"Jealousy doesn't fit them. If you want it, get it. But don't act like it's not your task to make your life the best that you could have."
After checking our bags, she sighs and points to a door. "Follow me", Plumb tells us and I'm kind of surprised that she lets us in at all. Not even Shoupe does his job right and he's got a higher position regarding their jobs so why would she help us? Well, luckily she does and we don't have to argue once again. As we follow her through the hallway, we can already see John B sitting down in front of one of the tables but on the other side, other detainees try to unsettle us as they are shouting random things.
JJ walks in front of me but grabs my hand in case that they're scaring me so I take his hand also to show him that I see and appreciate this gesture. "Five minutes", Plumb says sharply and I roll my eyes. I can already imagine her counting the seconds just to get us out as soon as she can.
As we know that she's serious, JJ and I quickly sit down and look at John B which ends in us laughing. "I thought that I would land here", JJ admits. "Yeah, me too." "Right or that you'd be here before him", I add. "My new humble home." "Yeah, when you said that you would move, I didn't expect this." "I have to admit.. the chateau has more charm", I agree. "Yeah it's.." "Cosy." "If you say so." "With a touch of aluminium." "I wanted it to be cold and dark", John B jokes further on but his time, there's a hint of sadness in his voice.
He can't hide it anymore. Of course, how would he? He hasn't done anything. Instead, he was the one who got hurt. I'm surprised that he was even able to joke around now. "Lonely." "Depressing." "I would love to chat but we don't have a lot of time. We're here for only one reason, okay? Mission liberation baby", JJ changes the topic making John B shake his head. "Yeah, of course."
"I know, I know but listen to me first. Step one is to make the cops so angry that they don't see what's coming", JJ begins explaining his plan as he watches Mr. Montgomery walking down the hallway. That's why he was behaving like that earlier? I doubt it helped. "Step two is that you'll have an appendicitis tonight at eleven o'clock." "Do you even know what that is?", John B replies skeptically and I look between the two of them confused. That is a good question.
"Yeah, do you remember the maths test in eigth grade?" "Fuck, JJ", John B mumble expecting the plan to be quite bad. "It worked perfectly. You have to look ill or they won't believe you, alright? Do you still have something of Izzy's super important sunscreen?" "JJ, I'm in jail. I've got a piece of soap." "Is it white?" John B looks at JJ skeptically once again but JJ doesn't get confused by that. "Yeah", John B says slowly.
"Perfect. Then take a bit of it and rub it into your face so it doesn't come off when they take care of you. You let cold water run over your hands for five minutes and then it's showtime baby. You stumble out and collapse and when you lie on the ground, you begin to screan. They'll take you to the medical station and there you will convince the nurse that your appendix is about to explode. She will take her hand right there to this position and you stay cool. Whe she takes her hand away, you'll freak out as if you're about to die. Just like a lobster that-"
"Yeah, sure. I got it, I got it", John B states strenuously, "What will happen then?" "You'll be taken to a hospital. You know my cousin Ricky-" "Cousin Ricky the dealer?" "He's a rescue worker." "He gave us our first bags", I remember furling my eyebrows. He's having two completely different jobs. "He's got two jobs.. I mean look at the economic situation." "Oh man", John B sighs. "Step three is freedom", JJ nods seeming to be content about this idea.
I have to admit, he thought about it and he came up with a plan. But I don't think this plan is going to help us and John B doesn't look convinced as well. "That's the most stupid idea that you've ever had", John B comments and points from JJ to me, "Please tell me that you're not pulling Iz into this." "I already promised JJ that I'd help you. I'm not letting him do that alone", I tell him seriously and John B looks at me surprised.
"She's a keeper", JJ shrugs as if he wasn't surprised but he also lays his hand on my upper leg as if he wanted to tell me that we're going through this together. "If she's really doing that with you, JJ, please don't fuck it up. You won't find a better match anymore", John B warns him and I chuckle noiselessly.
"JJ really thought about a plan and maybe us pogues are lucky this time", I choose to help JJ and both boys look at me surprised. "It's probably not my best idea but Iz is right, I thought about it seriously and you're just as stupid as me if you think you've got another chance." "JJ, this is a fortress. Do you think you can just walk in and-" "I've seen it, okay? Stop it. Details are not your thing, let the experts do their job."
"Hey, time's up!", we hear Plumb calling over to us so I quickly stand up trying not to provoke her. "Yes, Ma'am", JJ replies loudly for her to hear and turns back to John B, "You've got to trust us. You've got nothing to loose. Tonight, eleven o'clock."
JJ and I walk back to Plumb who is waiting for us and walk in front of her through the hallway. I realize JJ is looking through a window for a second and then for a longer moment. Something about his reaction changes and he goes closer to that door looking through it's window.
"Dad! Dad!", JJ yells and knocks against it and I understand what's going on. Knowing about JJ and his dad, I quickly walk next to him and lay my hand on his to show him that I'm here for him and to calm him down. "That's enough", Plumb barks and grabs JJ to pull him away from the glass.
"Hey, let go of him. He can walk on his own", I snap at her knowing that it's all just a plan to make JJ feel bad, "Is this how officers are working? Exceeding their power willingly?" "You're a lucky girl living on figure eight, Isabella. You're just naive for not staying where you are safe." "You wanted me to see him", JJ states and I can feel Plumb smiling proudly behind us. Oh how I wish I could just beat her.
"What a bitchy move", I mumble as she's literally throwing us out of jail. "I've got just one question before we leave. What else do you share with Shoupe?", JJ tries to provoke her and I smile mentally. He's not showing her that he's hurt. He's not going to let her win. "Someday, you'll be here as well. It's in your blood." JJ takes a few steps further but stops for a moment thinking if he would say something about her but I only see that he's looking to the ground.
"You know what, Plumb? Even if he does, he's got at least enough friends who would visit him. Look at you. You might not be in a cell, but you're a prisoner in your own world thinking that you achieved something by exceeding your power and treating innocent teens like shit when in reality, you're just lonely. No one's visiting you at home or here at your workplace. But I would visit JJ every day, even if he's being held imprisoned. You're just a grouchy and lonely woman", I hiss at her after I've turned around but quickly walk further to JJ then and take his hand into mine.
"Don't listen to her, you're better than that, JJ. I know people have been telling you that for the longest time, but I'll compensate that even if it'll take me my whole life", I whisper to JJ as we're walking back to where he's parked his bike. All of the sudden, JJ stops walking and pulls me into a tight hug.

ISSUES II outer banks s1/s2
FanfictionIn which Kiara's cousin from New York moved to the island to live with her aunt, uncle and cousin when she's been ten and finds herself in troubles between the Pogues and the Kooks six years later. Isabella Scott - a young, adventurous, sassy girl...