"I've found the key to happiness, stay away from assholes."❥
My first stop at the midsummer celebration is Pope. "You look good by the way although it's too daring for me", he tells me as soon as I'm there and flashes me a smile, "Could you help JJ earlier?"
"No", I shake my head sadly, "His dad came but well, you know his dad. I haven't seen him since then." "He's fine, don't worry", Pope tries to make me feel better but we both know better. "I hope you're right."
"Excuse me, Sir, do we have to peel them ourselves? It could ruin my garment", Kie jokes in a higher voice coming closer to us. "We cannot let that happen", Pope does the same and the three of us do our certain handshake. "I knew it's you."
"Yeah, I can't change roles easily", she admits, "Have you ever seen this many kooks all at once?" "Yeah, last year." "Welcome to the lion's den", I reply sarcastically. This is neither for them nor for me amusing.
"Have you heard about JJ?" "No, he's probably fine. He's only got the sense to survive of a waterbug." "It's all my fault." "It's not", I disagree, "Topper would have almost killed you, do you remember?"
"There they come, Lord capital and the exploiter", Kie comments as Ward, Rose, Sarah and Rafe come through the door. "She's going to stab someone's eyes with that thing for sure."
"You look breathtaking", I hear a familiar voice behind me when I walk through the Club. Turning around, Rafe stands in front of me in a baby blue suit. "You look good, too", I simply reply and look away.
I didn't feel like talking to him at all. He exaggerated enough the past weeks. Finding out that he was the one who beat up Pope like that made me realize how much he really changed. And that's only the tip of the iceberg. This isn't the Rafe I liked anymore. He became a selfish and toxic person who is full of hatred and anger.
Christian has talked to me before saying that seeing Rafe is possible but I should just avoid him and if that's not possible I should nod and go away. He couldn't hurt me tonight in front of everyone although I don't even worry about that as I don't think that he would seriously hurt me. So that's what I was trying to do. At least he didn't take any drugs tonight.
"How have you been? I called you the other day", he goes on. He did call me the day after he went to our house and Christian told him to leave but I didn't accept the call.
All I'm trying to do is keep my distance without being rude. Whenever I'm not comfortable in a situation, I rub my hands and bite my lip nervously like I do. Why am I not brave enough to tell him that I don't want to see them? Do it, Iz.
"What did I do to you?", he still asks without understanding the point of me being absent to him. I wonder if he had forgotten about the nights before. He was definitely high, maybe he doesn't remember anything at all?
On top of that, we are joined by Topper. Although Rafe doesn't deserve to be protected anymore, I keep my mouth shut about what has been going on between us. I think and I hope that I am important enough for Topper to worry about me if he found out what Rafe did which is why I don't want him to know about it. Especially since Topper got his own problems with Sarah.
"I have seen what you've done to Pope", I simply explain it but quietly enough so no one would hear us, "He's one of my best friends and more importantly, he didn't do anything to you. Now JJ has to pay the fees because he's at least an honorable guy and stands up for his friend while you get away with beating people." I wouldn't be brave enough to mention my own marks that he gave me even if Topper hadn't joined us. If Topper didn't believe me, they would laugh and say it's nothing. I wouldn't blame him. He's a friend to Rafe and I. That brings me to the point where I'm wondering why I'm even here.
"JJ an honorable guy?", Rafe chuckles, "You must be kidding me, Bella. Please don't tell me you've got a crush on him now. Have you lost your taste in men?" He must have forgotten what happened or else, he wouldn't ask me like that.
"I don't", I hiss, "I was just saying how it is." "Is he annoying you?", Sarah asks coming over to us luckily.
"Rafe's just trying to save his relationship like a good guy", Topper does the same so I roll my eyes. Just because Rafe is helping him to get Sarah to talk to him, doesn't mean that he has to join us like that.
Plus and more importantly, he would have almost killed Pope at the movie night. Pope didn't do anything to him. He drowned his fucking boat, so what? They went to the police and will get the damages from JJ. Isn't that enough? No, of course it's not for a guy like Topper or Rafe.
"If you haven't been informed, Topper, this relationship doesn't exist anymore. For good reasons may I add. Hey, if I would share your opinion without taking care of the truth or others, would you defend me like that, too?"
"That was great, girl", Sarah claps her hands and laughs with me as we leave the boys alone and head to the dance floor.
"Isabella, it's good to see you", Ward stops us a few meters away from the dance floor and shakes my hand, "I would have liked to ask you to sit with us, we haven't talked to you in a long time. But under those circumstances.."
"Ward, Rose, you look great", I pay them a compliment, "I would like to join you but I think that I should get back to Anna and-"
"Yes, you probably should. Or stay with Sarah. I'll talk to Rafe so he keeps his distance to you. He won't talk to you anymore. But if he does, please don't hesitate to come to me."
"Thank you, Ward." I nod and Sarah drags me to the dance floor as soon as this converstion has ended. We spend some time dancing there until I tell her that I would go ask for a drink.

ISSUES II outer banks s1/s2
FanfictionIn which Kiara's cousin from New York moved to the island to live with her aunt, uncle and cousin when she's been ten and finds herself in troubles between the Pogues and the Kooks six years later. Isabella Scott - a young, adventurous, sassy girl...