Chapter 20: Round Two

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Chapter 20: Round Two 

*Jade’s POV*

            I swing my door open prepared to yell at Collin for making noise, but end up starring at 7 people I never expected to talk to again. We all stand there completely baffled for a few seconds but then I mentally slap myself and come to my senses. I slam the door and lock it. Like that’ll do anything. I mentally criticize myself as I sprint to my room. I open my closet and get my gear. Considering they’re probably breaking down my door, I throw my mask on and slip my arm bands on as quickly as I can. In this chest, I not only have my Viper gear, but also medicines, more poison and quite a few guns as well as other various weapons. I hear a bang as I assume someone kicks the door. I grab a utility belt of sorts that has different kinds of poisons and medicines. There’s also several pouches for gun magazines and an empty pocket in the front where I spill my metal claws in. I grab 3 guns, two placed in the belts holsters and me using the other one. I slam the chest shut and kick it in the wall. Don’t need them finding that. I hear another bang and also some wood chipping. I run back out to the entry way just in time to see Black Widow kicking my door open and off the hinges.

            “Oh, come on! Do you know how hard that’s gonna be to fix?!” I shout as they all step in.

            “Well, sweetheart, if you come quietly, I just might fix it for you.” Iron Man says, stepping forward. As he does I take a step back and say,

            “Relax, Iron Buns, I’m sure I can manage.” I look around the group and see Widow, Hawkeye, and Iron Man all prepared to attack while Spangles and Thor are tense. Peter-Spider Man steps closer to me and I’m hesitant to meet him.

            “Jade, we don’t want to hurt you.” He says as he places a hand on my shoulder. I look at his mask through my own and say,

            “It’s not you I don’t trust Peter.” I then look to the rest of the heroes standing in my apartment. I see Banner in the back breathing deeply. “You better not wreck my apartment, big guy.” I say looking towards him as he stands behind Thor and Iron Man. Thor steps forward and says,

            “I mean you no harm, Lady Viper.”

            “Aw, thanks T’Horéal, but I wasn’t talking about you. I was talking about Big Bad Bruce over there.” I say while gesturing to Banner with the hand that’s holding my gun.

            “Enough Leiton, are you coming by force or not?” Spangles asks, stepping closer. I step away from Peter and slowly walk away from the group. Everyone tightens their fists, bowstrings, cocks their guns, sets their phasers and even Spidey is prepared to give me a webbing jacket. I look at them all as I reach a window and say,          

            “Touch and or break anything and I will inject you with so much poison your kidneys will melt.” As some give me a confused look, others keep their stern ones. I let you decide who is who. I shoot at one of the windows to weaken it and then jump out of it. My boots fire up and when I look back I see a shield coming at me. I kick it out of my path and watch it fall to the ground. Like to see him magically have that appear again. When I look back up, I see Widow standing in the window still pointing two guns at me. I do several flips in the air to dodge her bullets as I send my own towards her. When I’m upright again I see I hit my targets of her right shoulder and left thigh. I wanted to get rid of her better shooting arm, but also cause Widow to need medical help. But like I told Patches, I only kill when necessary. I’m about 7 yards away from the building and when I look back I see Cap carrying Widow away from the window. Damnit! She’s gonna get the floors all bloody! Too distracted by the bleeding Black Widow, I end up with webbing covering my right hand and gun. I flick my wrist which causes an arrow to fall into my hand and cut the sticky substance. As I free myself, Spider Man comes swinging out of my apartment and grabs me by my waist. He swings me to the side of the building where he holds me and says,

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