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"Heartbreaks are never caused by strangers but those you trust the most."

We had to act quickly when we saw Pope and Kiara coming closer so John B asked Sarah to help him because they didn't manage to solve the problem on their own. Yeah, as if they needed Sarah or I for something not even the two of them are able to solve. But well, she believed him and got trapped. Luckily, the others are so close that it won't take too long and we can let Sarah out again because the feeling of guilt inside of me is increases second by second. Poor Sarah just wanted to help. 

"Baby, no need to worry about her. She'll be out in a few minutes", JJ reassures me and kneads my neck softly, "You're so stiff." "I'm basically trying to keep you and the boys away from doing something stupid like all the time so you know why", I tell him half serious, half joking and sigh as he's really helping me to relax for a moment. "That was mean.. but true", he admits and flashes me a charming smile, "At least I'm the one who's giving you something back." 

"Well, after this boat trip, you'll have to. Don't you worry that Kie will kill me tonight or throw me in the water and you'll never see me again?" "I don't mean to interrupt your romantic discussion or whatever this is supposed to be exactly", John B joins us and looks at JJ, "But I realized that you really rub off on Iz. She's starting to dramatise shit like you do already." 

"At least we're not the ones who lock their girlfriend up", I counter and hit his arm lightly, "Kie's here, let's get going. We're on a mission." John B nods and goes to the other side of the boat to greet Kie but JJ holds me back for a second. "Wait, one last kiss. It'll be hard to wait until tomorrow." "I like how you're even cuter since we're official." "Yeah because I can finally show you off", JJ grins goofily and leans in for the last kiss today. 

"So did you really need my help or did you just want to rub it in my face that my family has stabbed me with a knife?", Kie asks John B intentionally loud to interrupt JJ and I's moment. "Kie", I begin calmly but she stops me. "Save it. I'm just here because Pope persuaded me to help the boys with the boat. I didn't need to see her."

"I still get that you're mad but honestly, JJ lied to you as well. And John B! You're not such a bitch to them." "You lied about Rafe as well. Out of all people, Rafe? Seriously? Also, you're not only a pogue to me. You're more than that, my cousin, more like a sister." "Kie-"

"Whatever, what's the problem, John B?", Kie goes on so the boys show her the part of the boat which she should look at. While Kie is looking at it, I stand next to her to make sure that she doesn't turn around as John B and JJ jump into the water. "Boys, there's nothing-", Kie wonders but stops herself to turn around and watches them pulling themselves onto Pope's boat, "What the hell is going on with you guys?"

As soon as I open the top cover for where we locked Sarah and she comes out, Kie understands and glares at us angrily. "You two are coming back right now!", Kie shouts at John B and JJ but they answer with a laugh. They're lucky not to have to spend the whole night with a furious Kiara. "John B, I can't believe you!", Sarah complains as well as both of the girls get put their shirt and shorts off planning to jump into the sea.

"Until tomorrow, girls!", John B yells over and waves at us. "Make me proud, baby. It's all about eighty mill", JJ calls into my direction so I show him my middlefinger. They made me step into the lion's den. "I wouldn't do that girls, we're surrounded by jellyfishes", I warn them. Kie knows these waters as well so she doesn't even try it but Sarah jumps in and gets hurt so we help her to get onto the boat again. 

"It wasn't my idea", I quickly tell the girls before they can even start to complain to me. "I'm not even talking to you", Kiara hisses at me and goes to the other side of the boat leaving me here with Sarah. "Sorry about locking you up. We really need to get over this fight and move on and this was the only plan that the boys came up with." "It's alright, I'm not even upset. Unlike someone else, I'm not childish", Sarah exclaims loud enough for Kie to hear her.

"Oh, so you didn't dump me for some rich girls in school?", Kie shouts back, "You two seriously fit perfectly. Why don't you got back to Topper and Rafe and leave me and the Pogues alone, huh?" "Well, I would if John B and Pope weren't my best friend and JJ not my boyfriend. So get over it", I hissed back for the first time because I'm really done letting her act like they are only her friends.

"No, you should get over yourself!", she yells back obviously feeling attacked, "A few years ago you weren't here. You didn't even grow up here. My family welcomed you to live with us, my friends welcomed you. And do you really believe that JJ and you are going to work? Have you forgotten about all the girls he's had? You're crazy to believe that you will be enough for him. You should have just stayed in New York." 

Wow, that actually hurt. No matter how upset Kie and I have been, she's never been like that, not that mean. As I've already felt like I'm not welcome here sometimes because I don't really belong to the kooks but also not really fit into the pogue group as much as the others, her opinion really hurt. All this time I thought she was glad to have me here, that we would help and support each other. Looks like I was wrong.

"Bella", Sarah begins calmly and looks at me sadly not knowing how to comfort me but I shake my head. "Let's just sit here and wait until the boys come back tomorrow. I've told them that this wouldn't work."

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