misunderstood kids

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"Two misunderstood kids, Hoping that if they held each other long enough, They'd be able to mend each other's broken pieces."

"Rafe, that's normal. You've just started and you live in a new city trying to fit into college and be close to your friends and me here. It'll take time", I try to comfort him but he shakes his head. "I've tried it, Bells. I know I haven't been there long enough according to my dad but I just.. it doesn't feel right to me. I don't want to be there and study these topics when I could learn it from my dad here and be with you." 

"I know your dad could teach you a lot but you have to get the basic knowledge from college first before you can start working with your dad. I know how hard you're working on making him proud, but enjoy the moment, babe. It's your college time. You shouldn't be stressed out because you already want to work with your dad." "But I am. Maybe college time isn't just for me", Rafe argues. 

"Have you told your dad?", I sigh knowing that Ward would probably freak out. I don't care about what Rafe is doing as long as it makes him happy. But I can already imagine how hard it will be to decide whether he stays in college or not and telling Ward afterwards. "Of course I haven't. He's already asking me about my grades and they just.. Bells?" "Hm?", I look at him warmly. 

"If I don't pass the next test, I'll be dropped out anyways", Rafe admits looking down to the floor. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't go to college any more then. "Babe, look at me", I tell him softly taking his hand in mine, "No matter what happens, I'll be there. You're going to pass this test and then we will figure out what will happen, okay?" "I love you, Bella. Thanks for being my anchor." "Of course, Rafe. I love you, too."

"What happened?", I ask Rafe alarmed when I see him running from one side of the room to the other and back a few days later. "I.. no, it doesn't matter. It's fine", Rafe says automatically shaking his head so I step closer to him and hold him so he would look at me. "What happened, Rafe?", I ask again seriously. "I.. I dropped out of college.. I didn't pass the exam", he says his voice shaking. 

"Rafe", I whisper and pull him into a tight hug, "I'm so sorry. I know you might not believe me now but it'll be fine in the end, I promise." "No, it won't. Bells, my dad is going to freak out. He'll throw me out if he finds out." "No, no, babe. He's still your dad. He won't throw you out. He might not understand it at first, but he's going to support you afterwards when this is all figured out", I reassure him hoping for the best.

"If he kills me, tell everyone how much you loved me, alright?", Rafe says in a half-joking half-serious way and I nod deciding to not laugh or be serious about it as I just want to wait for Ward's reaction first. "I'll be waiting right here", I reassure him to show him my support so he can leave his room with a better feeling. 

I hear him go downstairs and calm down when I don't hear him anymore. That means they're having a normal conversation. That lasts for about five minutes until I hear Ward raising his voice and Rafe yelling back. Well, that went wrong. As soon as Rafe comes back, I immediately pull him into my arms and do exactly what I've promised him. No matter what happens, I'm right there for him.

"Kelce, when's the party tonight?", Rafe asks our friend as we sit by Topper's pool and I furl my eyebrows. Didn't he go out yesterday and the day before and the day before? He was partying a lot since he dropped out of school and I begin to worry. Is this him trying to suppress the feeling of not being good enough? 

Well, no matter what the reason is, I know that me worrying is well needed. "I expect you two to be there at eight. No party without you guys", Kelce replies laughing and he seems to enjoy his life. Well, his only worries are if people would like his party or not. Knowing that Rafe wouldn't want to talk about it at Kelce's, I decide to stay quiet and talk to him later on.

"Babe?" I look at Rafe as soon as he gets back from showering. "Bella, you're not even dressed yet", Rafe replies in disbelief as it's already half past seven and we would have to get into the car in fifteen minutes. "I didn't want to address this topic when Kelce and Topper were there, but you've been partying quite a lot", I quickly tell him my opinion justifying it, "You've been partying four days out of seven and I really want you to enjoy life but I don't believe that this makes you happy at all. I think you're just trying to suppress the feelings that come along with dropping out of college and telling your dad about it." 

"Bullshit, Bella", Rafe snaps shaking his head and I'm quite shocked by the sharpness of his voice. He usually never talks to me in that kind of way. "Rafe, hear me out. You're sad about your dad's reaction and I completely understand you, but-" "Please cut the bullshit, okay? I'm fine." "Your reaction clearly shows me that you're not", I reply annoyedly rolling my eyes. 

"Fuck this bullshit", Rafe hisses, "I just need to know one thing. Are you going to the party with me or not?" "No, I'm not, Rafe. Not until we talk about the issue and its background", I reply shrugging my shoulders. "Great, thanks for caring", Rafe replies sarcastically and turns around to leave without me. This moment feels like the key moment in which he completely changes.

I don't know a place where I could be without talking about why I'm not in a good mood so I head to the wreck. As I work there, I got the keys anyways. I also love to cook and bake, especially when I'm stressed so I enjoy the time being alone in the kitchen. I only read JJ's message asking me where I am so we could hang out but as I don't want to see anyone at the moment, I tell him that I'm staying at the wreck for some me-time. 

Being the person he is, I hear JJ's voice while I'm letting the noodles boil in water so I go to the front door of the restaurant to find him standing there. "J, I said I needed some time for myself", I sigh. "Yeah, but you staying at the wreck means that you're cooking which means I get to have great dinner. Plus, you're probably sad if you need me-time so I'm here to distract you", JJ replies easily and comes in and sits in front of the counter as if it was the most normal thing ever, "What are you cooking? Smells like noodles." 

"Truffle pasta, JJ", I sigh giving him a serious look, "I really want to be alone. I can put some of the pasta into a jar for you to take home." "I won't let you be alone when you're sad, Iz. You should know that by now. We're best friends", JJ says softly and lays his hand on the counter next to mine. Our hands are barely touching the other one. I look at our hands and then into his eyes. The way he looks at me.. that's new. It's new and I can't deny that I like it. 

"Dinner's almost ready", I tell him changing the topic so I won't be too emotional right now. Instead of waiting for another five minutes, he grabs a spoon and tastes it. "Tastes great. What's making the difference to my noodles?" "The truffle, J", I chuckle shaking my head by him pretending to not know the difference, "And the effort." "Hey! I might be a bad cook but I'm giving my best", he corrects me jokingly, "Stupid kooks can afford truffle."

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