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"Between struggle for power and fate, you find yourself back with the person you love."

As I get out of the office, Rafe walks past me and approaches my parents. I would have to say goodbye to him as well. This time, for real.

Rafe's POV:

"Have you found the cross?", Harvey asks me as soon as I get back to the office and I nod. "It's in the truck and ready to be shipped." "Have there been any complications that I should know of?" "Limbrey shot Renfield. His body is still in the truck but I'll take care of it and drive the cross to the port afterwards", I tell him my plan. "Good. Well done, Rafe." "Your dad would be proud", Dana gives me a weak smile and by the way they look at me and the way Isabella looked to the floor, I know that something must have happened. I hate seeing her so sadly.

"It's not my business to talk about your family, but what did you talk about to Isabella?", I ask them politely hoping that they would tell me about it this way. After all, Harvey's got the power right now. "Isabella won't come with us, Rafe. She's going to fly back to New York tomorrow in the morning", Harvey answers me coldly and I can only imagine how far they are away from one another mentally and emotionally. Bella can't be sent back to New York. She's supposed to be by my side. 

I've finally made it. We've got the gold, we've got the cross and apart from my dad, everyone who belongs to this family is here. We fulfilled his last wish. But if Bella isn't with me, I don't want any of this. "Excuse me if I'm disrespecting you, but she's your daughter, Harvey. You'd only prove her that you gave up on her if you make her leave now. All she wanted was for the three of you to be a family. Now we've got the chance to be together finally. Don't send her back. Let her come with us. For her, for me and especially for you as parents." 

Harvey sighs and the look on his face finally softens. He seems to think about it. "He's right, Harvey. We can also take care of her if she's with us. The meaning behind it was to send her away from the Cut. It doesn't matter if she's in New York then. She can come with us and we can work on our relationship to her", Dana adds and I'm glad for Bella that her mom realizes that something goes wrong here. "Fine. Inform her, Rafe", Harvey gives in sighing, "And thank you. Make sure to be with her." "I will."

Isabella's POV:

Maybe New York isn't the worst option, I try to make myself believe but it doesn't work. I've hated New York and I loved the Outer Banks. I met my first boyfriend here and my best friends who turned into family. Everyone I love is here. As tears fall down my cheeks, I throw some of my shirts into my luggage. 

I see Rafe's sweater on my bed and take it hugging it and smelling his familiar scent. That's the sweater he wore when he surprised me at midnight when he came back from college early. I look at it once more and throw it into my luggage as well. Then I take a pair of jeans, but it thrown away by another hand. I turn around and look at Rafe with my red eyes from crying.

"I've got no time, Rafe. I need to pack my suitcase", I whisper, my voice as thin as possible. "Then stop. I told your parents to let you stay here. Stay with me", he says softly and I furl my eyebrows confused. "And they would listen to you?" "I love you, Isabella, and deep inside of you, you know that you still feel the same for me. We're not supposed to be apart from each other." "Rafe, I don't know what to say", I whisper shocked about the fact that he was able to persuade my parents and jump into his arms, "Thank you." 

"Anything for you, baby." As we let go of each other slowly, our faces remain an inch away from each other and I look him in the eyes and then on his lips. That's the Rafe who used to go on fun dates with me and who I used to have fun with. He's still there underneath all of the anger, sadness and anxiety. I knew it. Overwhelmed by feeling the emotions that I've felt before for him, I grab his neck and place my lips onto his. 

Rafe immediately kisses me back passionately and lays his arms around my waist as my left hand tangles through his messy hair. Rafe gasps and I take this chance to slide my tongue along his making him grin enyoing making out. He breaks away from the kiss to please me by kissing my neck. Without a second thought, I rip his shirt off and throw it onto the floor enjoying the view. 

I increase the pressure around his neck lightly to make him kiss me again and place my hands near his lower abs playing with the button of his trousers. Rafe breaks away from the kiss once more breathlessly, but this time, he also takes a step back making me furl my eyebrows. "Rafe-" "Not now, Bella", he says calmy but runs his hands through his face frustratedly. "Excuse me?", I reply arching my eyebrows not understanding how he can tell me that he wants me back for months and then stop us from doing what he's been dreaming of. 

"Bella, I'm having a hard time to resist you, believe me, but right now is not the right moment." "Because of the fucking cross you've been stealing? Great, Rafe, really great. You could finally have what you wanted but you reject me. Is this your revenge on me?", I accuse him knowing that I'm exaggerating. Rafe looks at me as if he couldn't believe my words and furls his eyebrows, "No, Isabella. I just don't want to take advantage of you!", he yells at me and gives me a sad look after what I've said. 

"I'm sorry, Rafe-" "No, it's fine", Rafe snaps at me disappointedly, "Of course you think about me the way that you do. I'm a heartless monster, I got it." Rafe walks past me so I turn around grabbing his wrist. "Don't ever say that again", I tell him seriously, "I'm sorry. I've said these things because I feel rejected, not because I believe they are true." 

"Bella", Rafe whispers laying taking my chin into his hand softly, "Don't ever think I would reject you. I love you and I want you more than anything else in this world. But I don't want to rush things right now. Maybank's and your break-up isn't long ago. I want you to get over it first before we finally have a chance again. Until then, I enjoy your company like I always do. You chose to stay with me and your family. We'll have enough time to do this when we arrive at our destination tomorrow. I love you, bella." 

"Thank you, Rafe", I whisper emotionally affected by him treating me with full respect and holding me back from a potential mistake, "I'll be with you, I promise." "I know. I can't wait for tomorrow to come. We'll be together soon", Rafe reassures me smiling softly, "Now I have to take a shower and you can continue packing for tomorrow. Don't forget my other shirts that you wore so often." "I could join you in the shower", I smile giggling innocently, "You know we've enjoyed that." "Oh I know what we did there", Rafe grins at me dirtily, "But it's not the right time yet. I'll wait for you patiently. We've got plenty of time starting tomorrow." 

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