it's time to party

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"The best memories come from the craziest ideas."

"Mind if I help you?", JJ asks me and flashes me a grin as he comes over to me and hugs me from behind. "I love the wild side, especially when it's you not wearing a bra." I chuckle and loosen his grip around me so I can take my dress off and grab my bikini top to give it to him, "I didn't have much time and I'd need some help with this." JJ takes the top and I lay it over my chest so he can make a knot with the straps. JJ lays his hands on my blank neck and kisses my head.

"Hmm, sure, Iz, no time. But it's good for me. I love when you're wearing less." "I don't mean to ruin this moment but what did you talk about when I left?", I wonder and turn around. "I told the others what you said about Rafe and you the other day. What's going on between Rafe and you now?" JJ's voice is soft, he's not upset.. yet.

"He apologized for actually everything earlier and he also told me about the Bahamas. He promised me to change and I.. said I would help him", I admit and prepare myself for him yelling at me but JJ shakes his head first. "He's lying and you know that. How can you still believe him after everything's that happened?" JJ looks at me disappointed. I understand him, I really do. But I've made this promise to Rafe a long time before JJ and I became a couple.

If there's only the tiniest bit of hope that Rafe will change when I keep my promise, I will do so. That would not only help him and I but also everyone around us. "He wasn't lying, J. He's been sober and I could tell that he's serious. I know it's not easy but I need to keep my promise", I whisper knowing that it's hard for him to understand. "If you really believe him, don't come back to me when he hurts you again", JJ mutters and leaves John B's room. I sigh and decide to get ready. At least we didn't shout at each other.

"Hey, are you okay? JJ didn't seem so happy", Sarah asks me as soon as I'm back and I nod. "We disagree about something but it's okay." "I'm sorry for my comment by the way", Kie apologizes to me and I smile at her. "Thanks, Kie. I know it's not easy to understand what I do but I kind of feel like I'm stuck between two worlds and it's really hard for me to do something that everyone pleases." "At least the pogue world is the better one", she shrugs making me laugh. "Absolutely."

When the beer is cold an hour later we sit in the whirlpool together and I look around. John B lets out a call out of happiness and Pope raps. JJ is wearing his sunglasses although it's already dark but I don't mind. He looks hot like that. I try to make up for earlier and prick his sides softly and he flashes me a perky smile. "We're sitting here like we were supposed to", I remember him of the reason why he bought the whirlpool.

"Finally", JJ sighs happily. "I'm sorry, J", I apologize for our disagreement but he shrugs it off. "No, I'm sorry. I trust you", JJ whispers while the others complete Pope's rap. "You look hot by the way", I mumble before someone splashes water into my face. "Hey, we're here as well. This is not a romantic evening", Sarah laughs and I join her eventually adding a new line to Pope's rap. "Just like good god wanted it", JJ states and leans back in his whirlpool.

JJ and Pope decided to play our game where they touch each other on the shoulder until one of them falls down. Funnily enough, both of them fall down when Pope touches JJ so they tap each other on the ground until Pope stands up and declares himself to be the winner. The others of us watch it as if they were our not so little kids making us laugh.

"He cheated", JJ complains and comes over to. "Don't come up to me. I don't want to be around the loser", I joke but be quiet when Kie stands up and goes over to Pope. So there's something going on after all. "Really", Sarah chuckles. "Very discreet", JJ calls after her but the two of them ignore us. "I'm away for a few days and that happens", John B shakes his head. "Do you blame me?", JJ replies pretending to be attacked by John B's words.

"Just a little. Break time, I need a beer." "You shouldn't have died", I defend JJ shrugging my shoulders. "You guys had one task." "So just one task?" "Yeah. No pogue on pogue macking." I notice this feeling between Sarah and JJ again. They've had this in the morning already. They're good friends now which I'm glad about and they get along perfectly. JJ and Sarah is my new friendship ship.

"So what are Iz and I supposed to do then? Will you put us in kooklandia prison?", JJ mocks her in a friendly way. "Should I go back to Rafe?", I look at her raising an eyebrow but they know how I mean it by the way that I'm saying it. "Yeah, please do so", she laughs, "Your excuse won't work on me, rule breakers."

"She's immune to you, J", I state and look around to find John B staring at the tree which we've burned a part of so I stand up and feel JJ following me. "Cute art project, you just killed the tree." "We probably did", JJ laughs again, "Oops. Hey man, we've really missed you." The boys are about to hug each other so I lean back and give them space but John B taps my shoulder and pulls me right in between them.

"Kie and Pope take the boat, they just escaped with your boat", JJ chuckles when Kie and Pope leave. "Have fun!", Sarah and I yell and John B shakes his head amused. "Pope pokes on the pogue." "Maybe you should-", JJ begins but is interrupted by John B. "Wait. What was that?" "Your chicken?" "I've heard a car door." JJ doesn't take him seriously and imitates a chicken instead but John B holds his hand over his mouth and I begin to worry. John B has even survived a storm, he will know when we're in danger. "Go, hide in the tree."

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