bye bye dad

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"Saying goodbye is only as hard as much as you love the one who's leaving."

"And you really want to do that? That's aggravated theft of a car", JJ says to me in a normal way but I concentrate on our mission first. "It's either this or the others going down in the tide. What's better?", I reply and quietly go to the balcony door and hear Christian's, Anna's and my mom's voice in the dining room. I also can see them from around the corner. They look happy. They're having dinner and my mom and my aunt are talking about the weather in New York. They're a family. The family that I've missed so deeply.

When I get out, I hand JJ the keys knowing that I'm not mentally able to drive the care safely. "I don't need much time", JJ tells me quickly as soon as we're at the chateau and he jumps out of the car running over the roots of the tree. "J, are you okay?", I call from the passenger seat and he shows me a thumbs up. "Perfectly fine!" I wait for a few minutes but when he takes suspiciously long, I hit the horn. "JJ!" 

I get out of the car to look for him but he's nowhere to be seen so I hit it once again until I see JJ walking back to the car behind his dad. "What the hell", I huff getting out of the car, "Forget about this, now. No." "I know", JJ replies seriously not letting me have a choice, "Get in the truck." "Excuse me?" "The van is drowning, JJ, what's this supposed to be?", I argue. 

"Listen to me", JJ groans angrily holding me back by gripping his hands around my arms, "You listen to me, okay? I need to get over to the port to get him away from here. You've got the permission to pass through on the truck. Twenty minutes not more." "The van is a submarine in twenty minutes", I yell over to him as he now stands on the other side of the engine cover. 

"I know, Iz", JJ snaps. "Let him stay here. We'll come back." "The police is looking for him", JJ adds angrily hitting his hands against the engine cover and I sigh, "If I do this now, I might never have to do it again." We're going to regret this. "Don't look at me like that", I hiss at JJ's dad not wanting to know what he's thinking about.

"Hey, stop at the store right there. I need some supplies", Luke orders me and I sigh. "First, you're not telling me what to do. Second, especially not with in that tone", I make clear but JJ gives me a soft look asking me to do it for him so I roll my eyes and do it. Hopefully, we would never have to see Luke Maybank again. 

JJ gets out of the car and goes to the store and I know that no matter what has happened, those are going to be the worst minutes of my life. Well, maybe apart from Sheriff Peterkin dying. Luke already gets on my nerves as he hits the back of the seats a few times acting as if they were drums. "You're a terrible dad, do you know that?" "Yeah, preach me a sermon. Tell me the facts." 

"Do you have the slightest idea of how special your son is? The slightest idea?", I wonder calmly. "He's a thief, nothing more." Hearing this being said about JJ by his own dad although he's helping him to escape, my eyes fill up with tears. "And what are you?", I argue finally being able to tell him my opinion, everyone's opinion, "Just a drunken beach tramp who's never done anything but drinking alcohol and fool people. Not impressive." Luke chuckles and I furl my eyebrows. How can he laugh now? 

"You sound exactly like your mom. She's been like you in high school always thinking she's somewhat better", he replies looking satisfied, "She only chose Harvey because of his status. This bastard was a useless pogue like me but she left me for him when he was accepted to Harvard. And she left with him pretending to have never been on this island as soon as she got this penthouse in New York. Although she's spent so many night with me on the cut. The kook princess. I assume you're just like her, a tiny ungrateful bitch. Miss figure eight on her high horse-" 

That's enough. It's been way too much. All the anger that has built up inside of me has to get out so I push my elbow into his face so he falls back into his seat. I have many words for my parents but this was respectless and too much. "Don't dare saying another word about my family", I state coldly and JJ finally comes back.

As soon as we arrive, I stop the engine and JJ gets out. His dad, however, gets closer to me. "Hey, greet your mom from me. She had a great body. She'll be proud of you if you end up just like her." "Shut up", JJ snaps at him and I'm glad that he steps up for me. I didn't expect him to do so. "Be quick", I tell him in a neutral way wanting to get away from here as soon as possible. Our friends are in danger and we are sitting here with JJ's stupid dad. "Come on." 

"Hey, Luke", I decide to speak wanting to say my own goodbye to him. When he turns around to look at me, I smile widely showing him my middle finger. That's the least that he deserves.

"J", I whisper as I see how much it affected him saying goodbye, "Come here." "I don't care about him anyways", JJ whispers into my neck as I feel a tear dropping down on my shoulder. "You're a great son, J", I state as I've seen him throwing away pills that he must have taken away from his dad, "Come, let's save our friends."

"Iz?" "Hm?" "I'm sorry for breaking up with you the way I did." "It's fine", I sigh, "I'm just glad we can still talk to each other." "Do you love him?", JJ asks me with a hint of anxiety in his voice, "Do you love Rafe Cameron?" I look at him confused but concentrate back on the street. "Why do you ask that?" "Because I want to know if it was right or wrong", JJ answer looking completely honest. 

"I love you, J", I emphasize, "Rafe means a lot to me, he was my first love, okay? We grew up together. Our families basically did everything with each other. How am I supposed to act like I don't care about him?" "You should stay away from him." "Would you stay away from any of us if we killed Ward?", I question instead trying to make an example. "Yeah, of course." 

"Well, Rafe's done the same. He's done something to help his dad. He's made a mistake and he knows that. I've been trying to ignore him but I would only make it worse." "What is going to happen between us, Iz?", JJ asks with a thin voice. "Whatever you want to happen, J. If you want to stay separated, I will accept that. I have to. But I will not say that I'm fine." "I don't know, Iz. If you would only stay away from him, it'd be different." 

"That means I would have to stay away from my parents, too, J. I understand you, I do. But please rethink what you want and what you can accept." "I'll come back to this topic later, okay? But I'm glad we're doing this together right now." "Yeah, let's save our friends first", I chuckle regarding the fact that him and I have to save the others, one of them being a smartass.

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