"We all eat lies when our hearts are hungry."
I don't know if staying was the right decision or not but I felt like John B would have done the same. JJ probably as well but he wouldn't have preparred a plan and I know that John B would make use of the situation. Ward heard Kie yesterday at night so he assumes that all of us know about it. I might not spill out his secrets to the police but the more I can make him nervous, the quicker he'll make a mistake and when that happens, we could even have evidence for Shoupe or trap him.
"Are you sure you can stay, Isabella? The Wreck's closed today, you could spend the evening with Anna and Christian", Ward mentions them as an excuse again. The more he's trying to change my mind, the more secure I am about staying. "They're not even at home tonight so I'm glad to be here", I smile at Rose and Ward confidently.
"And it's not a problem to you that Rafe's here as well? I don't think you've forgotten about what has happened when Anna and Christian came over with you", Ward continues and I think about it for a second. Shit, I've forgotten about this. Rafe will think everything is alright if I stay but I can still ignore him later on. I'm so going to regret this. "It wasn't even my idea", I state and turn to Rafe to underline my words, "Actually, I wanted to talk to you anyways and I'd be glad if we could do it later. I didn't expect the whole situation to escalate that quickly."
Wow, I forgot what a good liar I am. If Rafe really believes me, he's either really naive or I should win a prize for acting. The smile on his face reinforces my theory. "Of course", Rafe nods giving me a thankful look and Ward tells us to stay downstairs then as dinner would be ready in a few minutes. He's too nervous that I could find any evidence upstairs, I can feel it. I know the Cameron's house and even his office so if he wasn't here, I would probably find some material within a few minutes. I might not be able to go to his office, but I've got another idea.
After helping Rose setting the table and having a surprisingly normal dinner, Ward stands up. "I would like to stay but I have to finish some work that I've forgotten about", he announces. Yeah, sure, as if he would forget about something. He's just making sure that I won't be able to enter his office but that's not even the plan. Wheezie already stood up to go back to writing her diary and I stand up to help Rose clean the dishes. "It's fine, Isabella. Go talk to Rafe, he can't wait to talk to you", she instead tells me and I nod. "Thanks, Rose."
Entering Rafe's bedroom after a long time makes me remember a few of the moments that happened in here. I look around and notice that he hasn't changed anything about it. He didn't even remove the picture of him and I which is placed on his desk. That makes it easier for me to look for any material which can be used as an evidence. "Did you mean it?", Rafe asks me and I give him a confused look, "What you said earlier. It sounded like you regret what happened."
How I would like to tell him how naive he is for thinking I could regret staying away from him.. But I have to make him believe me. I can only look for information if he trusts me. "I do.. I mean we've been friends for so long. To be honest, we've had some ups and downs as a couple but I think that we should at least be friends again", I tell him slowly. "Friends?", he repeats my words disappointedly and I groan mentally.
What does he expect? How far from reality are his thoughts that he thinks that him and I could be a couple again? That's crazy. "I'm still with JJ and you can't deny that our relationship was definitely not healthy." "Still?", Rafe grins at me cheekily. Looks like I have to be more direct. "I'll stay with JJ, that's sure. You might not believe me but he makes me happy and I hope that you can accept that. Otherwise this friendship won't work."
"Fine", Rafe gives in sighing, "I have to go to the toilet but I'll be quick so don't go, okay? I'm not done with this conversation." Finally. "Sure, I'll just wait here", I nod and sigh as soon as he has left the room. I don't have a lot of time so I storm to his desk to look through his documents as quickly as I can and place them at the same place that they've been before when I realize that they're not about his dad or our case.
Maybe he forgot to throw away the shirt that he wore that day and if Peterkin's blood is on it, I could give it to Shoupe so I comb through his closet but realize that it's not helpful. I look around his room and see his phone next to his bed. Ugh, why didn't I see it earlier? Still being frustrated about seeing it so late I grab it and enter the date on which we got together. Of course, he didn't change it, he's too obsessed with us. But in this case, I'm glad about it. I open his mails and see one that he received by Ward. Finally.
"Bella, what are you doing with my phone?", I hear Rafe behind me and he sounds suspicious. Fuck. If I'm honest, he'll freak out. But what would be a good lie? "I thought we could celebrate our reunion with a picture. We didn't take one in ages and your camera's so much better than mine." He won't believe it. That's the worst lie I've ever came up with. "Great idea", he replies and smiles at me. It's official, Rafe's naive.
He walks up to me and stands next me to me way too close for my taste but I couldn't let him know so I just open the camera app and smile when I take the picture and give him his phone back. "It looks good", Rafe smiles at me. "Yeah, it does", I agree with him and change the topic as I've realized that my plan won't work today, "Kie messaged me. She needs my help so I have to go." "Oh, okay. I guess I'll see you?" "Yeah, sure", I nod and let him hug me before I leave his room and go back to John B's to see JJ.
"What did Wheezie say? Anything about Rafe or Ward?", JJ immediately asks me as I enter the house and let myself fall onto the couch, "You've been gone for some time, are you fine?" "No", I groan, "Wheezie just told me that Sarah is alive but we know that already. When I was about to leave, I met Rafe and Rose invited me for dinner. I stayed because Ward was nervous and I hope the less we give in, the earlier he'll make a mistake."
I expected JJ to freak out but he looks seriously interested. "Did you find something out?" "He stayed in his office so I wouldn't sneak in and I combed through Rafe's room but he came back before I could open his e-mails." "But it was a good idea", JJ nods and smiles at me lightly. "You're so calm", I wonder but JJ pulls me closer. "I know that I don't have to be jealous and I trust you. That's me trying to be better for you", JJ whispers before I grab his neck to kiss him.

ISSUES II outer banks s1/s2
FanfictionIn which Kiara's cousin from New York moved to the island to live with her aunt, uncle and cousin when she's been ten and finds herself in troubles between the Pogues and the Kooks six years later. Isabella Scott - a young, adventurous, sassy girl...