"The best thing to hold onto in life is each other"
"Iz?", I hear JJ behind me when I sit on the balcony to my bedroom so I look behind me and am surprised to really see him standing there after our fight. We haven't been talking for two days and I've distanced myself from most of the people around me.
That's what I do when I am sad. I just hide in my room all day long and try to do things to keep myself from thinking about the issues although it never works. Of course, I do. How could I forget about the mess that we're in and JJ and I falling apart when all I ever wanted and needed were my friends and JJ by my side.
"Kie's probably at the Wreck", I tell him shortly so he can leave again. "I'm here for you", he replies softly and sits down next to me giving me a worried look. "What for?", I seriously wonder as these ups and downs are freaking me out. "I want to apologize. I clearly crossed a line with what I've said..", JJ regrets and as he watches me listening to him, he takes my hand, "Iz, I'm just not good enough for you."
"J, that's exactly the same bullshit you were saying a few days ago. You are good enough for me. You should just finally understand that and stop talking like you're a nobody. You might be a nobody to the kooks or someone else, but you're someone special to me", I make clear because it really hurts me how JJ is talking bad about himself, "But it's a burden to our relationship that you always think you're worse."
"I know, I know, Iz. I get jealous and I let it out on you. I feel like shit and I let it out on you. And you're still here with me. I just.. Can you give me the chance to make it up to you and change?" "For real?" "For real. I'll be the boyfriend you need."
"J, you are all I need, you don't have to change. Just be a little less jealous and don't feel attacked as often, please. It'll help both of us." "I'll do so but.. Can I kiss you now? I've missed you", JJ grins shyly and I roll my eyes not understanding why he's being shy now but I also grab his neck to kiss him.
"J?", I whisper through the darkness later and grab his hand. "Iz?" „What if we made a mistake and I got pregnant?", I ask and then realize that it might sound weird to JJ, "I was only thinking about it because of the fights at home. I sometimes ask myself if Anna and Christian thought about giving Kie up for adoption or if my parents thought about it. Both of them became parents at a young age when they didn't expect it.
"I would leave you", JJ replies bluntly but chuckles just a second later, "Whether you would be pregnant or we strand on a lonely island, I would always be okay with it if it's with you." "Lonely island, hm?", I repeat his words thinking about it for a second. JJ and I on a lonely island is definitely not the worst scenario. We might be lonely and I would prefer our friends to be there with us, but we would at least not have to deal with Ward Cameron anymore.
The next day, we're finally together again and drive to the pilot's house like we planned to do. Pope is going to put his phone onto the backseat of Gavin's car. Luckily, it's him. He knows how to place it the right way so we can hear him talking. "Don't do anything dangerous", Kie says before Pope leaves the car. "Of course, I'm not JJ." "Funny, Pope", JJ mutters sarcastically while I chuckle. "Wow, dangerous Pope is hot."
"Excuse me?", JJ scoffs and pokes my waist playfully, "How is it going with you and Pope?" "Everything's fine", Kie replies quickly, obviously not wanting to talk about it in front of JJ. "Fine, okay. Is it awkward because it's Pope or-" "Why are you asking that?" "I don't know, I'm just curious. Just talking." "I'm fine without talking. Being quiet is good as well." "What is it like.. is-" "You're asking again."
"Is John B better?" "What?!", Kie scoffs but then rolls her eyes, "Iz, that's a question for you." "Okay, you know what? I'm fine, not curious at all." "No, please. Iz, tell us, is John B or JJ better?", Kie asks me now and I have to admit, she's good turning tables with JJ. "Okay, the first mission is accomplished. Is everything okay with you?", Pope asks when he jumps back onto his seat. "Yeah, everything's great", I nod trying to make Kie feel a bit better not having to talk about Pope and her now.
"Kie, you've got to call Gavin", I tell her when we sit in the car and wait for our plan to work. "No, I can't. You should do it. You're way better at faking your voice.. or hiding stuff." I scoff. Are we talking about the past again? Why does she always have to be so sassy? "You have to. Gavin knows my voice and will recognize me. Do you want that?", I groan feeling slightly annoyed.
"Why does-" "Later, JJ", I interrupt him knowing exactly what he wants to ask but it's not the right moment for that. "Fine", Kie sighs and a few seconds later, she tells him that she knows what happened. "Who is that?" "It was Rafe Cameron. But you knew that and still, you lied." "Who are you? Isabella, is that you? If it's you-" "You could have helped her, but you didn't. And you're not getting away with it", Kie simply ends the conversation and looks at us, "How was it?"
"Yeah, I was really afraid." "Guys, do you think it's a problem that he thought it's me? He might not take it seriously. Apart from Sarah, I was the only female there." "John B and you met us afterwards and you told us about it and we told everyone else about it although they didn't listen. It could be anyone", Pope calms me down, "Second mission accomplished. Now let's wait and see."
Well, we didn't have to wait for a long time as Gavin soon ran to his car to call Ward and meet him. Of course, we followed them, although I wish we didn't. Both, Gavin and Ward get nervous and seem to fight with each other about something until we hear a gunshot.

ISSUES II outer banks s1/s2
FanfictionIn which Kiara's cousin from New York moved to the island to live with her aunt, uncle and cousin when she's been ten and finds herself in troubles between the Pogues and the Kooks six years later. Isabella Scott - a young, adventurous, sassy girl...