Chapter 6: Identity's and Pat Downs...

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  • Dedicated to Josh Hutcherson

Chapter 6: Identity’s and Pat Downs…

            Questioning whether I should react to my name or not, I simply look at the source. Expecting it to be Hawkeye, I find myself face to face with Spider Man. Wait, he actually does know me? Who is this guy? As if reading my mind, Captain America asks,

            “You know her?” He doesn’t answer. Spider Man just shakes his head, brings his hands up to his face and turns away from me. Wearing the same look of confusion as everyone else, I look around the jet.

            “Jade…” utters a dumbfounded Hawkeye. Shit.

            “Jade Leiton.” He speaks up I cringe at my name and turn away from everyone.

            “What? You know her too? Oh and I suppose Stark’s banged her before as well?” Black Widow asks.

            “No, I’d remember a face, and body, like that.”

            “Yeah, I do know her.”

            “Ew, I‘d never bang Stark.” Stark, Barton, and I say simultaneously.

            “Oh, and I’d slap you right about now if I wasn’t handcuffed.” I say towards Stark. Before he can respond, Rogers butts in.

            “Clint, how do you know her?”

            “I met her at the book store. Today actually.” Hawkeye replies looking at me.

            “You look so different in just a t-shirt and jeans.” He says, looking at my suit.

            “Yeah, you too.” I reply, examining his SHIELD uniform. Before this situation can get anymore awkward, for me at least, the jet comes to a jerking stop. Who’s been flying this thing anyway?

            “It’s been on autopilot.” Red says while walking off the jet, still holding my mask. Oopps… Guess I thought out loud again. Hawkeye comes up behind me, placing one hand on my cuffed ones, and another on my back, in between my shoulder blades. He guides me out of the jet and as soon as we’re out, the door lifts back up and the roof opens. Wind pools into the hallway and the jet is lifted up from the floor. Turning my head and walking, Hawkeye still guiding me, I let my eyes wonder.

 We’re walking down a long, dark hallway, with everyone walking in front of us. We pass many doors and I’m waiting for Big Bird to push me through one so I can be interrogated. Everyone stops and when Barton and I reach them, they form something of a circle around me, except Spider Man. I actually don’t know where he went.

            “Whoa, are the Avengers gonna mug me?” I comment as Barton backs away.

            “No, but we do need to collect your weapons.” Widow says who stands to the left of me. Barton stands in front of me with Spangles behind and Stark to my right. I feel a pair of hands on mine, taking my claws off. I jump and whip around to see Rogers behind me with a slightly shocked face. Turning back to him, I say,

            “Sorry, force of habit.”  He removes my claws and hands them to Widow. Patting my arms, I know he feels my arrows and knives. He turns my back towards Metal Head.

            “Alright, sweetheart, I’m going to take your handcuffs off. Promise you won’t escape?” I hear him ask behind me. I roll my eyes and say,

            “I promise… Sweetheart.” I could practically hear the smirk on his face. I really didn’t plan on escaping, not yet. I know I can take all of them, I did almost an hour ago, but it would still be stupid. Who knows how many agents are here? Besides, I want to know who that spider guy is. Lifting my arms so they can remove my bands, Cap turns me back to him. His hand reaches up my sleeve and removes the band of arrows. He hands them to Hawkeye, who inspects them.

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