at the TV while I smirk at him.

            “Alright so what do you want for din-”

            “Shhhh!!” Steve shushes Natasha. She stops walking and gives the back of Steve’s head an ‘excuse me?’ look. Seconds later Steve realizes what he’s done and turns around to face her. “Nat, I am so sorry, I just-”

            “It’s fine Steve. At least you’re getting into modern things.” Natasha says walking into the kitchen. Steve turns back to the TV and continues watching.

            “Well, I’m starving. What’s for din-”

            “Shhh!” This time it was Natasha shushing Clint, teasing Steve, but he’s so caught up in the show, he doesn’t even notice the mockery. Several minutes later, the TV goes black as Steve leans back with a tiring face.

            “It’s draining, right?” I say.

            “I never knew I could be so attached to two fictional men.” He says looking at me. I laugh at his comment and then hear another elevator ding. Thor and Bruce step out of the elevator and I also see Tony. I must not have heard him come in.

            “Do you think it’s safe now?” I hear Clint whisper to Natasha. She nods her head in return and Clint asks, “So, what’s for dinner?”

            “I don’t care, just no apple pie.” Steve says. I laugh and see everyone give us strange looks.

            “My god, you’ve created a monster.” Tony says.

            “I’ve created a wonderful thing.” I defend while getting up with the help of my crutch. Getting up from the seating pit was difficult due to the stairs and Bruce is immediately at my side.

            “How’s the knee?” He asks helping me up the stairs.

            “Well I’ve only tried to walk a couple times, but still sore.”

            “Well as long as you take it easy today, you shouldn’t need the crutch tomorrow.” Bruce says as I sit down at the counter. Steve simply stands and saunters up to everyone. Damn healing factor. It’s not like he healed rapidly, but he was able to walk after 2 episodes.

            “Why don’t we just order some of the circular crusted and cheesy meal?” Thor says.

            “Does he mean pizza?” I ask pointing to Thor. He has a sheepish smile and a slight blush.

            “My apologies, I am still not a costumed to Midgardian terms. Or meals, as it appears.” Thor says.

            “Nah man, don’t apologize, you’re from a different realm. And besides, it’s kinda cute. And with all your knowledge about Asgard, I’m sure you’re incredibly wise, in your culture.” I reassure Thor. He smiles at me and it turns into a goofy and boyish grin that would make any girl giggle. I almost do, but restrain myself.

            “O…kay… Jarvis?” Tony says while snapping and creating a hallow clap sound by clapping his right hand over his slightly agape left fist.

            “Your usual order sir?” Jarvis replies.

            “Yup, unless Handsy wants something.”

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