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"Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing."

I still don't know if I liked John B's idea. Probably not. I become more nervous as we come closer to the motel. I can already see from far away that it is worn out and old, a lot of mattressess have been thrown into the garden. „And I thought the Château looked bad", JJ comments and whistles.

„Motel or meth lab?", Kie asks jokingly. „It doesn't look like a place somebody with a Grady-White stays." I furl my eyebrows. This wouldn't end well. „No. It rather looks like the place where someone with a Grady-White would get killed", Pope adds probably feeling as anxious as I did.

JJ jumps out of the boat and lands on the ground to tie the boat to the dock. John B, Kie and I follow him. Pope stays back. „We shouldn't go all together", Kie looks around. „Iz, you should go with them. You're the only one who can somehow restrain them from doing something stupid. Kie and I stay here and let you know when something happens", Pope suggests pointing to me.

I slap him mentally because each of them knows how fast I can get nervous or anxious especially after our comments about the motel earlier but now I have to join the boys. „Don't let him do anything stupid", Kie agrees with Pope and points between JJ and I. „Oh, we will", JJ grins back. „I'm not making any promises", John B nods. „I'll give my best", I sigh looking between the boys next to me. Before we start, Kie comes up to John B and gives him the motel key. „Hey, be careful. I mean it."

As we are walking to the room with the number 29, JJ starts joking about John B and Kie. „Just be so careful, John B. What was that about?" John B shruggs his shoulders obviously not feeling comfortable about this topic. „I don't know, maybe she wants us to be careful." I slap JJ's arm lightly. „Yeah, some people like to be nice."

„Since she heard that you're being threatened with exile, she's just been like ‚Oh, be so careful, John B'." „Get off." John B shrugs JJ off his shoulders. „Oh just give me that John D already. I mean when are you going to swoop that, man?"

„JJ, you know the rule. No pogue on pogue macking", I remind him as Kie would do it. „Rules are here to be broken." JJ grins and winks at me for a second so John B couldn't notice it.

„Anyways, you're the one always hitting on her", John B throws back. Oh wow, now I'm excited to hear what JJ is going to say. „Of course I'm hitting on her. She's a super hot, rich, hippie chick who hangs out with us. Why? I can't figure it out either, but who cares, bro? Just because she threw me into the friendzone once, doesn't mean that she would do it again."

Ouch, I have expected him to say something else. If Kie placed him into the friendzone, that means that he must have tried to get with her, right? I get sick imagining JJ seriously flirting with Kie.

„You need help. Not a little help, a lot of help", John B retorts, „It's like every girl who just has a heart beat, you're like..uhh." I agree with a nod and give JJ a serious look. „What? It's not a big deal", he defends himself. „Boys, it's 29, right?", I change the topic, „It's here." John B grabs the key to open the door and enters the room.

Before I can do the same, JJ holds me back softly. „I never tried anything with Kie, don't lose any sleep over it." „I wouldn't." „Iz, you worry about every single thing. No need to deny that you've been sick with jealousy", JJ whispers. I bite my lip instinctively knowing that he was right although I don't like admitting it.

„Guys, here's something", John B tells us. He doesn't look like he noticed us being close so I let go of each other and follow him to the safe which he opens with the code so we find a lot of money and a gun. A fucking gun. Holy shit, that made me even more nervous.

„Iz, don't freak out", John B whispers looking at me worriedly. „No, I won't freak out. That's just a fucking gun right there and loads of money in front of us. I'm fine", I reply, my voice is shaking. This could be a crime scene.

„Did you hear that?", John B stands up looking alarmed. I immediately follow him and look out of the window where I can see Kie and Pope trying to tell us that we have to leave. John B looks out of the other window to tell us that cops have arrived. „Fuck, fuck, fuck", I whisper and look up. If I was religious, I would pray right now.

John B reacts quickly and opens the window to the sea side where Kie and Pope wait for us and pulls me with him so we stand on the one side at the outside and JJ on the other one. Luckily, I am not afraid of heights, I am just afraid of getting caught if someone slips so John B pulls me tigher into his arms. The possibility that the police could see us is higher than if we weren't together on the one side but there was only space for two people next to the window and he has decided quickly to help me.

John B can't move so he tells me quietly to see if they are still here and indeed, the police hasn't left. My eyes move from the window to JJ who doesn't seem happy about the fact that John B and I are so close to each other. „Johnny!", I murmur when I feel him stiffen behind me. That is neither the right time nor the right place nor right at all. Shit, I hate this situation. „It's my light, I guess."

He guesses?

JJ nods to us when we hear the cops leaving so we quickly jump down and leave this place. I try to ignore the fact that JJ has taken the gun and the money and what else could happen afterwards.

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