back to reality

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"They tell me think with my hand, not that thing in my chest. They don't know what this feeling is like."

I decided to wait at the entrance. They could tell me to leave or that I'm not allowed to see or help JJ, but they can't detain me from sitting on a bench here. I would wait until he's allowed to leave.

"Are you his guardian?", the woman at the shelter asks the man in front of me and as I turn around, I see JJ walking through the hallway. "JJ", I whisper and run to meet him. It's been not even an hour but still feels so good to hug him again. "I'm here, JJ. I've been here the whole time."

"How did you get here?", he asks while sending a worried look into mine and his dad's direction. "I took your bike. Don't worry, it's not-"

"You took my bike? But baby, you were so afraid last time", he replies surprised. "I just needed to see you. I tried to talk to Sheriff Peterkin. I wanted to pay for the damage. I tried it, JJ. They didn't let me." "It's okay-"

"Sadly, I'm his father." "The hearing takes place in two weeks. If you don't show up, you'll lose the bail. The damages is calculated by three consultants-"

"Damages?" "For what he's damaged", the woman answers easily, "An agreement. Please sign this."

"Let's go. Go!", Luke shouts at his son. I don't want him to leave with his dad. Only god knows what might happen, what he would do to him. I do what I did all the time, I follow JJ and his dad outside.

"Will you tell your lapdog to finally go", Luke hisses at his son again without even looking at me. "Don't talk to her like that!", JJ defends me while I lay my hands around his arm. We all know that I wouldn't be able to protect him like that but I am trying to help him the way that I can, by showing him that I'm by his side.

"Don't dare talking to me like that after all that I've done for you, you ungrateful piece of shit! If you get yourself a doll, a spoilt rich girl like her, then know how to put her in her place!"

JJ opens his mouth but before he can defend me again, I step in. "I'm sorry. Your dad is right, JJ. I'll leave you alone now. I'll drive your bike to your place later so you can have it again." It hurts to say this. I would have loved to tell Luke what an awful father he is and how stupid he is to treat JJ like that. But the more I fight against him, the more he is going to let if out on JJ later. Without even looking at one of them, I turn around and sit down on JJ's bike.

"Finally you're here, Isabella!", my uncle calls as soon as I enter their house, "Sheriff Peterkin called us."

"What were you thinking?", my aunt Anna joins him and doesn't understand me obviously.

"I just wanted to help JJ. How should he pay all the money? I thought I could at least pay his bail", I try to explain them but Anna still shakes her head. "That's his problem then. I don't want to be mean, Isabella. We know that he is important to you but you cannot run to the police station and keep them from working. His dad is responsible for him, not you."

"But his dad-"

"The midsummer celebration starts in two hours. Now let's get ready, we shouldn't be late." Anna leaves the room to get ready but Christian stays with me for a moment and gives me a compassionate look, "I know that you like JJ and we know that his dad doesn't care about him a lot but he's still responsible for him. You couldn't help him. Try to make the best out of it, alright?"

"Sure", I reply nodding, "I'm sorry for causing troubles." „You didn't."

"That's your dress?", I ask Kie after I opened the door to enter her room so we could help each other to get ready. "Good, you hate it, too", she groans looking at her mirror image. "I mean you look good just not like yourself."

"Hey Iz", she suddenly speaks with a soft voice, "I'm sorry about yesterday. I know I was warning you about JJ a lot. I just.. You're too good for most people. I don't want you to get hurt." I knew that she didn't want to be mean or hurt me but hearing it so many times annoyed me. Now that she is actually trying to talk to me about it, I appreciate it a lot. I sit down on her bed and take her hand so she does the same. "Why do you think that I like him more than a friend?"

"I can see it, Iz. The way you touch him, look at him, talk to him. It's obvious to me. And you driving after him today confirmed my suspicion. You're so scared of a lot of things and then you just take his motorbike? Pope and I knew realized it then."

"And why do you say it's bad if I like him? He's our friend, you can't seriously share Anna's opinion about him."

"Of course, I don't", she replied with a laugh probably imagining how her and her mother would be equal. "I don't even know why exactly. I always think back to this rule and remember how JJ is macking on every tourist. I just don't get the image of him being a boyfriend in my head. I don't see him like that. But if you do and if you love him, tell him. You should know what he feels at least."

I flash a smile and pull into a hug. "Thanks, Kie", I whisper happily. For the first time I feel like I should tell her but I should talk to JJ first.

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