"Real freedom lies in wilderness, not in civilization."❥
"We have to bring John B home and take care of him", I suddenly say seriously, "Pope, you better go home. If someone asks you about a gun, deny it. Kie, go home, too. I'll stay with JJ and John B to take care that someone doesn't do anything stupid anymore and that John B gets better."
Everyone agrees so JJ and Pope lay John B into the van and I drive the three of us back to the château. John B finally wakes up while we were driving but we tell him to sleep and calm down as soon as we manage to get him into his bed. When I turn around and close the door behind JJ and I, JJ looks at me biting his lip.
"Are you angry?" I walk into the living room so John B could sleep and shake my head frustratedly. "Angry, JJ? I was worried sick! For John B, for Topper, for you, for everyone! Especially when you pulled out the gun. You could have hurt someone!"
"Izzy, come on. I've helped him. John B could have died." "Oh, so you still helped him when you fired the gun two times to scare everyone? Was that still help or just you being a dickhead?" "Iz.." JJ sighs giving me a sad look. "I fucked up, didn't I?"
"JJ, this is not about us. It's about you." "But it feels like you're going to break up with me." "What?", I whisper questioningly shaking my head heavily multiple times. "I'm just saying that you holding a gun wasn't smart and that a lot of people including me were scared. I'm not saying that it changes anything between us."
"It doesn't?", JJ checks with me. "Of course not. Just.. think before doing something, alright?" JJ pulls his arms around me and kisses my cheek softly. "Good, I can't be without you anymore, baby." "Me too, Jay", I whisper.
On the next day when Kie and JJ came over, we discuss what we are going to do about the Grady-White and the theory about the Merchant. JJ eventually persuades us to go on but he's got the nerve to ask if I could steel the diving equipment from the Cameron's. "I'm totally not doing that."
"Then ask Rafe poutingly if he borrows it to you." "Not doing that either", I decline shaking my head. "I'm going to do it", John B stops JJ from asking once again, "It's my dad's plan. You shouldn't risk anything."
A few hours later, we find ourselves back on the sea and have to talk to police officers while John B is diving below us. As soon as they are far away, JJ points to the front of the boat and helps John B to come back to the boat. "Did you find anything?"
He holds a bag into the air to answer the question. We can't cheer for a long time, two men drive closer to us. "I don't like the look of this", John B comments as we notice that they were coming at us fast. "Act natural."
"Guys, they're following us." Just in the moment when one of the men pulls out a gun and starts shooting at us. Instinctively, I grab JJ's hand and he pulls us down. Kie has the great idea to throw the net into the water to stop the men from following us.
At the end of the day when John B tells us that he found his dad's compass. I hope it was worth being followed by men who would have shot us. While the boys are looking for Ms. Lana to talk to her, I am working at the Wreck. Usually, Kie works the first shift and I do the second one.
"Good, I've found you", JJ greets me when he enters the restaurant. "Did you even search for me?" I chuckle and give him a kiss on his cheek. "How did it go?" "I'll tell you everything later. I thought I could kidnap you."
"Not possible. My uncle is in the kitchen and he doesn't want me to be distracted." "So you agree that I'm a distraction, huh?" JJ grins cheekily. "As your boyfriend or even just as a friend?"
"Both", I laugh lightly, "I would love to come with you but I'll join you guys later, I promise."
We are currently trying to figure out what Redfield could mean when we hear a car pulling up into the driveway. "Guys, somebody's here." We look out the window to see who it could be. "Are those the guys who-", Kie asks and JJ nods. "Who what?", I ask because I just came after my shift. "Those are the guys who threatened Ms. Lana." "Shit, what do they want?"
"JJ, where do you have the gun?" "It's in the living room." "We could need it right now!" "Routledge!" We hear the voice of one of the men loudly. "We have to get out of here", Pope whispers.
We chose to jump out of the window and run to the only place where we could hide inside, the chicken pen. After a few minutes, the men walk out of the house with documents that they must have found in the office of John B's dad.
Suddenly, the rooster starts crowing. I pray that they won't notice us but one of them comes closer holding the gun in his hand. JJ reacts quickly and snaps the rooster's neck. A tear streams down my cheeks and I lay my hand on my mouth just in case I would start sobbing. I'm an animal lover so that's something that I hoped I would never have to see.

ISSUES II outer banks s1/s2
FanfictionIn which Kiara's cousin from New York moved to the island to live with her aunt, uncle and cousin when she's been ten and finds herself in troubles between the Pogues and the Kooks six years later. Isabella Scott - a young, adventurous, sassy girl...