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"Sometimes we create our own heartbreaks through expectations."

"Are you two okay?", Kie asks me when we sit by the water together. "Yeah, just been a heavy day", I nod. "Are you sure? You've risked a lot trying to help JJ today. Normally, you're too scared to whatever he's up to." "I know but I wanted to support him and give it a try. It's about John B. I wouldn't risk my life for anyone else but for you guys." "Don't get me wrong, I've loved you before, but the new Iz is great. The one who doesn't hang out with kooks anymore and is a full pogue." 

"You remember that I still hang out with Topper, right?" "Yes, but at least you're not hanging out with him, Rafe and Kelce like you used to." "What about you and Pope?", I change the subject then. "Nothing." "Nothing?" "I.. I don't know. I'm more like a friendship-kind-of person. I don't want any dramas in my life. Pope and I are friends." 

"I would have loved to see you two together", I admit softly not wanting to pressure her and luckily, she knows that, "But if you don't have enough feelings for him, it's good that you don't act like you do. Just be honest with yourself and him. You're doing it all right." "Thanks Iz. Never thought that I might need an advice about love things", she giggles, "Come on, let's get back to the boys. I'll let you know when something changes about him and I."

Rafe Cameron


Can you come over?


I need you

I've done something really stupid

Great.. Rafe again. And of course I stop and worry for a moment. Last time that I've seen him, he could have killed one of my friends by accident. And if he admits that it's been really stupid, he's done something that I would roll my eyes about.


I can't right now

I can talk to you tomorrow

if it's that important

it is

I need to see you

I need you by my side, Bella

I miss you

Rafe, we said that we would be friends

I'm sorry

So tomorrow?


I sigh mentally already feeling like he's made a huge mistake but I put my phone away quickly so I wouldn't worry about it anymore. I would find out about it soon anyways. But this time, I would try to be there for him. Maybe I can stop him from doing something stupid that way and he's been there for me before as well. It might be surprising but once in a lifetime, we've been good to each other while we were dating. That was before it all went down. But there was a time and a part of Rafe that was a loving partner.

"Are you excited to get home, see your parents and stuff?", JJ asks me as he's walking me home after a usual Friday evening at the chateau. "Yeah, sure. It feels like it's been ages", I instantly pretend like it's okay but this time, I can't hold it in anymore, "Actually.. I'd rather stay at John B's for the time. I've seen Big John more often than my own parents." "You know you can always come back to us, right?", JJ replies not sounding surprised as his own family is a mess. 

His mom has left, his dad.. well, I'm afraid of Luke to be honest. Doesn't look like he grew up in a warm home. "Isabella, you were supposed to be back an hour ago!", I hear my mom shouting from the porch as JJ and I stand at the entrance to the driveway. "That's my welcome home sound", I chuckle ironically and look at my mom sadly. She's probably not going to say that she's missed me. "I'm here whenever you need me. Come outside, I'll pick you up at midnight." 

"I wish I could-" "You can, Iz. Midnight. I'll be there", he repeats and turns over to my mom, "Good to see you again, Ms. S. Looking good!" "Come on, Isabella", I hear my mom sigh annoyed when I'm in front of her. No hug, no smile. Well, feels good to be home. "JJ Maybank, really? Luke's son", my dad snaps at me, "You're late. You've got ten minutes to get ready. We're supposed to be at the Cameron's soon. And don't forget your smile. Rafe won't like you when you're grumpy like that."

"What's wrong?", Rafe whispers while our parents greet each other with a warm hug whereas Rafe immediately comes closer to me and gives me a kiss on my cheek. "Well, my parents are back", I say shortly so they can't hear us as if this explains everything already. "Tell me about it when we're back in my room, okay?", he asks me and I nod giving him a warm smile. 

"Bella", I hear Sarah and Wheezie behind Rafe greet me happily so I go over and hug the two girls. "I've missed you." "Step back, Sarah, she's my girlfriend", Rafe snaps at her in a joking way. I know he's just trying to spend every possible moment with me until he'd be off to go to college. Luckily, he's chosen the nearest one so we could see each other regularly. 

"No need to worry about spending less time with me, baby", I whisper and give him a kiss on his cheek before we follow our parents to the dining room where they're already waiting for us. "We'll talk about it later, alright?", he remembers the look on my face talking about the issue between my parents and I so I nod thankfully.

"What did they do?", Rafe asks me warmly as soon as we're back in his room laying on his bed and listening to music. "The better question is what they didn't do", I sigh, "It's stupid but they just critisized me for being late instead of for once in a year giving me a hug when they're back. I haven't seen them for months but they didn't seem to be enthusiastic about seeing me when JJ and I got back earlier." 

"Wait, JJ? JJ Maybank?", Rafe repeats my words in disbelief and I sigh. I forgot to leave that detail out. Of course, it's the only detail he listens to. "Yes, JJ", I already defend myself, "You know we're friends. We've been hanging out with the others earlier. But thanks for listening to what I was actually saying." "No, Bella, I'm sorry. Of course I've listened to you", Rafe quickly qpologizes and lays his arm around me so I can rest my head on his chest, "I'm just scared of going to college without you. I know there's still some time to pass before I leave and I know we'll make it but I'm freaking out. I know I shouldn't let it out on you." 

"Thank you", I nod appreciating the fact that he's so honest about his feelings with me. "And I'm sorry for you that your parents didn't welcome you back like you deserve it.. actually that it happened again. I know how you're feeling since they've sent you here. They're missing out not being around you. But I'm here, Bella. I can be your family", Rafe adds warmly and I kiss him out of pure love before we're interrupted by Sarah knocking the door to tell us that my parents are ready to leave. 

Luckily, we still see each other often so we can let go off each other without hesitation. My parents would only taunt me for taking too long. "Isabella", Ward stops me before I follow my parents outside and lays his hand on my shoulder in a familial way, "Don't worry about it, please. Harvey and Dana are extremely busy at the moment but they will make it up to you." When aren't they? "Of course. Thank you, Ward."

I just hope that he allows this side of himself to come back again and I will do anything to help him.

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